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Jaee Derbéssy May 2016
It is as if an angel
were sent
as she entered
the room,
with such grace
and sat in front of me.
Such beautiful
porcelain skin,
and with such warm
brown eyes.
And as the light
bathed her hair,
making it gleam
a mixture of
golden and brown
She could manage
to somehow
keep me at peace
when all I have ever felt
is emptiness.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2016
And with each line that I write,
my imagination blooms
with stories engraved
in my mind of the many lives
I have ever lived.
Words become memories
that I vaguely
can recall;
but somehow I am sure
that's how it happened.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2016
As memories keep
in the back of my head,
I ignore
as if it were a child
throwing a tantrum.
on trying to attain
all that I can
in this one life
that I was created for.
Leave my impact
in where
I was destined to
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
I find it rather interesting
that my heart
still considers you
a person
especially when your actions
clearly show
that you are no longer
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
As we grow older, we become too consumed
with our "adult life" --
The struggles of paying bills,
the struggle to make good grades in college;
pulling all-nighters just so we can
finish some papers that are due for our classes
just to attain a bachelor's degree just so
you can get a secure well-paying j o b.

We forget to keep our childhood memories
alive in our hearts.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
let me nurture your soul
                          with all my love,
                                      my love.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
She was a love letter woman
               in a text message world.
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