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PrttyBrd said:

You make me smile  :-)

Well you make me smile to, well inside my head
hope it was good for you to
take the wine
of my imaginations
and make of them what you do
but I am very complex
how about you?
For PrttyBrd
 Mar 2014 J S Rogers
Mike Arms
 Mar 2014 J S Rogers
Mike Arms
the end of one nail becomes a
play only once on one white parched

she imagines a wire to reach her fixed
point against novice chance chalk

with care we invent the bones as we go
one turn the last of what spit may mark
 Mar 2014 J S Rogers
PK Wakefield
fatal chord
of music
the mute
of night
a thin note
of thigh







                     of poppies

 Feb 2014 J S Rogers
PK Wakefield
.                                                                ­            WNTR, o
                                                                ­  the     earth

                                                                ­  is how long

                                     ­                                                      )in you?

                                                           ­       crisply perhaps

                                                        ­          stiffmuscling die erected
                                                         ­         foal trees. Barely skinned

                                                        ­                       ,

                                                              ­                    .

                                          ­                                           '

                                                              ­                     .

                                                              ­                 ,

                                                              ­                      .

                                        ­                                                 '

                                                             ­                       .
                                        ­                                           H
                                                               ­                  e   A
                                                               ­                     V
                                          ­                                       y with
                                                            ­                 light dying
                                                           ­                of    shadows
                                                   ­                  )between

                                                       ­                             o
                                  ­                                             WNTR
                                                            ­              i skip a penny
                                                           ­                    across
                                                          ­          Bu
                                                    ­              g e
                                                               ­  yed june

                                                           ­                        (Ag
                                                             ­                        irl inn

                                                            ­                      ot enough
                                                          ­                   clothing

                                                      ,cuz it was june o lord it was so hot i could feel my sweat across the

                                                       palm of each hand go slick like oil across the cool common pinch
                                                       of the fuzzed in ***** tinter grass.

                                                       i o and uncurling stiffly went like the shoots off of roses: topaz
                                                       i went red like the bitten ******
                                                       of girl tingling
                                                      ­ snowless hips
                                                       )without WNTR which
                                                        sof­t of hard
                                                        and hard of itch
                                                        and     ­                     itch
                                       ­                (in WNTR to please
                                                        re­move me my health
                                                        an­d barely skin me
                                                        a foal tree

                                                           ­                      untwitching
 Feb 2014 J S Rogers
PK Wakefield


     "You might be a vegan, but I swear your skin is milk poured into the careful shape of your body."


 Jan 2014 J S Rogers
PK Wakefield
o how easily your lips become me,
the burning crimp
of urging kiss,

to depart myself
and wander amongst
thy body holy and vile ridiculous winsome trivial spectacular,

(arm and thigh)
whose sweep and gait is love
made ready for tongue
to impart slowly tenacious,

whose comely hair is course tender difficulty splendrous,

whose moments are singeing exactly innumerably few
(and never enough)

who i have longed for in deepest valleys of untouching cruelty
(to cup thy whole mouth
in my mouth,
to carry it forward
thy kiss a burning standard

into inkset darkest darkness of night

that i might walk without stumbling;

that i might see           )
Words spill effortlessly from your perfect mouth...

And I catch myself wishing I could lick them from you...

It's no wonder...


Light a fire in hearts when rooms spin...

Like a carnival ride ...
I never could hide...
from the likes of a deep feeling love warrior dressed in stripes
Telling of battles fought ...

Not always won...
But always well played...

And as you blink away a happy tear...
Makes me wanna serenade you to sleep every night for infinity...
 Jan 2014 J S Rogers
"come here ****** , sit with us"
As I walked away from those eyes
"whats the matter , we'll show you love"
I knew , nothing but lies

I was the funny one , the clown
"look he's coming , lets push him down"
They laughed at me when I was hurt
"you're so funny mate , now turn around"

"hey you , you look like a girl"
They used to scream at me
"oh he's crying , so much hurt"
But still they couldnt see

"come here stupid , now entertain"
i'm so tired Please , not again
"we'll beat you stupid *******"
i've to play their sadistic game again

On my way home their was no respite
"look how he walks , left and right"
They stared at me like an animal
Do you know how it feels to live your every moment in fright

Afraid of everything that touches you
Everything that goes by
Can't stop no matter what you do
Every wish and dream is to die

"child , why are you so different?"
Always asked my folks
"cant you act normal for a moment"
"is this your idea of a joke?"

"child , why don't you speak much"
At the dinner table they always spoke
" maybe we should send him to a boarding school"
Yeah , like that would've stopped the world from being an *******

"look at his wrists , he has done it again"
As they gathered around me in a choke hold
"did it pain, now do it again"
Or we'll tell your dad and he'll scold

Yelled the teacher infront of them
"fool , get out of the class , you're disturbing everyone"
He could'nt see they were poking me with a pen
And my hair was full of gum

"your kid is a ******"
Whispered the man in the office to my dad
"take away his guitar"
He's listening to rock and thats too bad

"I bet he takes drugs"
"is he into satan?"
"your child is cursed"
He talked without a curtain

"you , I curse the day you were born"
The only thing I had always known
The last ounce of sanity in me
Departed , Now finally gone

I was dying but now I was dead
A new persona began to form
As the last bullet pierced my head
The old one was long gone

The new one wasn't the nice one
All he had was anger and rage
All he had was hatred for everyone
Now it was his time to play

His lips parted and he whispered to the world
"man ,finally i'm 'gonna have some fun"
His heart full of hatred , ready to tame the world
With a sick smile he picked up his shiny gun

another columbine had begun..
 Jan 2014 J S Rogers
Short Story
 Jan 2014 J S Rogers
I once loved a girl that didn't love me back.

— The End —