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Brittany Reese Mar 2018
Man, these opinions be really ******* up my mental.

They don't stop me from making money just stop me from standing tall.
They shouldn't matter and for years I've let them roll off my shoulders.

But as a human being, hearing the same thing only makes me colder.
I don't care what they say, but to my dismay, it's everything you deem unfit.

The tiger stripes on my belly, the extra softness of my thighs.
Things that I viewed as simple characteristics but yet these are unflattering in your eyes.

The bulge of my stomach, the layer of graspable skin on my side
Those are all things that I've let slip from my mind
They don't stop me from soaring higher, achieving goals, or even improving my skill set.

But your gaze is like daggers and your words like bullets
It causes these now undesirable features to fester my soul
If I dare fix them they have to gain your approval.

And for those who still think that words don't matter, step off of your pedestal and let me serve you a reality platter.

If the vast majority declares it outdated you drop it.
If the vast majority says it's trendy you adopt it. And while it may seem easy to ignore the hype, it takes an extremely mentally strong individual to say **** it and goodbye.

We would all like to believe that we're our own person.
But when there is a flaw that is repeatedly critiqued, we lose sight of who we are and that's the number one lesson.
Brittany Reese Jan 2018
It's the thunder of my laugh
The melody of my voice
The softness of my cries
That creates a world of mystery

It's the way my hair flips
The fullness of my lips
And the way my hips dip
That allows me to revel in any scene

It's the thickness of my thighs
The fire and desire in my eyes
The purpose behind my strides
All the stretch marks I try to hide
That makes me a beautiful queen

Physically, I may be flawed
Emotionally, my heart may need to thaw
Mentally, I am sometimes unstable
Spiritually, I connect with the one who is able

Despite my infamous name
People want to play game
Strong and passionate
Quick-witted spitfire

I award my perfect imperfections
Brittany Reese Dec 2017
The skyline blends with the water
Indistinguishable from one another
A long lost muse reinvented in dusk
Passion intertwined with fear
Reaching for sanity, longing for reason
As I came closer, it became further
Stability and conformity is a state of mind
Erraticism and abnormality are so easy to find
Brittany Reese Dec 2017
I am disgusted with my reflection that ceases to exist.
Yearning for intimate warmth only to receive cold expression.
The rhythmic ***** has disintegrated within my person and all that remains is a gaping hole.
Cold air seeps through but it is beyond repair.
A quest to avenge my pride resulted in a domestic battle.
My heart had subconsciously committed treason.
No longer able to finish the mission my title lies in ruins while my soul rummages through the rubble searching for pieces of my Jane Doe.
But with the heaps of ash covered ruins, how will I ever be found?
Brittany Reese Dec 2017
Enter my depth.
Penetrate my mind.
Caress my opinions.
****** my soul.
Challenge my knowledge.
Brittany Reese Dec 2017
Molded as one
Passionate words grace the tongues
Love escapes from one onto the other.
Tender caresses and earth-shattering shudders
Interlocked mouths quiet all secrets
Content sighs echo
The pair doesn't let go
Intertwined limbs, they allow their high to subside
A gentle kiss on a smooth forehead
Soft gazes in between dimpled smiles
Arms wrap around a soft waist and slumber overcomes them both.
Brittany Reese Nov 2017
Fire adorns the sky while blood stains the gravel
The final horn has been blown
Ships sink, buildings implode, planes nosedive
Darkness walks among us
Death lingers
Sickness kisses my lips
Free falling into a bottomless pit

Fire adorns the sky while blood stains the gravel
The final horn has been blown
Man dies, man goes blind, man commits suicide
Death lingers
Sickness kisses my lips
The dark winged angel caresses my shoulder
Smoke dances in my lungs

Fire adorns the sky while blood stains the gravel
The final horn has been blown
Flowers wither, trees crash, asphalt cracks
Death lingers
Sickness kisses my lips
I dance with the man with hoofed feet
An endless loop

Fire adorns the sky while blood stains the gravel
The final horn has been blown….
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