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114 · Apr 2022
The Lies We Tell
Javier Garza Apr 2022
I'm a fraud
A liar
An utter mess

I keep on walking, smiling, trying
Yet to what end is this all for?

Hope, dreams, and aspirations are of no worth to those dead inside
It doesn't matter how hard one tries, that twinkle will never return to our eyes

In our solitude are we with kindred souls
Through tears, we smile
For the remembrance of our precious beat do we trudge on

I'm not alone in my suffrage
Though not my intent, do the lies spout
For those who still have that twinkle
Whom still have the beat of life within
For the love that tethers me to them

Such are the lies told;
Of excitement for the next dawn
Of aspirations for the future
Of hope for tomorrow
111 · Jun 2019
Javier Garza Jun 2019
A beautiful melody,
A sight to behold
Fog clouds the path
Rain drowns the song

Search desperately
Yearn for it with your heart
Youll never reach the aching tune
Never gaze upon the divine scene
109 · Aug 2019
Javier Garza Aug 2019
Thunder roars through the dying cave
Hammering, thundering, all through the dark

Like desperate wings flapping for dear life
It's all that fills the desolate abyss

Fear falls from the ceiling
Crystal tears that hold captive unspoken horror

Wailing tormented cries accompany the beating
Aunguish strikes the walls
109 · Oct 2019
Why I drink
Javier Garza Oct 2019
Burning fire cascades through agonized fleshed
Not to heal, not to numb, not to forget

All is one, and one is all as the thoughts flare at high speeds
The dark, the light, it all crashed within
The fire will not cleanse this turmoil
It will not burn the pain

This liquid fire the catalyst for a storm
To feel,
To cry,
To scream,
Just to feel something
107 · Feb 2020
Javier Garza Feb 2020
Why should topaz be cast aside for a sapphire?
Is saphire more precious than a topaz?

Name alone
Which is more precious?

Should you hate the shine of topaz,
Quiet yet deep
Should saphire be chosen
For boldness and color

Topaz yet another gem
Yet unwanted
Tossed aside
For the dull saphire
103 · Mar 2020
Javier Garza Mar 2020
Close the curtains
The stain within claws outwards
Death a hidden desire

Preach I'm fine
Hollar I'm ludicrous
Yet death is all I seek

Peace within my clasps
Stolen from moral
To die is a sin

Freedom a sinful wish
Agonize life
Agonize virtue

Peace is sought out for sleep
Yet is peace seen as war
To be forgotten as a relic
100 · Oct 2019
Javier Garza Oct 2019
A broken muse led by his sun
Singing, painting, creating nothing but shame
Dont you know the sun will burn you no matter what?

You flee, hiding behind the clouds
Yet the shield you trust is nothing but a storm
The toxic Rays will impale the heavens

Sought solace withing the hope of the moon
The inevitable fire will consume all

Snarl, fight, and lash out at your God
Holy light shall pierce your impurities
You the muse cannot argue the Sun

Anguish, weep, scream ****** ******
What is a mortal to a divine celestial

No matter what shade you seek
The holy Rays shall incinerate your sin
100 · Oct 2019
Javier Garza Oct 2019
To the shed
Lock away faded scars
Sealed away with a weak smile

To the shed
Dark  and humid just like back then
Reminisce in the silent shadows

To the shed
Albums to heavy to lift
Yet to fragile to throw

To the shed
Agonize and weep
Smile and laugh

To the shed
What lunacy lies there?
A tiny yet amazing sanctity

Inside beaten boxes and dust covered duffles
Lie cherished memories and never forgotten friends
In the shed
Are treasures most will never understand
100 · Jun 2023
Fuck All
Javier Garza Jun 2023
**** people, literally and figuratively
Be yourselves because nothing's promised in this life,
Not life,
Not death,
Nor happiness nor agony

So live life to the fullest,
To please the only God y'all should give a **** about;

Be happy,
Be sad,
Be in agony,
Be in love

But above all else,
Continue to be human because you only have one life
And no amount of regret or wishful thinking will turn back the sands of time

And time itself is fleeting,
Ever more reason to enjoy life while you can
97 · Oct 2019
Javier Garza Oct 2019
Sweet, tender lullabies
Of glass dreams
And bitter ends

Don't they pull at the strings
To spit in your face
The sadness of reality

Unlike fairytales
So raw and unapologetic

To heed the false lyrics
Or succumb to bitter truth

Won't you be herded
Why choose to fall into despair
To choose agony over sweet, sweet dreams of aspirations
97 · Jan 2022
Javier Garza Jan 2022
What makes an angel?
Is it virtue?
Is it faith?
Or is it divine judgment?

But what makes a sinner?

What makes a demon?
An *******?
A desire for self-justice?

What makes a fallen?
Those that lose faith?
Those that seek faith through sin?
Those that make us human?

What makes a human?
A cruel world?
A life of paradox?
A world of forever wonder?

What makes you feel alive?


What brings you peace?
Or living how you choose to live without restraints
89 · Oct 2019
Javier Garza Oct 2019
Oh won't you save the dying star
Twinkling weakly
The light begins to fade

Is God displeased?
How is silver less than gold?

A falling angel from the heavens
Is the star meant to be forsaken?
For its inability should it be forgotten?

When at Earth it smashes
Who is to blame?
The Earth for its natural gravity?
Or the failed beacon for falling?
87 · Oct 2020
My Demons
Javier Garza Oct 2020
They're cruel and mocking
Lying deep within
Cracks that shake my very foundation

They push everyone away
Lock my hope
Lacerations in abundance

They're not what define me
I choose to be and do better
I choose to smile

When everyone's gone
The foundation isn't left empty and alone
For that which plagues me comforts

My demons though wicked and sadistic
Love me and refuse to be denied
They're not what define me but a part of the very foundation itself
Alas, even when I'm all alone, I never truly am
For my demons though cruel keep me company
84 · Jan 2020
Javier Garza Jan 2020
To live is to sin
When tender orbs witness truth

Denial is to be caged
Alas, will you ignore reality?
When dreams are of innocence intertwined with sin

Should you deny nature for divinity
Where do you stand?
Upon a heaven unknown
So desperately grasped at from purgatory

Through sin can you defy purgatory
Though will your soul be tainted
Mind clouded from reality?
Should you reject the innocent and divine

Oh these tender orbs
They witness it all
However, which will you choose?
Heaven on earth or perhaps the celestial realm beyond your reach?
83 · Aug 2023
To Be
Javier Garza Aug 2023
The Great will fall
The Failures shall rise
And what once was, will never come to be again

Lines are being drawn,
Sides being chosen
As unity self-destructs for rebirth;
What is true?
What is a false illusion?

The righteous, the evil, and all the in-between,
None will matter as Humanity's worse is dragged out unto the daylight

No more secrets
No more denial
There's no where to run

So I'll embrace this shitshow
This sick joke of reality, with open arms
I'll draw my own lines and choose my own side
Not for victory, do I take a a steeled step forward;
I will not fight for self-righteous falsehoods
But for my own freedom to simply be

Simply being and letting be,
Something that the world seems to have forgotten
80 · Jun 2020
Javier Garza Jun 2020
Inferno filled glasses
They seek and search
Shinning upon the broken and deceitful

They burn with a hunger but are never fed
These passion filled eyes
Searching with a painful optimism

To sedate the lustful avarice
They seak and search
For the one worthy
80 · Nov 2020
Javier Garza Nov 2020
A forgotten relic
Only recalled through fear
The anxiety and terror is it enough?

To establish power
Fear, weakness, and hopelessness is essential

Fear salvation
Fear hope
Fear the light

Tis all a lie to give a false God
There is no salvation
Nor any hope

What is integrity
What is honesty
What is honor??

A lie
A dream
A false illusion

Cry from the nightmare
Cry from reality
Cry from life
79 · Jan 2020
The Light
Javier Garza Jan 2020
Lights flickering
The bulb ain't broken
Powers still surging

Hope, love, what is power?
To shine through the dusk

A crack or two
The bulb's still holding
Flickering though it may be

Is it the sun within
That keeps it lit?
Or perhaps the beat inside that keeps it pulsing?

Though there is no source
Perhaps that brings upon the flickering
A purpose or possibly even a sin
What will it take to keep it steady?
74 · Sep 2021
Javier Garza Sep 2021
They're nothing but empty words
A faux smile that even you fell for
It's nothing but lies

The internal screams
The blistering hate underneath
You want to cry, to scream
You do not know what love is
All you know is power and survival

Embrace the devil within and succumb to the truth
You do not want acceptance
You want annihilation

The guide and savior of the Lost Lambs
But who saves you?
The comfort and messiah of the broken
Yet who shall liberate you?

Your strength is nothing but a weak reflection
Your true might lies within the shadows
Cry and scream! This too is fine
Abandon the smiles and gentle touch
You need not lie to yourself
It's fine

You preach love and try to live by the word
Yet you cannot deny the self loathing
Beneath the surface smoldering, suffocating you
Embrace the pain, the hate, the rage
This too is love
But above all else, stop lying to yourself
71 · Jul 2020
Javier Garza Jul 2020
I rather chase that which I can obtain than a dream that I'll never claim
66 · Jan 2020
Javier Garza Jan 2020
I feel my hunger growing. My desire pulsing, thirst growing
Knowledge abound, growth all around
32 · Aug 1
Oh Love
Javier Garza Aug 1
Love, thy double edge blade
Pierces the depths of my soul
It sets the world a' blaze
The warmth that thaws even my frozen heart

Yet, thy blade destroys the equilibrium
It makes me impulsive, reckless, fearless of the abyssal darkness
How can one not be consumed by the temptation of the warmth?
The flames that light up the night, are also the flames that consume all reason

Oh love, thy embrace is as wicked as it is salvation itself
Is this madness?
Is this real?
Why does the beat of my own heart surprise me?

You wicked fiend, although bittersweet
I'm grateful to feel such warmth
Oh love, my double edge blade
26 · Sep 6
Javier Garza Sep 6
Oh abyss,
Why must you be so addictive
The embrace never felt,
The love never reciprocated,
This is the yearnings of the unheard

For salvation
For enlightenment
For all, but reality

The dear abyss of the unknown
19 · Sep 6
Dear Friend
Javier Garza Sep 6
In a world of chaos, you eventually became balace
You became the center of gravity amidst the sea of flaming chaos
A dose of reality that set the laws of light

So tell me then, dear friend, when did you go from being my sun to being the black hole that destroys all?

Was it when you demanded more energy from a collapsing star?
Is it my fault for not showing more weakness?
Should I have asked for more?
Could I have asked for help....

Or was I simply to weak, another consume;
My shine to weak, for the flame that consumes all within reach of the Supernova

— The End —