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Jacob Cuadro May 2015
I met this perfect stranger her face glows like the bright blue skies and her eyes shine like a crystal gem. Met her at coffee shop saw her sitting reading her book, as I was walking toward her nervously as her beauty just take my breath away. I introduce myself and we started to communicate, few days has pass by as we keep meeting at the coffee shop to talk some more, Ask for her number she agreed to give it to me and we decide to go on our first date. A classic simple movie dinner date, and when it was over drove her to hear house and walk her to her front door as my nerves started to shake and blood stared to race when we had our first kiss. Years has pass and met the woman of my dreams, till this day she still make me feel like we still have met for the first time. She make me smile every day I couldn’t ask more for a perfect gift, you are everything to me and you make my life complete, you are the love of my life you’re the one for me. Here I am as I get on my one knee with tears on my eyes to ask you four words that will change my life, will you marry me? As I get butterfly when she says I due.

**By Jacob Cuadro
Not has to do with me Just something o thought of.
Jacob Cuadro May 2015
Every year I go back to the very beginning dreaming back inside your womb again evolving piece by piece feeling everything. The gravity, the space of your belly that start to grow, waves of your fluid rotating around me to dance in, the heat in your body keeping me warm, the vibrations of your booming beating heart. Hearing your voice echoing when you speak to me that sound like a sweet melody of a harp, the blood circulating through my veins, and the memory of your beauty forming in my brain. Felt your pain I cause you suffering and struggling to bring me in a brand new world, seeing your light that reflect in my eyes that shines like a pearl. The feeling of your soft fingers and hands holding me as I curl, and the first time my lungs were expanding gasping for air, the tickling wind In my ear of your words in prayers. Remembering the taste of your milk in my mouth that helps me fall asleep, thank you for all the thousands kisses I can still feel on my cheeks. The emotional of happiness of family and people in the room, spreading like a flower that blooms, just want to say I always be in the palm of your hand and I love you mom Happy Mother Day.

**By Jacob Cuadro
To my dearest mother I so Love
Jacob Cuadro May 2015
I want you to wake up in the afternoon open your front door step outside and look up what do you see? Perfect blue sky with bright white clouds and a beautiful sun set shining through your eyes and enjoy your rest of your day. When night comes I want you to lie in bed and close your eyes but don’t fall asleep just yet. Get out of your bed and step outside the night and look up what do you see? Bright shining stars all around the sky as a shooting star passing you by as the moon brighten up your eyes. Always look at yourself in the mirror when you ever feel down, people change were all beautiful inside and out just like day and night. Don’t let anyone tell you that your not were all unique like planet earth.

**By Jacob Cuadro
Jacob Cuadro May 2015
I had this dream wishing everyone can disappear and woke up with this biggest fear. Went down stair call out mom and dad no answer Jenny, Henry (my sibling) still no answer. Now I’m concern am I still dreaming or did my wish came true? Heard my door bell ring, A small box on the ground with a note on the side, feeling suspicious but took the box anyway and place it on the kitchen counter, open the box and it look sort of like a button The note read your wish came true but you don’t have to be alone you press this button and you’ll have a wish that definitely be granted. But an unknown consequence might occurred be careful what you wish for. My brain is boiling, my heart is pounding for this confusing nonsense that doesn’t make any sense all I want is my family back and everything the way it was. As my hand nervously start to shake as I press the button, with a flash appear right before my eyes with in second there they were. The biggest joy and a smile on my face seeing my family hugging and laughing they turn to me with a smile as my arms wide open ready for a huge hug. They walk toward me and went right though me like I was invincible seeing my self-start to fade away slowly but surely couldn’t breath as my light become dark and appear back in my room again no doors just a brick walls. Tears drip down from my eyes realizing there no escape.

**By Jacob Cuadro
A story i thought of
Jacob Cuadro May 2015
Roses are red violets are blue your eyes shine like the sun as bright as the moon. Love the way your hair smells like sweet flowers like the taste of your lips. Your smile and laughter bring me joy every time I spend time with you I just want more and more. If we ever separate it’s never too far as long you’re in my heart I be right beside you dear. As older we get time is always passing by my memory might fade away but your love remains the same. I’m grateful for you to be my  wife when it my time to say my final goodbye don’t worry we’re start our new life.

**By Jacob Cuadro
love doesn't expired
Jacob Cuadro Apr 2015
It bin years I haven’t see your beautiful face. I miss the way your eyes shine like stars at night, miss the way your hair smells like roses on a summer day. Waking up every morning seeing the sun rise remind me of your smile, and if I said I love you hundred times before, expect a thousand more but you took that away. I gave you my heart and soul treated you like the queen that you were but you took my heart instead, feeling empty and for gotten. Didn’t see my love but you saw what others thinks, you can keep my broken heart to remind you how selfish you are. Found something that I want is seeing you getting weak day after day as I take your greedy, selfish personality and shatter into your brain, tears running down your eyes feeling the pain of your cold sorrow heart. Your guilt of long lasting regrets will replaced the years we have spent this will be my only and new true love.

**By Jacob Cuadro
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