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Nov 2014 · 262
Come October
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
I remember the first time we met
It was a night I never will forget
I politely asked you if I was the
One you wanted or really needed

In telling me you proceeded...

I need some time
To think it over.
It will be just fine
Come October.

The days progressed
And so did we
Love became you
As did it for me

And in telling me you conceded...

I need no time
To think it over
Everything is just fine
It is October.

But problems arose as
Will happen
We drifted apart
And you asked what would

And I responded then...

I need some time to think it over
"Maybe" it will be just fine
Come October.
I wrote this around the age of 13 for my on-again/ off-again girlfriend who is now history.
Nov 2014 · 528
Lonesome Boyhood Troubles
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
I have traveled these fields for days,
            watching the sun shine in an angels hair and the fall
                    of rain upon her face.

When she smiles I can feel her glow,
                     but where she takes me I don't know.

Because every day it's something new,
                          I sometimes feel so cold and turn so blue

If God would send a sign,
              I could tell if my love for her is just a waste of time,
                            or perhaps it's all a figment of my imaginative mind,
                                 and she doesn't know that I am alive.
I was merely ten years of age when I wrote this song/poem.
Nov 2014 · 324
Flighty Lover
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Flighty lover, angel bright with colored light so warm, no other earthly creature has your harmony of form, nor could they nightly enter my haunting dreams-repeatedly reborn-as they hath tonight and every night since you didst leave me forlorn.

Yes, it seems my confident belief in thee was a fallacy, for you didst always intend to leave me as sad as one in mourning; your heartless ways being of a mystery tending to deceive.

You tell me in a distant voice annoying that you wish to come back to me, but in my hapless time of need, you once again would surely dissever our bond in the morning.
Nov 2014 · 313
Love Lies In A Mist
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Love lies
       In a mist,              

Yet it is
           A flame ablaze;

It defies
Understanding, endures with
A wild courage,
And for all it's
                     Flies without landing.
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
To wither, vanish,       fade and diminish,
dissolving   in   a   glass          half-empty   that   forgets,
whilst   growing   in              Time's   passage
   and   ever   shrinking           with   age
-is to wither, vanish, fade,            and diminish.

Darling   I   heed   thy   cries   as            you   feel   blemished,
and   are   otherwise   becoming   nearer         to   Death   than   to   me;
yet  I   cannot   see   the   petals   for           the   rose   ye   be,
or   at   times   sense   what   scents            linger   in   your   train
-as you wither, vanish, fade         and diminish.

However   in    perfumed                 decay,
I   watch   you   sustain               your   image,
and   persevere   in   a                  glass   that   I
changed   out   and                     made   half-full,
being   so   careful   when                    putting   you   back   in   it
-but still you wither, vanish,            fade and diminish.

The day has come and you               have gone away,
and I feel a                  familiar agony!
as I display you finally             in a heavenly vase,
for my good-intentioned                  and religious ceremony.
It hurts             so bad...
-tho I will no longer              see you to
wither, vanish, fade and diminish.
Nov 2014 · 481
A Beggar To Desire
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Hast thou come here kindly and in beauty
with the early and faintest dawn, whilst
the undaunted night sky is newly bearing
the dayspring once more;
and dare I ask
if perhaps I dream, or if you truly do drape
thy left hand gently over my right side,
calling me-the struggling bud-to sprightly
issue forth; heretofore
to morph into a mighty flourisher,
then left to beg most intently to be swathed in a
manner of sole Love...
and all in the misty morning light?

-I shall ever await your answer, for now in effect one,
'till the day that I am grown:
perhaps ne'er to escape for the vine, but evermore in the blest sun.
Nov 2014 · 700
Our Shady Lea
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Once  again
a  visitor
rises  amongst
our  shady
lea,  a
wayfarer­  sprung
from  a
ceaseless  throng:
now  accustom
him,  ye
maiden­  with
unborn                  young.
One  so
calm  as
to  hum
so­me  rosy
melody,  whose
uncorrupted  harmony
secretly  goes
in  t­hru
the  eclipsed
valley,  which
may  not
with  it's
abstained  m­otion
befit,  but
meditating  inertly,
he  summons
your  sympathy­,
so  adored,
to  reply
kindly  to
drunken   fit.

And  when
thy  beam
"softly  lit"
in  pallid
(for the dawn's coming in celerity,)
the  stranger
shall  sleep
upon  hearing
your  rhyme,
­choosing  a
thorny  bed
to  rest
his  head
with  aimless

You  see,
we  receive
them  as
our  guests
for  but
one  hour
­-no  more,  no  less-
and  only
in  the
month of
then  tug
at  their
ears  and
hit  them
on  their
­and  send
them  on
their                way!
Nov 2014 · 763
Severed Alliance
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
in neither hope nor
shall I ever be,
so thru the ancient
will vague dissatisfaction,
that irks us,
and suspicions of rivalry
left without resources
to that industry.

But still I lie
motionless by
of my subdued nature,
to the pleasure of
this faulty

The justifiable respect


have for you
due to the strength I
see in your resolution
-tho the vanity you choose breeds a
serene indifference
I cannot undo
by a paltry solution- you
must move me by slow degrees
to believe
with a less conservative
we will
honest enough
to admit this
-we already have
a severed
Nov 2014 · 414
In The Night She Came
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
As in the verses of Isaiah 6,
to me came a fiery serpent bearing bliss.
One to us known to be
in the highest order of the holy angels;

and she possesses many an eye,
and wilt one day have humankind
beholding her pent wingtips;

and she shall cleanse thy unclean lips
and purge thy sinful souls
with live burning coals
   -hereby as in the days of old.

God to Isaiah once told,
"I will take from man all but a tenth of their cities,
and the lands will be burned again and again
until the trees shall cast their leaves,
and thereof the substance shall be the holy seed."

Thereafter, her seraph wings did thence open
up-unfold-to be thereby a cause, a love, a flame to need.

Faith is not a thing made up, and hardly is newfangled,
but I saith she therewith displayed it all; and it was
nothing short of supreme blessedness!

Then I beheld her e'en brighter, with showy spangle, and her
attire, a pristine impressive dress that was beaming, lit, bright
with color,  and with shapeliness of contour.

Her shining light like refractory gold, or peerless bits of silver:
and something unknown did glint from within her,
to wholly then bewilder.

Her fire sword was sheathed, and I did most forward enter.

Now with a shy wing shield so still, she can still our meanest ire,
for all must therein endure
what we feel for each and one another;

and none therefore can trust mental anguish to be dull in this,
our loneliest and darkest hour.

Therewithal, loyal followers, actions shall follow words.
So ignite if you will the glowing candles, and play upon your lyre,
but not upon His word  -and forevermore you will have your needs fulfilled, with hearts afire; rest assured.

We shall hear ye but not understand, the great forsaking
in the midst of the land, we see but do not perceive!

Now hear her pure emotions entire thereat swear to inveigle yet,
our lives so chaotic, so disordered, but we can be rekindled
by a moving fire of an unstained non-object that is hypnotic and of
a fervor I foretell, to be higher than all other seraphim in
the ultimate choristers choir.

And she does as e'er sing so well, the fairest hymn to Him
   -being gentle and the most melodic.

She is a being disentangled, henceforth being the nearest
being of any angel by far to the safety of God's hands.

She's an angel that much more the nigher to His protection
and His guidance; and free will I suspect was denied her
in all but her affections.
And for that reason I suspect it will be she that to me He will send again.

And to Him I heard it said, "H o l y,  h o l y,  h o l y,   is the Lord of all hosts:
the whole earth is full of His  g l o r y!"

And with that, the Lord by Word shook again the doorway posts, and the house that filled with smoke, now is before me, such as is our Savior surely upon His throne.
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Oft in the secluded quarters of the
intellect, lie a poets
unpaid debts
of deeper thoughts
hardly written,
therefore surely unread.

His notes are past due,
but they may subdue
the sublime in kind,
(upon the turning of every runic stone in thy head.)

But in those moments of
creative famine
do direful phantoms
make a struggling poets thoughts
their ruinous home,
a response
-thru which we bards are touched to the heart,
the nucleus,
the core.

'Tis the acumen of the unchained
where lies
the tranquil pleasure
of discovery,
which can be found alone,
here beneath the tree
which we
call the laughing sycamore.

Suffice it to say,
we must have that need to write
or feel blank
and hollow, lying quiet,
there where
our inspiration also lay,
dearly killed,
by another sullen day,
whilst surrounded by the
many offensive forms;

and every essential structure
of our being, being forced
to shut out
the ghastly tidal wave
that has ever poured o'er our
personified dream.

It is a dreariness
which foreshadows
the greatest theme,
that mustn't be

Therefore e'er will I seek
the nascent flame of ideas,
searching solely to feel
inspired, bright, and clear;
and here display
my regards
with barely
a downcast

-'til the portrayal of metaphysical line
reveals itself in it's own time...
   one and all.
Nov 2014 · 205
Once Upon A Dream
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
                      to you

feelings of bliss,
                                     from the September equinox

to the December solstice.

                                     That was before your growing battalion,
                                                                   when enemies so valiant
                                  scorched the earth
                                                   and your sovereign waters lay drained,    
desiccated into little worth.

Thereof shadow soldiers
                                          still conformed
                                                                     to forest floors in
                                          a trampling train,
hiking, sleeping in the cold and rain,
                                    each with bated breath,
while the stone-dead wept;
                          their wings lifting them
                             silently from the locus of their death.

Do you now remember
                                                        your first risk taken
                upon a path
  newly splashed
                                       with a subdued
                                                                                 but steady light,
that threw it's rays across your world
                                                          in the pale dim night?
                                                    You could get that feeling,
that appreciation for ev'ry moment back,
                                                                            and still survive any
just hold steadfastly in your might
                       and be ready to live under a pact of peace,
                                                                                         or to turn and
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Intimations on His Creations
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
There is a certain elegance in lines,
a grace that attracts the eyes
to that which is cloaked within the
echoic mystery of an ever clever guise.

All that is knit
from the fabric
of a most frantic                  
                                       ­     illusion in space,

borrows movement
                 from a riddle,                          
       poised in a mostly empty place.

It enchants the mind like a diorama
                                                         ­     hung
                                                       ­               upon the
                                                                ­                   fiber optic
                                                           ­                                         sky,
with pictures of the thoughts behind
           the artists telescopic ><><><><><><   eye.

Our      surreal      desires    are    drawn    boldly
  ­                                              from the breathing palette
                                        of a bright reality,
                                   with living loving strokes
                               that portray our very substantiality:

and never will it betray
          the flaws
           in neither an other worldly
                                               nor the immense complexity
of some alternate geometry.
Collaboration with my father Dr. Randolph Smith
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Keepsakes In My Mind
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
A pearl of rain
In the eye
Of an inveigling
                 Flower glistening,

The immense untamed
                             Woods lending the umbrage of an array of native trees,
The dynamic ardor with which the songbirds sing,
                        And the caracole effect the wind has on the branch and It's showy leaves;

And in ev'ry region upon the knoll,
A new pageantry to see

                  ---All this I value more than gold,
                         And keep for my mind's
Nov 2014 · 395
Blessèd Angels
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
While the hosts of Heaven,
above the arching skies,
thus did celebrate in verse,
to me in solitude had been
                              born            the      infan­t           Sorrow
that I allowed in by reason of

It was a time-adapted
expression that gave to me also despair
and frustration as I stood in the doorway
of my                              troubles                      wit­h         my       arms         akimbo.

But the attendant spirits saw              the cataract burst forth from my eyes....
                        They smiled gracefully     

                            -and I gave myself up to laughter!
Nov 2014 · 489
All Too Horrible
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
A strange cruel eidolon often glides thru my silent room, then slinks away dry and smooth as that daystar punches through my window pane -like daggers of wakefulness to pierce my dreams once more; and layers of consciousness likened to pale dead skin,  to lay bare unwanted awareness of a world too embarrassed to open up that stained and hollow door.

Streaming images on my mind's eye are outstretched,  like the gossamer threads of a silver web, woven taut, near a hypnotic light, to draw the uncanny moth, feeding the ravening host tonight.

Nightly visions driven by restless fantasies most phantasmagorical, scream and shout in palm-muted half-tones  fluttering as the matrix of horrors, divined thru an oracle, haunt that same silver death-bed...  one that reaches out and frightens me like   a shape-shifting ghost, (alight and deplorable.)

Though it's all in my head, it's still     all    too     horrible!
Another collaboration with Dr. RANDOLPH SMITH
Nov 2014 · 939
Scarlet Rose
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Scarlet rose
-sunset star upon my castle terrace!
                         that ascending elegance
that you possess,
speaks of your vestal innocence...
                                            where surely words miscarry.
So saintly your complexion gleams from ev'ry
                                facet, such as precious gems do shine
with a master craftsman's arresting artistry;
                        and your incense carries as sweet divine,
as the first days of our present history.

T'was so long ago that I did pick'dst ye
                          from the wild rose fields, for your bounty,
grace, and absence of the ******
that cause the
                       wound which takes
precious moments to be
-but a breach that Time knows heals.
                 You do for that absence sacrifice such a defense
that protects, and from this does so splendidly come
                  promise; but I solemnly do promise to defend ye,
and solely for your sake: I shall not your safety compromise
                                                      ­          -I shall not thee forsake.
Nov 2014 · 462
This Whole World Imagined
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Oh, in pains is my heart forsaken!
   as chastened use has chased away
what Love's abundance canst provide;
      and whichever path she may have upon
advanced or taken, I must hastened choose
                     to search this whole world imagined,
both far and wide.

Ah, how an eminence does make the maiden
youth where ev'ry other breath in innocence sets her
chest to fall, to rise; and now I speak just to thee in truth,
in case thou hasn't heard me hence, or believed me true.

Do cease the actions of mischievous type, as roguery isn't
worth the childish enterprise: rather to me extend thy hand, impassioned, as I to my goddess rise!

Allow me to enter, kiss thee upon that
hand as then, then when I would always
askance grin -ere I'm reduced to inanition
in your absence on this night, such as I have
often chanced to be when first astray in the
variable contrast of ineffectual obscurity.

In my thoughts a resident thou art, my fantasy
perceived as a great charmer, a beauty to beseech
-one whose constant sufferers are the broken heart,
it's action ceased within those past suitors which have
only been half-tutored in that ancient art, which to you
I did teach: but the unbelievers naked eye wilt see nothing
of your radiant form, which I defend, set truly apart!

Yet ye thru usury harm this poor man, as you hurriedly
dart out after I come in; in and out of my reality, on this
you are bent, one that the real world called strangely
marked, a world forlorn that fears that which it doesn't
understand, (or envies.)

Do you, mine maiden, not see things as they were; or in
your leave of absence comprehend that the complex of
elements that reasons hath made thee-as God did make
the universe in an ambiguous flight of fancy-where thru
convictions solely are such dimensions and reflections given

You are all that torments my fiery soul cruelly, so cruelly,
again and again,
as you do as e'er alter my Heaven, and make falser my Earth!

— The End —