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Mar 2013 · 383
Run. Faster.
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
Faster and faster
I run
Feet on pavement
My lungs, aching
My legs, sore
My mind raw
I push on
Almost taking off
Almost leaving this sorry-*** place behind
Mar 2013 · 401
Nuclear (10w)
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
This love is nuclear
Powerful enough
To destroy
Absolutely everything
Mar 2013 · 333
Infinite star
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
Hello infinite star
Shining brighter than everyone else
Admit it
You’re the one who rules the world
Everyone is blinded by you
They don’t see you taking all the power
It makes you shine brighter
They don’t see it, so infinite you’ll be
Mar 2013 · 218
Fade away (10w)
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
I fade away
From reality
Whenever I think
About you
Mar 2013 · 351
imaginary (10w)
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
I have wonderful imaginary conversations with you all the time.
Mar 2013 · 948
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
I’m afraid
I am
I’m afraid I’ll never stop feeling like this
Like I’m a bottomless hole
Filled with want and longing
Mar 2013 · 503
Perfection is a paradox
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
Perfection is a paradox
If you’re perfect you have a flaw
Your lack of flaws  
The things that make you special

If you’re not
You’re perfect
Your flaws
The things I love
The things that make you special

I love the things you’re not supposed to love
It’s what makes you special
I want someone who loves me because of my flaws, not someone who loves me despite of them.
Mar 2013 · 253
If you ever kissed me
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
If you kissed me
I would die
Thinking it was a dream
I would throw myself over the edge
Trying, but failing to fly
My body would lie there
Smashed against the ground
Bones crushed
Blood splattered
You’ll never kiss me in real life
Mar 2013 · 344
A painting on a wall
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
He hung the world like it was a painting on a wall
He stared at it from afar
He shook his head
He said he don’t want to go back there, not at all
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
My brother
Once tiny and small
Grew over night
I nicknamed him Sasquatch
‘cause he’s so hairy and tall
When did he get so super tall?
Mar 2013 · 275
Surely you must feel it too
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
You must know
How could you not?
My eyes must scream for you
They must scream how much I want you

You must feel it
How could you not?
You must feel the sparks that electrify me
Every time our force fields split and surrounds us both
Making a bubble
Cutting us off from the rest of the world
Surely you must feel it too
Feb 2013 · 324
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
Spinning fast
High up in the air
One golden penny
Smashing against the surface
Diamond colored drops everywhere
A wish sent out to the universe
A wish involving you
Feb 2013 · 323
Nothing but Air
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
You used to be my best friend, even though I wasn't yours.
I knew you only cared about you,
But I had
No one else.
In the movie that was life
I was only an extra
When I refused to accept that, we grew apart.
I made a conscious decision
To cut you out of my life.
And so did you.
I thought we could still be friendly.
Exchange a hello, or maybe only a smile, when passing each other in the street.
You didn't.
You walked straight by me.
Like I was air.
Like I was nothing.
Feb 2013 · 332
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
I'm caged.
The present doesn't belong to me.
But the future does.
In the future I’ll be free
If I ***** it up
I’m *******
And I’ll hate myself forever.
Feb 2013 · 526
disrupted silence
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
crows struggling to escape
crushing the atmosphere
trying to find happiness and cheer

dropping rocks into the blaring ocean
breaking the silence
being swallowed by the waves motion
Feb 2013 · 404
Dancing in the rain
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
Dancing in the rain
Blinded by reflected sunlight
For one moment feeling absolutely free
Feb 2013 · 3.1k
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
I’m ten years old
Standing in snow
Looking up at the night sky
Waiting for snowflakes to reach my head
I want to sparkle too
Feb 2013 · 451
You. It's all about you.
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
Thoughts of you spam my mind
I try, but fail to concentrate
On anything but you

Every song is about you
Every book is about you
Every film is about you

My eyes are missiles
Automatically targeting you
My ears are malfunctioning hearing aids
Blocking out everything but your voice  

Every dream is about you
Every day is about you
My life is about you
It's all about you
Feb 2013 · 560
The best lie
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
If you ever asked me what I thought of you
I would tell you
I would tell you I’m obsessed with you
I dream about you every night
And every day
I write poems about you
I post them online
And hope that someone will like them
So I’ll feel less like a loser
I would say it like it was a joke
Dripping with sarcasm
‘Cause sometimes the best lie is the truth
Feb 2013 · 329
Ever present
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
You’re an ever present ghost
Haunting my mind
Rushing pictures of you
Making me blind

Thoughts of you
Paint my dreams
Making ever present pieces of art
The melody of you
Beating in my heart
Feb 2013 · 228
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
Slowly poisoning
The blood in my veins
Feb 2013 · 233
People are like china
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
People are like china
Chipped and cracked
But still useful
Till you break them
Feb 2013 · 4.5k
Facebook stalker
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
I’m not a stalker
I’m not
I just monitor your little green Facebook dot

I keep waiting for a sign
That you'll someday be mine
But all I see is you on her Facebook timeline
Feb 2013 · 354
What's wrong with me?
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
You’re a **** every day
But I fell for you anyway
You insult me like you’re trying to win a prize
I write poems about your eyes
You said:" I hate you"
I want to date you
What's wrong with me?
Feb 2013 · 312
Yellow Sky
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
Hair caught in mouth
Shouldn’t be what love’s about
Staring at the yellow sky
Every time I realize you don’t love me I want to cry
Wishing I was dead
Grabbing a blanket
Going to bed
Jan 2013 · 358
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
Your eyes
I used to think they were grey
I didn’t see it
The black and white rainbow
The sulking mist
The cold ice
The foggy sky
The dancing moonlight
The filthy snow
I didn’t see the beauty
In bleak, depressing things
Till I fell for you
Jan 2013 · 389
Invisible darkness
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
Invisible darkness
Enveloping cold
Silent screams
Fading gold

Angry Ocean
Blushing sky
Deafening silence
Trying not to cry
Jan 2013 · 304
My morning routine
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
Turning on the machine
Crushing the bean
Filling my body with caffeine
This is my gasoline
I don't actually drink coffee.
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
Your perfection is an illusion I can’t see through
I like everything about you
Moonlight dancing in your eyes
My stomach full of butterflies

Hair brown as a cacao bean
Skin giving of a golden sheen
A hidden kindness no one sees
Decapitating my knees

Even though I can’t see what’s underneath
I can feel the burning heat
Every time you’re near
My heart palpitating so loud, I swear you can hear

Quoting my favorite song
I’ve been this way for far too long
Lost in a love I never had
I’m too pathetic and sad
You don’t even say hello
Why the f*ck can’t I let go?
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
Your perfection is an illusion I can’t see through
I like everything about you
Moonlight dancing in your eyes
My stomach full of butterflies

Hair brown as a cacao bean
Skin giving of a golden sheen
A hidden kindness no one sees
Decapitating my knees
Jan 2013 · 317
My glass heart
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
My heart
He used it as a ball
Even though it was made of glass
With every kick came a crack
He did his best to destroy it fast
With a final kick it cracked
A gazillion pieces
Spreading in one trillion directions
Spraying all around
Making wounds no one could see
He shattered me
Jan 2013 · 216
With her
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
It cut like a knife
Draining me of life
It cut like a thorn
Making me wish I never was born
It made tears fall from my face
I felt so out of place
It made my heart restlessly stir
Just seeing you with her
It made me cry
Made me want to fall to the ground and slowly die
Jan 2013 · 201
In my dreams
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
In my dreams I slowly die
I tried to save the world
But then there you were
I forgot my task
You took my hand
You led me to a house
I leaned into you
In this house
We didn't care that the world would die
I smiled
You were finally mine
Jan 2013 · 670
Empty sky
Ironatmosphere Jan 2013
Empty sky filled with smoke
No more bursts of light
Suicidal snowflakes tumbling down
hitting tired ground
It's last year's funeral
This year's birth
The sun will shine again
Even though it hurts

— The End —