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 May 2017 Jay23
 May 2017 Jay23
hey, it's me
how are things?
are you there? i miss
you so much

i know ***** and break-ups
don't mix and i
know that's probably
why i'll regret this tomorrow.
i hate myself but i
called just to tell
you i'm sorry


will the day come when
we would want to
see the sunset and watch
each sunrise with each
other - will you love me
again by then?

never mind.
first-word acrostic
inspired by: SEVENTEEN
 May 2017 Jay23
briannah rae
Day 6.
 May 2017 Jay23
briannah rae
wilted roses
and torn photographs.
the signs
of heartbreak
that litter the floor
of my bedroom,
the same bedroom
where we once
lay together
under a warm pink blanket,
glow-in-the-dark stars
and dreaming about
our future
of shared apartments
and Mr. and Mrs. coffee mugs.
falling asleep
to the sounds
of ed sheeran
love songs
in each other's arms.
running hands
across skin
and whispering
"i love you"
with the smell
of wine on our breath.
31 Day Poetry Challenge
Something That Makes You Sad
 May 2017 Jay23
 May 2017 Jay23
According to the Euclid's first axiom of Geometry,
It is the existence of the line between you and I.
Telephone is the only access for lovers apart.
Euclid's first axiom of Geometry states that for any two distinct points on a plane, there exists a unique straight line.
 May 2017 Jay23
i'm a 30 year old male
that can't watch Forest Gump
without crying at least a dozen times.

i'm a sibling of 5
that only sees or speaks to
my siblings on holidays or family events.

i have no formal secondary degree
with stamp of approval
or specification in a field of study.

i know that cigarettes will **** me
the sun will do the same
but i enjoy those things.

i'm a 30 year old male
with no prospects of a life
or any idea of how to create one.

i only know, i am alive.

i can't stand the behavior of most people
but i love everyone, and try to forgive
because i know not their demons

i hate that i hate.
i hate that i am not as forgiving
with myself with the life that i've lived.

i think of what my life could be
outside of my life that is
and i lift away in dreams

i think of killing myself while addressing
daily responsibilities.  
moving one load of laundry to the dryer
becomes "this belt feels stressful and the buckle is harsh
upon my adams apple"

but cold nickel and leather remind me of such contrast
so cold. so warm.

i'm a 30 year old man, and i realize that age is only
significant to those that have not done so.
but i still cry at odd moments.

i'm a sibling of 5 that feels no love.
at christmas, buys the best most poignant gifts
but still forgets birthdays

i'm educated in what matters
which means it doesn't pay
and i love how poor i am.

i'm a 30 year old man.
broke. single. nearly homeless.
and i have nothing but love.

i only know, that i'm alive.
 May 2017 Jay23
Denise Writes
 May 2017 Jay23
Denise Writes
don't stop running now
or you will keep falling back
on familiar ground
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