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 Apr 2012 Inkyu Kim
Matt KH
Do you remember when we were just boys with mischief in our eyes?
We were just kids we didn't know any better-
Games we used to play, knock door run, tracking, football on the green
Twenty seven-a-side, next goal wins.

Do you remember we used to kick seven bells out of each other
Until our brothers pulled us apart?
But if someone else started
You were always by my side
And i was always by yours

Do you remember when i fell out of a tree
And you ran like lightning to get my mum?
Or when you fell off your bike
And stayed with you until help came

We were kids then though
Things have changed
We've grown up and grown apart
You became a soldier and me,
Well thats still to be determined

I know you're out there son, out on the front line,
Keep yourself safe and one day
We'll kick back and talk about old times
Just do me one favour
Come back alive

— The End —