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Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2016
today I witnessed
so heart-wrenching,
the sight
of an old, stocky, bad-***,
with a golden heart, man
be frail and in tears
because he was on his way
his divorce papers.

something he'd never imagined
of ever having to do
to a woman who he loved,
truly cared,
and provided for
years of marriage
to end up finding out
that she never loved him.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
All I knew
was that it felt
like lightning had
struck me
as soon as our
locked onto
each other's eyes.
Her smile
lit up my whole face
as if
I were blushing
to an unsaid

I had fallen in love.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
I crave for more
than just physical touch.
I crave for someone
whom after having
and sweet love making,
we could cuddle.
Our flesh melted
onto each other's love.
Sharing a very
moment as we
look at each other
in the eyes
simply love
all that is who we are.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
It is when I see that
excitement and passion
in your eyes
when you speak
about something
you are most passionate
that I know why
I love you so much.

Your Passion.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
It'd be a lie to say
I didn't lust
for many women,
but what I truly
do know
as well is that
my heart has this
incredible and grand
passion and desire
for the right one.

The one who is all
I ever wanted,
and more.
The one that no matter
how hard times
would be,
she'd still be there.
yet motivating to
continue on.
The one who I'd take
a bullet without
thinking about it.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2016
They have told me that you pick yourself out
every time you look in a mirror.
I truly cannot understand why because
you are the most beautiful woman
I have ever met. Your mind, your soul,
the way you can put even the most bitter person
at ease with such calming and understanding
eyes and smile.
My love, you embody all that
beauty is.
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