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30 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Sat in a dark room
Loud thoughts stirring
Taking a deep breath
Trying to come up with a plan
An idea to make it happen
Doesn't happen right away
Turn out according to the vision
Gave it all still not enough
Focused on being better
Staying calm deep down worked up
30 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Struggled with fear
Tired of being told
How to act been an outcast
How to be the mind of a rebel
Broken trust forgiving but distant
A mindful mouth out of respect
Not getting involved peaceful logic
Words feel right on paper
Over the front in the crowds
30 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
How it use to be
A father talks about his youth
Now his son is doing the same
Remembering a better time
Before things got hard
Things stopped making sense
The times are changing
Moving on can't stay stuck
Waiting around but won't stay the same
Feeling the same change all around
30 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Never made sense
The way others treat one another
Don't be disrespectful
Expect favors
After being told off
For trying to explain
Its better to keep distant
Acting like a lead not your pay
Can't complete the task
Not working and don't care
Why is there so much complaining
30 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
He began to question her motives; what was her hidden agenda, it was all one huge lie. He thought this was love, that turned out to be a lust that would crush his heart.
They met in the cafeteria through mutual friends. She noticed his face piercings; Most of all his lebrat piercing. She played softball and he was a big dork in comparison.
They cross paths for a reason didn't make sense
30 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Full of spirit
Light up the soul
Good vibes go out
Good vibes returned
Feeling it from within
Like hug with love
Never letting go
Tickled from the inside
Laughter full of life
30 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
From the heart feeling, and seeing the truth. Moments in time lost in the transition writing takes the stress away. A sweet escape from the reality that doesn't coordinate with these emotions. Dealing with the internal struggle moments that passed. wasn't living in the moment had no clue what was going on. Mind missing loved ones that are going some have passed till we meet again. While other times women wedge and bad communication misunderstanding one another holding a grudge. Divided never going to be friends or reunited.
30 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Family hurts you most
Just because we are blood
Doesn't give you the right
Be involved full time or not at all
Friends might disappoint
Family doesn't let up with opinions
No one asked mouths are running
Finally asked not saying anything
Being corrupt with attitude
Always quick to judge point out flaws
Focus on others situation than their own
Love family disagreements made it tough
Thinking they know but dk the whole story
30 · Aug 25
Infamous one Aug 25
after I woke up from the transplant
I was in ICU the beginning of recovery
The catheter tube would come out
Each day would consist of a task
a cut across my gut I'd pray everyday
My abdominal muscle lacking core strength
A huge cut stapled shut metal stitches
Extremely anxious to get out of bed
Having to page the nurse for assistance
Getting out of bed was difficult
I felt like a turtle on its back
I learned techniques during physical therapy
I had to urinate one of the first tasks
A process that took a few hours
After being assigned was a flow
I'd get up and walk after every meal
trying to keep strong physically
mentally missing work and home
Mostly grandma, her words echoed
"mijo, no one is going to do it for you, you need to do it yourself."
Next, I'd be asked to pass gas ripping a few.
A bowel movement, which was my final task so I could be released to be out patient staying a local to AZ
30 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
So hard to write
Usually feel something
Holding back emotion
Nothing else matter
From feeling whole
To filling the void
A deep hole the light
Trying to get out
30 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
She said to tell all your feelings to a computer. He replied, "no one cares to listening." Inside his head. He zoned out thinking about what he wanted to write. How he wanted to say it. He knew, he wasn't the only one; who felt this way.
Writing helped him connect to others because not everyone understands. If they related it was a way to let them know they are not alone. A quiet mouth but loud mind full of emotions. Deep thoughts straight to the point lacking feelings.
30 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Hard to find common interest
Hard to find common grown
So many labels and boxes to check
Different in one way treated bad
Seen as the enemy a bitter rival
For one conflict of interest
So much imposition
So many talk not open to learn
People don't listen to understand
Always ready to tell and respond
30 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Not in that place anymore
Use to be phased by all the insanity
Stayed away on this lonely road
Broken homes to new beginnings
Not the same anymore not surprised
Being nice seen as bad in other eyes
Always taken for granted got over it
Over trusting the wrong people
Wasn't taken serious the first time
Why all of a sudden being considered
Hard to trust when someone
Doesn't believe believe in your skills
Or trust your talented abilities
30 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Bouncing around ideas
Cant tell anyone
Not able to rely on others
Looked for an ear to listen
Not a mouth full of instruction
Figuring it out without guidance
Over the darkness need the light
Dark cloud over head fade away
Traded the pain for better days
Full of life lost in love
30 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Can't be deep and dark anymore
It comes to the light and exposed
Hard yo let go been doing it so long
Sometimes you out grow it but learned
Wasting away trying to get back on track
Can't stay the same or
Keep doing the same old stuff
Trying to tie off those loose ends
Finish journeys after falling off
Finish those quests the heart desires
Hoping to get over the road block
Wasted enough time with detours
Saw good in the bad smiled and laughed
Made the most of the moment
29 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Rejection means meant for better
Being denied soon yes will be said
Working hard to stand out
Not a follower walking alone
Leading by example setting standards
Focused on be awesomeness
Pursue greatness without doubt
Rise to the next level
Break through that glass ceiling
Tired of reaching ready to touch
Get to the other side
29 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Infused with motivation
Don't say much got others confused
Been doing it not saying anymore
Woke up with an adrenaline rush
Most of the time deep in thought
Not paying attention to whats going on
Usually observant people watch
Not sure how to feel anymore
Catch a conversation be social
Tough times dk how to act
29 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Not trying to blame
Feeling annoyed
Feeling ashamed for trusting
All the wrong people
Didn't make anyone mad
Dealing with their bad moods
All kinds of bad attitudes
Quick to flip the script
Trying not to flip
Dk what to say or how to say it
29 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
You can't be that way
Being better than before
Not tapping into the ghetto side
Can't hide anymore
Get to know a person first
Don't assume you know this life
Making up stories ***** crazy boring
Saying everything but the truth
Growing letting go of old friends
Finding closure and inner peace
Cant live a double life
Could barely handle the one living
29 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Things changed unexpectedly
Miss them over time
Now missing the hurt
Should be living life
Not that person anymore
Not living that life anymore
Dk the future thoughts of fear
Can't live off the past fading away
Living in the moment overwhelming
Taking it one day at a time
29 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Writing has been a comforting companion and music has been an outlet to escape reality. Enjoying the person interviewed or topic on the latest podcast. Remembering all the joy things I use to be passionate about. Haven't had that joy for a while now. Being able to get lost in it not feel like its a chore or forcing things to get done. Feeling bad for people that don't care but talented. Always working harder than most to prove you want it and belong.
29 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
By faith not by sight
Tough times don't last
Faith over fear
Emotions everywhere
Sleep patterns out of wack
Staying inside and write
Music to fill the ears
Too much negativity
Not another stat
29 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
On a road trip to see an ex
With a supportive coworker
On the way lost in new place
Random areas back to college
Years have passed
So much has changed
Some live multiple lives
Barely getting by with one
Get a degree that can be used
All this knowledge applied
Fear of having the same job after
Gained social skills
Asked lots of questions
Couldn't go back to this ex
Everyone moved on to new
Some are married in love
While others started a family
Few are fortunate enough to have both
Done everything but finished school
Always what if or should've done it
Does it matter mean anything
29 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
He was a chubby kid
With big brown eyes
Thick long eyelashes
Those eyes cried a lot
Life came at him hard
Told not to be a *****
Called pretty by many
For having soft features
Took after his mother physically
Acted like his father similar persona
A broken home with tough skin
Told to be tough show no emotions
He wore his heart on his sleeve
Just wanted to be loved and accepted
Be himself without feeling pressure
Let his guard down since it's up all the time
29 · Dec 2018
Q: 485
Infamous one Dec 2018
Staring at a blank page
Dk what to say
Or what to write
Always on the mind
The right pen to fill the word
Find the feelings within
29 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Talking to an older a friend about their youth for the a better and simpler time. I could see them smile their eyes light up talking about those times that made them shine. When life was fun appreciation for those moments.
29 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
She hugged and kissed him
And thought it meant something
A few dates with memorable moments
The first kiss full of sparks very intimate
Spent time together for lost in that world
When he seen her with another guy right away
He was crushed wondering what happened
Where it all went wrong to make it right
He wanted to be the one not one of many
29 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Watching movies with family
It has memorable moments
Some are good other times bad
Spending time together
Life is short no need to settle
Feeling bad and feeling nothing
Protecting yourself mostly family
Neglecting yourself trying to bond
Having fun with life over bad habits
Missing people consumed by loneliness
Around complicated people
Said to never be like that
Knowing ones self not what others think
Mind everywhere thinking about work
Pops company got bought out
Brought in their own people
Family going through change
Hurting from the loss
Dk how to cope or how to feel
From love to struggling hollow empty inside
29 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Days seem longer
Nights feel like a blink
Energized should be sleeping
Tired during the sunshine
Naps at random hours
Throwing off sleep patterns
Eating again need to exercise
Exercise the body muscle memory
Stimulate the mind captivated
Spiritual recharge healing soul
Creative process a wild imagination
29 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Forever gone never coming back
Fading memories of the past
Not one to replace other
But always replaced by many
Ready to venture out
New journeys full of adventure
Experience new places
Full of adrenaline
Encounter new people
Not be weighed down by negativity
Move on release the bad
Forget the negativity
Cut free toxic friends
29 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Lots of failed relationships
Lost love because it was a lie
Always loyal accused of cheating
Always faithful the love is taken away
Treated others faith willing to stay
Once the respect and trust is gone
No reason to stay but need to get away
Haven't had kids not worried
Around family through tough times
I'd choose the wrong person expecting more
Just wanted to be love not always accepted
Thought it might work this time around
Gave up on love Pursuing a career
29 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Still can't believe you're gone
Sad to see you go outta my life
Remembering all the things
You gave words of wisdom
I'm honored you taught me
Applying these life lessons to mine
Seeing things in me others don't
Believed in me and gave me hope
When I don't believe in myself
Trying to honor you by being better
29 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Letting the mind flow
Always open to grow
In the slump home sick
Trying to find a way
Need an alternative
Settled for too long
Even after being wronged
No appreciation then why now
Become one of the better
After being criticized
Stepped it up shut them up
Eventually outgrowing it all
Aiming high for the next level
Not many targets to hit
Learned to move on
Went all in with this heart
Let go of it all in the mind
Always at conflict the heart and mind
The heart won't let go
While the mind moved on
Shut it all down lost interest
29 · Jul 23
Infamous one Jul 23
He noticed the team leader cared too much whatever others think. They'd bad mouth him he'd do anything for their approval. Even though they'd slam his name. He'd rather **** up than be loyal to the people who had his back. His true colors shined above his rep that came with his tarnished career.
That part that wants to share that evil that was cast but willing to let it die within to keep the peace. Knowing better coping with this keeping the peace all the wrong will be made right overtime. Lots of prayer and meditation because working would strengthen him and the anxiety would gain as well. Reading to clear relax the mind.
29 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Woke up extra from a dream
Now I'm thinking more
What does it mean
What's going on in my head
Can only do so much
Made others look bad
Guess I did too much
Bust my **** can only do so much
Work twice as hard to belong
Still feels not good enough
Send me packing over reacting
Keeping it real everything so take
Things are alright no need to pretend
Told myself things can be better
29 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Woke up took a drive
Back home fell a sleep
Composing thoughts and ideas
Reflecting a life time of moments
The good times glad they happened
Can't have good without the bad
Bad times start sign of change
Lots of growth more selective
Pick something more not less
Choose for the better keep striving
29 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Reflecting on his life
A late bloomer grew up overtime
The Soul shined with a brightest glow
Heart that was genuine and true
Ready to love again start a new
*** complicates things
Get to know a person first
Be with someone who likes you for you
Not trying to change you lose yourself
Find the one to open your heart with
Years of being with the wrong person
Be yourself don't hide who you are
Without feeling like you did wrong
Guilted for sharing emotions
Having them used against you
29 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Didn't know anymore
Older and wiser not the same
Things are not what they appear
Overwhelmed by fear
Seem too complicated avoided it
Never the first pick
Thankful for opportunity
Broken just want to feel whole
Be normal whatever that means
Same chance as everyone else
Made work fun but not happy
After a while pondering life
Where did it go wrong
Able to turn weakness to strength
The past doesn't make a future
29 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Got clean but they won't let you forget
Said sorry and changed behavior
Faded away disappeared
Like I can't do anything
Moving on with life with no regret
Accused not talking this verbal abuse
Sober living meant giving up on an old life
Stopped partying and working hard
Probably get fired before getting a promotion
Did so much good but the bad shadows
Feel like this is a life sentence
Can't escape all the hate
From those who remain the same
Remind me I made mistakes
Bring up old pain bad meomeries remain
Staying positive in a room full of haters
Working hard to change my struggle
From poor to getting by
Want to make it happen
Scared it hasn't happened yet
The world goes slow feel the anxiety grow
One day at a time take it slow
Tired of walking away following the rules
Too many cheaters rewarded for bad deeds
Mind my mouth showing respect
Thoughts are compressed inside
Ready to explode come out with a wrath
29 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Let go of old hurt
Playing with old emotions
Feelings change not the same
Personal growth continuing
Asking question what's needed
How can it be done better
Living in the moment
Can't block it out or hide anymore
Tried to blend into the background
Meant to stand out be up front
After being kept out looking in
Shoved to the back without reason
Lots of change every season
Learned to say No without doubt
Stand on solid ground against the odds
After being provoked found courage
Confidence to speak up to others
So many assumptions made up lies
After being ignored being better
29 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Never take credit for anything
Things don't always work out
Do all the work and well
Someone else in the spotlight
Things go wrong all of a sudden
The first person to find
Get all the blame
Not assigned in that area
Or in that department
28 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
So many bad drivers on the road
Get off your phone and drive
Use your signal idiot get off the phone
Could've caused an accident
Driving like a maniac stuck in traffic
Merged over 3 lanes
Swerving back and forth
No regards for others
Safety or well being
28 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Toxic charm intoxicating
Blinded by beauty
Lost love manipulation
Playing with the heart
So much love
Had to stay away
An addiction hard to quit
Once it's out of the system
Recovery to figure it out
28 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
The heart pours emotions
Rain drops hide the tear drops
Cold weather over a cold heart
An old life focused on the new
Unwind this heart withering down
Unload these feelings from within
Dreams to escape the nightmare
Working a job not vibing it anymore
Feels like I can be doing more
Not too late to pursue a career
28 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Kicking back
Not sure how to act
Might have a heart attack
Someone talking behind my back
Mad I said it to their face
Need to be doing something
Mind starts racing
Driving myself crazy
Should've done that
Could've done this
The moment past
Everything happened so fast
28 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
If it ain't helping you
Or making you better
It doesn't matter
Always wiliing to help
Not afraid to try
Mindful of others
Silence with respect
The mouthful full of fury
Try to keep the peace
Not looking for trouble
Doing what's right
While others lie and cheat
Work hard don't complain
Be the one talked about
Not the one talking
28 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Meeting people for the seasons
Onto the next a whole new chapter
Can't stay for long will be sent away
Making all the wrong right
Silence and hard work going strong
Hoping to make it home and stay
On the road on the go for years
Can't get close or attached
Hate the feeling but it's the norm
Showed love got hurt stayed genuine
Walked away better growing strength
Gained for the experience and journey
28 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
In the crowd watching the game
Not use to this view
On the field or involved
Once coached the game
Once was a player
To become a spectator of it
The love for it never fade
Desires to go back
Participate by giving pointers
Help the next generation
Times have changed
Athletes grow old
The heart never give
Talent fades with time
Wear and tear on the body
Working towards a goal
Practice like a champ
Listen to the coach
Push limits dig down deep
28 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
She always belong to someone else
Always in a relationship
Couldn't be single or alone
She knew he had a crush
He knew it would never happen
Leaving for college a better future
Sharing an emotional hug
He'd come home to visit her
She was finally single
He was seeing someone
They caught up over drinks
He was happy to see her
She was too a kiss on the cheek
He was confused by gesture
She never showed him affection
Didn't give much thought
28 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
He saw his momma drunk
It hurt him and broke his heart
He prayed she'd change for the better
She smoked no regards for others
Set in her ways loved her flaw and all
All the frustration stayed away
Tears and painful to watch
Blaming himself over her bad habits
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