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 Aug 2012 Janette
Sa Sa Ra
'Love Is Deep....'
'Where moondust meets skin....'

All is deep...
as all is domain...
Such so is life...
Yet with love...
I don't know how....
or if...
I could begin...
with life as always...
each day anew...
like day one...
already doing...
with love...
I'm either in...
or it's long anticipated...
the unplanned plan...
that leads to the non routine...
of seen...
the unseen...
sentient venture...
so what's been...
leaves all...
not done before-...
and hearts...
and minds...
and all...
are again-ning...
 Aug 2012 Janette
JA Doetsch
When I look at you,
all of my
common sense
seems to evaporate
as my primitive brain
takes the wheel

We won't take our clothes off
We will tear them off.
Rip them off
Ravage them
Destroy them
We will brutally punish the fabric
for getting in the way of our sins,
it will fall tattered to the floor
as we don new clothing
made of our sweat and fingers

Our lips will find one another
then they'll find our necks
then our chests
then our stomaches
then....we'll see
We'll draw maps of our bodies with our fingers
and then we'll explore them with our tongues.
Nothing is sacred
Nothing is off limits

I want to make you feel ecstacy
I want your legs wrapped around me
I want your fingernails digging into my back
Leave scars, I insist.
Our bodies will press together
cause fusion
cause confusion
I don't want to know
what is mine
and what is yours
I want to be
so hopelessly
lost in you
and you in me
that we might never find our way back
Why would we ever go back?

As the rhythm becomes more staggered
I want to be looking into your eyes
We're seeing stars and we're relishing
every single tiny little moment
every feeling
every fleeting sensation
until we collapse into
eachother's arms
too tired to move
swimming in a
river of passion

You still smell delicious.
I want you again.
 Aug 2012 Janette
CA Guilfoyle
Harsh the winds, canyons - deep your drowning
echoes mirrored a lifetime looked upon
sun slept, darkness crept calling
lift the shade, peace parade
roses laid a silken path or
reign the muddied road
all for you to choose
finding your way
toward home
 Aug 2012 Janette
K Balachandran
After the exhilarating tryst in evening light,
the shadow told her,"Meet me at night".
Overwhelmed she said "Yes" without any thought,

but the darkest night, proved  the words deceptive, the shadow didn't exist.
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