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rained-on parade
Sheffield, England    Sylvie. You don't know me yet.
19/Cisgender/find me at a cemetery.    does growing up count as childhood trauma
I write poetry to explore a science that can't be seen.
And I'll get bored and feel trapped, cause that's what happens with me.
RW Dennen
Philadelphia    Hypothetically speaking, I would rather be under the tyranny of the diverse majority; rather than under the tyranny of the narrow few. Peace unto you …
Tyler Lynn Pulliam
Niantic, IL    Neatly Primly Null I am Tyler and I am something resembling a writer. I live in a small, industrial city. I live in a robin's …
Nena Twedell
Poetry Its not just putting words on a page so they sound sweet its putting words on a page so they can connect on a …

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