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Mar 2016 · 390
Would be a dream come true,
for the two,
in the hearts of two souls,
of eyes where love growls,
along with the mere protection
and the close connection
that's abiding by the wills and hopes
with no laws, any fear or scopes
surrendering to each others hearts
fulfilling each others parts
no lies or frequent worries
with nothing that include sorrys'
where no mistrust leading way
and with no difference in their say
because the matters never rule the mind
for two of the very same kind
since thoughts and deeds never ruin peace
as it's smooth and runs with ease
it would only be winning goals
as they move on in breaking all the barriers and walls
so not a day would be
without the shining sun, moon and sea
if things were built that way
all the way,
both will just be even,
that's if the love was made in heaven....
love heaven
Mar 2016 · 291
What remains at the end
As an year rushes by,
in the blink of an eye,
the songs that were played,
the words that prevailed,
the worthy and unworthy thoughts that were made,
all rushed in along with the year that fled...

what can we see?
the sun moon and sea?
what can we hear?
the birds, wind and the cheer?

Time flies,
along with lies,
nothing would remain,
except the pain,
or someones laughter,
or the cries of slaughter,
of the happiness within oneself,
with the brutality that hangs within our self.
do good and feel good
Our love is like a plum coated in sugar...
delicious on the inside n' out,
Our thoughts are like angels....
wishing well on both sides,
Our dreams are like diamonds...
glittering every now and then,
Thats all how  our love is...
which cannot be ever compared,

When we dream of many things...
the days go on and on,
coz' we dream so many things...
that our love can everyday carry on,
Listening to the raindrops..
we think and enjoy all the time imagining,
So much of so many things that we do not speak ...
we whisper inside our minds,

Looking at the moonlight...
we tend to understand each others thoughts ,
Even if anyone dig up this wide, thin or  long universe....
no one can ever dig out our land,
We can simply show that our heads are held up so high,
And it would never come down we promise,
Coz', one thing we can always say is...
that our love can handle them  barriers all the time !
Its our love, :)
Aug 2013 · 516
~My dear life~
"I dream of so many...
things to happen in my dear life,
I wish upon the stars...
for my dreams to be real,
I dream of so many..
things that you would ever imagine..
to be true..
and come real...
But yet,
it is true....
I imagine so many...
good things to become...
a part of my dear life,
I adore myself...
like nature loves friendliness..
I love myself to become..
the best outcome of my dear life..
But yet,
It remains as it is...
No dream ever came true yet...
Makes my dear life unhappy,
so true....
But yet,
I live my life..
Happy as can be "

— The End —