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 Mar 2013 Inkyu Kim
Zach Davis
that crystal flow seen to all
but blind in its clear folly
the muddy stream it gurgle out
a fool to them equally

and the sweet stream honeyed
while meanders it do cut a path
the parasite hidden by the water’s lure
is known to us at last

the shallow stagnant pool
-though they say it do flow softly-
seems to fear to valley below,
though on its perch it be quite lofty

trudge he must and trudge he do
though it prove to be a hindrance
the weary traveler stop for drink
and punished for his insolence

and though the glacial spring do seem
to mirror those truthful singers
they parched bend to taste the trickle
but it slips right through their fingers
 Feb 2013 Inkyu Kim
 Feb 2013 Inkyu Kim
Isn't it odd.
People keep secrets.
A thousand envelopes.
Shut tight by two thousand signets.
Don't let them get out.
What a shame if they do.
We're afraid of people
Looking like a fool.
The funny thing is.
No matter who,
There are things people hide
From those near to them too.
That's the word.
By word I mean world.
No soprano singing of a little girl.
You think she would sing if she chose it?
The problem here lies is that I'm a poet,
And no one I care about seems know it.
 Jan 2013 Inkyu Kim
Zach Davis
Abandoned dusty in the attic
A shadow flitters around the edge
Caressing the smoky veil of glass,
Searching to remember his first waking moment,
When he had become but a phantom
Of a man-
but alas... it had been always.

Silently knocking on the wall
Which holds him from the other side-
You saunter by and blink
And shun the one moment you could have seen
And he is forgotten from the ones who never knew him
And the fabric
Runs like soot over his world.

His eyes see but the ghost of the substantial,
His world imaginary staring through a window of glass
From which shines an impossible prism
Cutting a path through the smoky din
The dream-dust settles, making it but a circle
Glowing in the light
That he could live in another’s eyes.

The mirror shatters.
Crushing glass slashing shards into the air
Shrieks erupt as the phantasm is
For the first time known,
The storm that had been hidden in that one-way mirror
Now unleashed, yet
You avert your eyes as if it was still a pane of glass.
 Jan 2013 Inkyu Kim
Zach Davis
I sit at the table too high for me,
Slipping the poison down my throat,
Sewn shut my mind through mouth,
As I feel the darkness bloat.

Yet I know it’s due to me alone,
My hand the wretched doer of the stab
Which rends my heart at my bequeath,
Yet how can I help who I am?

The invisible flame all too bright,
Casts my shadow invoking fear,
I willingly forget not to shun
The things I held most dear.

My mind falls deeper into the mire,
Shallower with each sinking death,
I tell them to ignore the silent screams
Though I cry for help under my breath.

And though these echoes are not heard,
They crash and boom and threaten to break
Innocence is swallowed whole again,
As I stand chained at the hand of fate.

A different man I stand today
Than the one who failed once before,
Yet I fail again, this time completely,
It is being me I must endure.

For leaping only leads to falling,
First time jumping interceded by floor,
Sitting in shame that isn’t mine
How can I hope to jump ever more?

I ask with a resounding
Question “Who am I?”
Praise from the edges of my view,
But never from the distant sky

Yet somehow the light appears ahead,
The rescuers lifting me from the shadows within
How could I have sought this ugly fate,
When there were others bright that could’ve been?

I’ve wasted time on distant stars
So shining, beckoning in my mind.
Why should I wait longer to start the rest of my life?
It’s time I left that path behind.
 Nov 2012 Inkyu Kim
Alice Kay
the winter is cominG...

soon yOur birthday will be here

remember the gift i gave yOu last year?

you probably Don't have it anymore

rememBer how last year when i went away for vacation

we would chat at least twice a daY...

you said so oftEn how much you missed me

i missed home because oF you

and yOu only.....

you said you had a present for when i retuRned

i nEver got it

i guess it wasn't loVe, and these things just fall apart

and as this year rolls around without you herE

i know i'll be missing eveRything i thought we had
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