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Feb 2017 · 400
Falling Away
Jay Pike Feb 2017
I feel you next to me
I feel your body breath
But you a million miles away
You never talk to me
At least not about things that matter
We shared everything
Now we have sepperate dreams
And yours seem to not involve me
We try to patch up this gap

But the close I get to you
The more I feel you
Falling away
But I don't wanna let you go
I want you to stay
Instead of falling away
Feb 2017 · 492
Jay Pike Feb 2017
I used to know people very well, simply because I would photograph them every day.
But its different now. My photographs are different, we're different.
Is it dispair? Confusion? Rage? Fear?
Everything's changed. Maybe forever.
And thats only though the way I, look at the world. It could be completely different for you, the person sitting across from you, or even someone the other side of the world.
We view things through the eyes we want to use, and see what we want to see.
but I don't want to view the world this way. So why do I see it so broken?
Most people see a beautiful landscape but I see a husk of what the world used to be.

— The End —