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Jamison Bell Feb 2022
An obsidian lake lit up by white fire before an army of cypress trees.
That seem as though they marched upon this lake only to company halt at its beauty.
So awe struck by the depth of this void.
They failed to notice they were sinking into the marsh on the lakes brim.
Now stationed here until time consumes them.
Wisps of clouds skate upon the onyx surface until called upon by the sun.
The silence here collides into the chorus songs of the frogs, the birds, and the wind through the trees.
Fireflies, aglow with a cold light, dance with their reflections along the shoreline.
A fish jumps and the ripples approach like waves of black satin.
A crescent moon glides across the celestial sea like an ethereal swan.
In the waters flawless reflection of the heavens one feels trapped between two galaxies.
Just, just leave me here.
Jamison Bell Jun 2017
Well it finally happened. I've become too depressed to write.
Jamison Bell Sep 2017
You were like the rays of sunlight that commit b and e on my house.
Unlike those pesky photons I didn't know what you wanted.
Perhaps you were like them. Perhaps you yourself had travelled almost 93 million miles and just need to rest yourself in the back of my mind.
An amber spark that reminds me to do the right thing.
Bending my will be ****** to the mystery that is her.
She's an unexpected contingency to a life void of contingencies.
I'm no longer who I was and I will never be again who I am now.
You had no right. Your actions were warrantless and your condemnation of my perpetual misery was reckless and without forethought.
Resigned, undefined, and out of line.
She. Her. Pacing. Back and forth back and forth.
Wearing a path in the floor of my thoughts.
Is there no drug, no place, no piece of a field for some peace of mind?
Jamison Bell Mar 2019
I never have to check my phone and so I watch the candleflame dance
Fingertips grow numb to the soulless rocks glass
My cigarette whispers secrets to a callous night
And I think my cat died
I’d check but I can’t take another hit tonight
Unless it’s off a pipe
She’ll still be dead in the morning
Silence hangs about like an ugly hotel painting that’s been inexplicably bolted to the wall
If I were to put a **** out on my chest to punish every thought I had of you
I’d spell out your name
A thousand times
Jamison Bell Jul 2016
Fireflies, candles, whispers, and ****.
Blah blah blah
And lickety spit.

You hate your job, I really don't care.
Hike up your skirt.
While I pull your hair.

It's all an illusion, don't be so picky.
Give it a few.
And we'll both be sticky.

The whiskey's gone a cigarette's out.
I'll go get more.
You don't have to pout.

Socrates, Kant, and Tesla as well.
Would stand in line.
To get a whiff of your smell.

We can go again later if you're still here.
I'll get you a towel.
There's some over there.

I'll make us breakfast while you stay in bed.
I'll make you an omelette.
But I want head.

I know it's all sordid and rather risqué.
But life is short.
We all go the way.

Own who you are obscenity and all.
Stand while you can.
For one day we fall.
Jamison Bell Sep 2016
There are so many things I want.
I want you to be warm.
I want you to be safe.

Then again. It doesn't matter what I want.
It only matters what you want.
Y'all seem to like unusual titles.
Jamison Bell Aug 2016
I like conversations in the rain.
Empathic words soaked in urgency.

I like fields of tall grass layered in fog.
Tired clouds on beds of green.

Tattered flags hopeless in salvation.
Beaten down by years of neglect.

Unwarranted smiles from strangers.
Moments of blissful silence unheralded.

Few are the things I can relate to.
Jamison Bell Apr 2016
So where were you when the light shone through and the curtains went up in flames?
I was down by the river sifting for hope while watching the wolves play games.
So where am I now and what is to be of what was and can I ask why the **** not?
These questions you ask in folds too many are you hinting you think it's a plot?

Question not my questions fool who's forsaken to the winds of fortune and luck.
I'll answer your questions you conceited *** if not for words of which I'm stuck.
Please take this pipe and riddle me this old man will not my spirit be spared.
No it will not, you'll take what is given and what you seek cannot be shared.

Then he hopped away this talking roo, with the blue velvet three shaded collar.
As I sat grounded somewhat dumbfounded I'm looking at all this squalor.
Could this be the reason for her act of treason to what I had hoped we shared.
Could I have been wrong, to sing her that song her ears I thought not to spare.

Tell me Santa who drinks my last Fanta and you know how much I like grape.
Yes I took shrooms, I've trashed many rooms, so my dreams have already escaped?
I need more of that whiskey, just so I don't miss me when I'm sure to misplace my mind.
I know you don't know me and I doubt you will find me when your time turns in kind.

You may taste the acid the surge and the rush as the smoke dances over your head.
It's a ****** up road and a darkly path where better men have wound up dead.
Heed not my warnings my rantings and such for you see I am just too far gone.
Take it from me the guy with one shoe who just woke up out on your lawn.
Jamison Bell Oct 2017
It's this or another poem based on self loathing
Another piece centered on sadness and brooding
I'll try to break off and walk towards the light
Something happier, with a little less plight

There once was a bunny, and **** no not that
No writing about bunnies, or my **** cat
There once was a girl, **** no not that either
From thinking of her I must take a breather

Ok I got it, hold still just a minute
I got a small thought, I just have to spin it
What if I write as if you're sitting here with me
We'll step in from the cold, to where it's less windy

First, thank you for staying, I know it's not easy
But go if you like, you don't have to please me
So, Schrödinger's cat, what're your thoughts on this
Or the **** of Nanking, there was something amiss

I'm sorry my friend, I'm simply not feeling it.
I've wasted your time, I'm sorry for stealing it
Perhaps one day when I'm out of my head
Drunk or high or already dead

We can sit and talk about life, love, and drinking
I'll sit and listen, without so much thinking
We'll have a few laughs about where we were when
Then I'll wake up, alone again
Jamison Bell Aug 2017
I feel like I've been bleeding for the past 45 years.
And you'd think by now I'd be smiling.
There were too many mistakes. Too many things said and unsaid.

Countless conversation soaked in whiskey and absorbed into the firelight.
Reflections and things you can trust the flames to never repeat.

I trekked beyond Insanityville to the other side of the tracks.

I always just assumed someone would follow me.
I assumed a lot of things along the way.

Much like my life.
I don't know where I was going with this.
Ok so I lied.
Jamison Bell May 2017
To write you what I'm thinking
would be nothing short of forced.
Words of wit and wisdom
adamantly coerced.

Albeit about the moon
or the stars to be admired.
Amber rays of sunlight
and those things so oft desired.

Hummingbirds aloft in flight
remind this knight of thee.
Alas my heart sinking
in the eyes of an emerald sea.

Or could it be what it is
a mutually assured destruction.
A simulation of our own design
our perceptions in construction.

So there it is I told you so
my wording lacks in flair.
When I all ever wanted
was for you to know I care.
Jamison Bell Dec 2018
You have any idea
What it’s like to be a nihilist
******* everyday
Knowing nothing still exist

The scenery turns grey
And no more light gets cast
Contemplating nothingness
Any **** could be your last

(sigh) please bear with me
Lack of hope has made me nauseous
You people are ******* crazy
So one must be a little cautious

Look it’s not personal
You’re just not over here
Perhaps if you met me in the middle
Then we could have a beer

Until then my wayward friend
You keep safe your hope and faith
Just keep it over there
Your overcompensating wraith

Look it’s just not easy
You’re all so happy and delusional
Just makes me kind of wonder
If your crazy is institutional

Don’t you see it doesn’t matter
What anyone believes
All that’s certain is uncertain
You’re not the only one who grieves

So step down from your podium
And hand me Schrödinger’s cat
You could say that cat’s the doctor
Which makes you my friend, a rat
Jamison Bell Jun 2016
Thank you for the invite to your table.
I have nothing to offer you.
Therefore I cannot sit down.
I am not of noble blood.
In fact there is very little about me that could be described as noble.

I ask that you tell me what ails you?
Do you need something fixed?
A problem resolved?
A dragon to be slain?
Let me bring you its still beating heart.

My character is appreciative but undeserving.
I am the atrocity by nature.
A scourge upon dreams.
A knight for all the wrong reasons.
Look closely, you'll see my teeth marks on the dragons heart.
Jamison Bell Aug 2016
"You remind me of my friend." I said.
"Who's your friend?" She says.
"The moon."

Amber soaked sunsets on warm summer nights.
Are just some of the things I can't enjoy without you.

A walk amongst a field of fireflies, is like a walk through the Milky Way.
Just so long as I can look through the darkness and find you.
Jamison Bell Sep 2016
If she only knew
She is a galaxy in my eyes
A wonder to behold
Beautiful in her mysteries

A symphony of light and chaos
The longing to dance along side her
It is an ache sorely kept
A pain most coveted

Resting on an event horizon
Time stands still
The past, the present, and the future
Discombobulated moments entrance

Words not heard or felt
Lost in a vacuous void
Between her heart and mine
Too much time, too much space
Jamison Bell May 2017
They'll arise, the people I knew.
Most will get a coffee.
Others may light up a cigarette.
They'll ponder the day ahead.
Their jobs, their kids, their lovers.
Grabbing their phones.
They'll check their messages.
Assuring themselves they have everything they need.
They'll begin their commutes.
Destinations known awaiting.
Acknowledging their coworkers.
They begin their work.
Perhaps lunch for some.
Thinking about their new favorite shows.
Eventually closing out their workdays.
They may make a stop or two on the way home.
Walking into their front doors with dinner on their minds.
Three or four of them may pour a drink.
Discussing their days events with their families.
Netflix will help them while away the evening and escort them into the night.
Others will make love, some will drag on butts while staring out into the night.
Eventually they'll all retire to their beds for the night.
Maybe one of them will think of me.
This being the day after I died.
Jamison Bell May 2019
It’s like being
An unfunny joke
An heirloom nobody wants
Watching them come and go
Only acknowledging it out of contempt
And you think
Well there’s gotta be
Someone, somewhere
That wants it, that would love it
But it’s too late now, someone dropped it
Now it’s just too broken
Jamison Bell Nov 2017
Existence is meaningless
Life is absurd
And yet we carry on

Watching soccer
And worrying about the lawn

Nodding our heads
Appearing to care
Wishing we were numb

Woefully staring
Out into space
In envy of the dumb

And you may feel
Dead inside
Hopeless and exhausted

Lemme assure you
As life goes
You have yet to be accosted

It only gets worse
Better’s a lie
Even the devil hates it here

Life is pain
And pain is life
I hope I’ve made that clear

So cheers to you
Best of luck
I hope you make it out alive

Try to live a little
Instead of
Just survive
Jamison Bell Jun 2021
Loneliness is when you’re so broken, you don’t want to waste anyone’s time in telling them how lonely you are.
You live in silence. Hoping and waiting for the day, the night, the moment when the silence becomes eternal.
Jamison Bell Sep 2019
Mired in a trance
The cigarette bites my finger
I hold it under the faucet until it tells me it’s name and who sent it
My mind is saturated with the thought of thee, I bite my thumb at you!
Flinging open these ******* shutters, hoping for a flirt and flutter
So I can squeeze the life out of Nevermore
Cursed reminder from the Nights Plutonian shore
There’s no fire here but every time you come waltzing onto my train of thought, my whiskey bottle becomes a little lighter
Jamison Bell Aug 2017
You might smoke a little *** to ease away the pain.
You might drink a little whiskey just to soothe the brain.
You might snort a little coke to get the party started.
Perhaps you'll take a little pill to forget your dear departed.
Me? I'll take the *** but I don't smoke it cause it's great.
It's there to cloud my thoughts because my heart is full of hate.
Jamison Bell Nov 2017
The moon pulls back the shimmering blue sheets before the rising sun
A world awashed overnight
Made anew
What was here last night is gone today, replaced by something never seen before
Time here is reset again
Another chance

Is it another chance for all? Are we to begin each day as if yesterday never was?
To try again, again, and again
To learn
Duality restrains for the sake of a conscious far too young to grasp the ultimate truth
Harnessed by necessity
We relinquish
Jamison Bell Sep 2017
From the changing of the seasons to love and it's lack of reason.
We seem to have become indifferent thinking nothing is sufficient.
So these words we pen with fire, wanting to inspire.
Fall softly on jaded ears blurred by careless tears.
Jamison Bell Jan 2019
What is it that you’re thinking? Before you close your eyes.
After you draw the curtains and take off your disguise.
Do you whisper this secret aloud, for only the night to hear?
Does it make you melancholic or fill your heart with cheer?
This dream you hope to conjure just by thinking it to be.
Is it something you’d share, is it something I could see?
I’d like to think these things you think, will one day be true.
That you find a little piece of hope put in place just for you.
Jamison Bell Jun 2023
I used to like letting you in.
The door was always open for you.
Usually, you'd just stand in the archway.
You'd go through my mind like you were looking for the thought that murdered your family.
I couldn't help but smile. It was nice having someone over.
That was then.
I didn't want to have to change the locks.
And I don't know if I knew them what I know now. Whether or not I ever would've let you in.
Jamison Bell Feb 2022
I was never there with you
Where you were
I couldn’t go
Far away I roamed
Through ancient forest
Haunted by stories
Of things that are gone forever
Over rivers of sunlight
And blue deserts
I’d wander tirelessly
Until I found someplace
Echoless and boundless
Where I could be alone
To think about you
Jamison Bell Oct 2017
I know what you think of me
It's alright
Nothing I haven't heard before
I don't even resent you for it
Your true feelings, although predictable, are yours
"You can't help how you feel"
Isn't that what they say

I can't say this to you
Because I know you don't care
This sounds passive aggressive
But we both know it's true
I still love you
I'll always love you
Is it supposed to hurt

I tried to be there for you
To encourage and support
I guess I don't know
Maybe I'll get it right next time
Perhaps I'll retain what I learned this time
And then I'll know better than to fall in love again
Jamison Bell Jun 2023
Between the sets and the rises. In those shadowy parts of the world we take for granted.
I can lose myself between the tone of your skin and the realizations that cause ones heart to pause.
I'd like to shake the earth like a snow globe and see where I stand in the ashes.
Better off then than now or at least now and then.
Jamison Bell Dec 2018
Or how about when you realize just how little you mean to someone who means so much?
Jamison Bell Mar 2019
You wanna hear a joke
As I stand here
Playing the role
It feels like there’s a spear
In my heart
It pulls and it hurts
I only want to lie down
Whisper my last secret
And go to sleep
That’s all I’m thinking
Right now
But no
I get it
You care as much about I as I do you
Which is just the way it is
So fine
Here’s your ****** joke
Burn victims tend to stick together
Jamison Bell May 2020
This here poem is about a puppy, you need not know his name
Only in that he is a puppy, you should know him all the same
This here puppy had an awareness not unlike your own
He knew he had to lick his ***** and hide his ****** bone

This little puppy stumbled about, much like you once did
Back when you were a dumb as **** snot faced little kid
The puppy found his world confusing much like you still do
But unlike you this puppy knows he hasn’t a ****** clue

See here what this puppy knows, is that it’s ok to have no reason
To call into doubt what you think you know, isn’t ******* treason
This here puppy he figured out that his reality isn’t fixed
In fact it’s incomplete, not done, any beliefs he had were nixed

You could learn a lot from him, if you’d only stop a bit
Put aside your petty wants, try thinking while you ****
Wisdom and compassion you’ll see walk hand in hand
Be considerate of your actions, keep your head out of the sand

This puppy has no enemies and yet you have a million
If you lived but ten more years, I bet you’ll have a billion
Try being like the puppy, just appreciate what you’ve been given
Sometimes it takes just a smile to see why life’s worth liven
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
To be a passing thought or to know what it is your thinking
To be that person you think of first when you’re ready to start drinking
Or to be that call you make in the middle of the night
When you’re feeling so alone and you just can’t see the light
To hear that joke you heard today and it’s killing you not to share
To be that one you think to text when you think no one else is there
I’d wish to be all these things a thousand times and more.
But my time is short, my Queen is dead, and love is just folk lore.
So instead I’ll wish for you all the happiness that I never had.
And if that should be the case my friend then your life won’t be too bad.
Jamison Bell Mar 2022
My heart has grown quite heavy and I’ll like to lay it down.
To leave it here amongst the wood, on the moss by the stream.
To bask in what light finds its way between the leaves and branches.
Where the ravens watch the wolves who watch the moon.
Where eyes like emeralds caught in the light of a dead star.
I could leave it with her. And she could keep it company.
Though I won’t come back for it.
Jamison Bell Apr 2018
Your parting lips only serve to decimate. To remind me of what I already know.
How it is and what isn’t real, beginning to twist and intertwine to a point where I can no longer follow any stream of thought with trust.
I roll back. Holding my nose out of habit the dark waters in the back of my mind envelop.
Tranquility doesn’t reside here. There’s no shelter. No rest for the wicked. And I’m wide awake.
Chaos and order dance here. Like Astaire and Rogers. They waltz and spin across a floor of fire and ice. It’s beautiful here and there’s nothing to see.
I write here. I wallow in angst amidst the pages that don’t make sense. Dripping with ink and tears I’ll scratch at the walls in vain for hours. Until. That word that fits comes to me. That word that I hope will drive my point home and scream “*******!” into the deafest ears.
And sometimes I write about you.
My bane. The Achilles’ tendon that keeps me grounded. A reminder of who I’m not. One who cannot be so fortunate but must toil in a pit of my own design.
I’ll emerge from those tranquil waters. My bath that does nothing to cleanse my soul. And I’ll fall again into my role of perpetual sadness. Because I cannot see beyond death. Her wings unfurled before me. Her warm darkness longing to envelop and shroud me from my own reflection.
Where are you my love?
Jamison Bell Dec 2022
I don’t think it’s a linear thing.
There’s no beginning and as of right now
From my perspective, no end.
I said “I love you”
To someone else
Loss is just someone who comes around from time to time.
I heard that “sigh” before.
I was here.
And I’m back.
I know because I’m tired.  
Of knowing what you’re going to say before you say it.
Jamison Bell Aug 2017
The amber potion may make me numb.
The sticky leaves may make me dumb.
But the sunsets never go astray.
Here for me lest everyday.
As if they'd nothing else to do.
But remind me every night of you.
This is my attempt at being sweet. How'd I do?
Jamison Bell Mar 2019
Words upon words upon words
Stacked like chips
Towers of volumes
It would look like the pillars of creation
Sunlight will crash through the blood stained windows,
I ran out of ink so I had to make do,
breaking upon piles of ink and paper
Some were crumpled
Those are the ones that forbade me the words I needed
Pardon the whiskey spots
At the top though
You’ll need a ladder
It’s just a single piece of paper
With only one word
Jamison Bell Mar 2023
I decided to see just how important I was to those around me.
So I wandered off.
To see if anyone would come looking for me.
Turns out,
I'm not important.
Go figure.
Jamison Bell Dec 2017
I’m sorry I can’t fold time and space.
I’m sorry that I can’t promise to be there for you.
It’s seems as if it were meant to be.
At times.
Each tethered to an invisible force.
An undeniable logic.
It binds the will to complacency.
A suffering reluctance.
Acceptance stumbles in, drunk as usual.
And I find myself having to say goodbye.
To the illusion as it were.
My moment to bask in the twilight of a moment in bliss.
Now a memory.
A warm and happy memory.
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
We wander to and fro as you in likeness
Our spirits though
They wander in the forest of shadows cast by those we emulate
Deserted in a world within a world
So dark and so cold, light can’t survive it
Some of us just linger there
Letting time have it’s way with them
While others just keep walking into the folds of the night
So broken inside
They’ll stab the hand of salvation
Not out of contempt for the savior
But because they aren’t even worth saving
Jamison Bell Sep 2016
Some of us are in indescribable pain.
Meandering through the days while barely holding onto to themselves. Clutching at a line so thin.

We talk to them, laugh with them, and say our goodbyes. And although you might think they're fine, they're not. You've gone home and they're still mired in their own misery.

Whether self induced or not, it doesn't matter. They're stuck in a perpetual pattern of loathing, usually it's self. There's no light.

There isn't much you can do to help them. You can call them, you can be there for them, but too often these endeavors are in vain.

Sometimes it gets to the point where their pain is the only absolute they have. They've embraced it because of its familiarity.

Too often these people are lost to us. They're broken. The damage is just irreparable. To stay yourself would only suffer the crushing inevitably.

We convince ourselves of things. It's an auto response to outside stimuli. Some of us go defense, others offense. Whether whatever it is we've convinced ourselves is true or not. It doesn't matter.

Tears in the rain.
Jamison Bell Jun 2017
They seem so sturdy,
these bridges.
You want to believe they're made of iron.
Weathering storms and time.
Until you see how fast they go up.
A firestorm of things that can't be unsaid.
Licking at the support beams.
By the dew soaked grass the next morning.
You see the charred remains smoldering.
Another bridge.
Who's next?
Jamison Bell Nov 2017
It’s not that I want to go
But there’s nothing for me here
No life, no love, no happiness
And very little cheer

I tried like hell to get it right
I swear I did my best
My best just isn’t good enough
And now I only want to rest

Fodder to feed the whims
The others feasted well
With nothing else to offer
Tis’ time to toll my bell

For every step I left a word
A thank you here and there
I never had much else
Not a worry or a care

Lie me down amongst the waste
Other things discarded
No wake, no words, no funeral pyre
For I will not be regarded
Jamison Bell Jul 2019
I can’t love you
And I can’t **** you
I’m going to drink this here poison
And wait for you to die
Jamison Bell Jan 2021
Is who we are
Where we’re going
Or simply where we’ve been
Or are the details
In our actions
What we did and when
Perhaps it’s in our words
When we speak
Or when we don’t
Could be when we listen
And not replying
As we are wont
My guess is
Tis all these things
By which we are measured
Unto ourselves
Or by some god
What is lost and what is treasured
Jamison Bell Sep 2019
You’re the Prometheus of my soul.
Setting my world afire.
Only to leave me wandering an ashen landscape.
Tracing out my thoughts in the grey.
The clouds remind me of the smoke in your eyes.
While I follow these footprints in the dust of moments gone by.
Hoping one of them is you.
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
What do you want!
To write what I know!
What I feel?
You want a poem!
You want me to weave these thoughts into something beautiful?
I can’t!
They’re not!
They’re ugly. They’re dark and unforgiving.
Every ******* day they seek only to permeate my spirit.
Inebriating my endeavors with doubt and condemnation.
Yeah, no!
There’s nothing of beauty here.
You best toddle along now.
Go back into the light little one.
Jamison Bell Oct 2016
It was on a night like this, not long ago.
The air stood still and the moon hung low.

A loathsome lad on the bow of a whaler.
Not much of a farmer but a pretty good sailor.

Made a wish on the breast of Blue he killed.
"Your mightiest dead, his blood I've spilled!"

Most gods didn't listen save one who did care.
Poseidon held steadfast, his attention was snared.

"Poseidon pay forth my wish which I've earned!
My fortunes everlasting and enemies burned!"

Poseidon appeared though not as you think him.
He appeared as fresh water so the sailor would drink him.

"My favor you seek?" The lads stomach it snarled.
"You killed one of my daughters your heart I will gnarl!"

"Oh dear god who hath forsaken my favor.
Spare me your wrath, my heart don't savor."

The young sailor pleaded his tables now turned.
The house of his dreams Poseidon has burned.

"Quiet you fool your tears do not pang me.
One day I favor you will marry a banshee.

She'll be quite striking, clever, and loyal.
For her hand and her heart you mustn't recoil.

You'll live quite well your fortunes more fair.
You'll suffer no fools, you will not despair.

One night though I'll come back to collect.
I spared your life tis quite a large debt."

Our whaling friend abided then his muscles began to quake.
Poseidon made him ***** so an exit he could make.

They parted ways and many years of travels came to be.
Our whaling lad he had searched those perilous seven seas.

Soon he met and fell in love with a girl from the forests edge.
He proposed to her in sight of Poseidon on high upon a ledge.

A few years passed and soon she bore this man a son.
He couldn't believe his very eyes what favors had he won.

Then one night Poseidon came and rapped his trident on the door.
"A debt must be paid with your own son. I mustn't wait anymore!"

The lad he knew better than to argue with Poseidon.
He took his son from his wife's arms knowing better to abide him.

Poseidon took his son and cast him to the stars.
A reminder far more lasting than any mortal scars.

The young mans wife done cast herself into the firey hearth.
Having done cursed her love and self, for ever giving birth.

The sailor said "What penance, if any, was there ever to be made?"
Poseidon turned away from him for the debt the man had paid.

"Does your pain right now not make you favor death?
Do you not savor in the thought of smelling Cerebrus' breath?

Can you fashion upon your eyes a single saving grace?
How about your soul for one more look upon her face?"

The whaling man said nothing putting pistol to his temple.
The plan it seems all along had been well, rather simple.

A discharged flash and his eyes opened wide.
Prone in his bed his lovely wife there by his side.

His son began to bellow from the crib by the hearth.
Everything was as it was, his love and the birth.

A new moon shone out upon the quiet sea.
Poseidon beckoned the old man to venture out to he.

"Poseidon I don't know what I could do to honor you my god.
Your feats are grand and generous your efforts I applaud."

"Save face my friend for you have learned your lesson well.
And that's to say this **** right here is by Jamison ****** Bell!"
Jamison Bell Dec 2022
I’d like to think there’s a time and place that suits both you and I.
Where we sip tea in a lil cafe and watch the angels die.
It’s sorta the end but not for us because we’re both just passing through.
You’re almost at the edge of me and I halfway to you.
Tipping celestial windmills while laughing at illusions.
Shooting the fools in mid air as they jump to their conclusions.
I kinda hope that they ask me what I’d like to do.
And honestly I wouldn’t care just so long as it’s with you.
Jamison Bell Feb 2022
I just want to understand
It’s all I ever truly wanted
Was to know the “why”
For what it is

A celestial classroom set perpetually adrift on a magnetic plane
There’s no teacher, though the questions number eternity
And go unanswered

If I can’t have the answers
I’d just assume go
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