I'm aware
I'm alive
I'm caring
I'm honest
I'm Wierd...
I'm living one great minute at a time
I'm not fighting the wind
But letting it ******* to where it wants me to go
I'm Me
Born free
Born with a Brain
and a heart
That makes Peoples Lungs burn
when they breathe in the happiness I put off.
I'm here to stay for the moment
I'm here to Love,cry,hate,and forgive
I'm not sick and tired
I'm a walking living example of struggle equals improvement
and at the end of the day
I lay my head down happy
that I atleast made a Effort To be Me
The person in the mirror
the person that whoever wanted me to be
is working this Life and making it happen.
Live happy Live Lovable Live Joyous and Grateful
you got one life USE IT.