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indulged then engorged
i slipped right through your fingertips
does the timbre of my voice
still shiver in your ribs
chest locked and throat blocked
a frantic exhale denied
does the whisper of my touch
drag along the walls of your mind
are you grateful you didn't cross that bridge
or bothered that you couldn't
dignities were stained some later time
when i was still too callow to have better judgment
but i was discerning enough
to identify and avoid your sticky lures
and so fledgling instincts beat out the odious
only now i know for sure
like saliva foaming to your jaw
down to the floor into the ground
i slipped right through your fingertips
you'll never catch me now
but not the prey
i bend myself until i
break and no one's there to save
me from the mess i made
trying to feel just a little okay

i'm hurting but there is no
treatment for the pain i'm feeling
i do all the work but i'm still not healing
i try so ******* hard but i'm still left dealing

and its always too much or too
far when it comes to matters of the heart
shouldn't take it so hard
but i'm falling apart

i'm crashing out at a thought of
you cause i've done everything i could think to do
i've been rotting for years but its still so raw
and new and thats my excuse
i feel it happening again
you say you're a friend
but what if it is just
all in my head again

i felt so sure last time
that i don't trust my own perceptions
but it does feel nice to laugh with you
i shouldn't ruin it with questions
you reached out
and held my hand
and i've been so lonely
that i never want it to end
it really should be so simple
to do the right things
remembering to eat
and going to sleep
but i stare at the ceiling
unless i take certain measures
and my tongue turns to cotton
my appetite has surely been better
so uninterested in what's left of life's pleasure
unbothered to set myself out to dry
sitting on shower floor
using my little alone time to cry
and life's actually never been this great
in many ways i'm growing
but i only see things i haven't achieved
and pain i'm not showing
its so weird to be in between
healed and healing
for the last couple weeks
i couldn't explain what i've been feeling
but maybe it will come back
the hunger for something more
until i'll just alternate
between being uncomfortable, suffering, or bored
what's up
i'm counting down the days to go
i'm marinating in thoughts
i'm chewing on the worst of them
as i burn a hole into the clock
with my drying eyes
and ache for this time to come to a close
i've sat here for long enough
i've entertained every sorrow i know

i can imagine them all huddled up
laughing at my misfortune
repainting the picture and denying my character
my actions warped and my words distorted
the blame falls down on me
like an anvil in a stupid cartoon
i'm unable to defend myself
but for their acceptance, why would i even want to?

i've been ready to leave for a good long while
but i held out to see if i was mistaken
but the proof found me and i protected myself
and that somehow made me satan
so yeah i walked away and i'd do it again
i deserve more than to be of use
i believed you and what did that get me
other than abandoned and misconstrued

so have your little party and vilify me
burn me at the stake if you please
my worst crime being reactive to the abuse
and finally choosing me
over phony peace i only had
when i would bend to your every whim
compromise was never an option
and you were never a friend
punched out
headed somewhere
i don't have a home

when you were here
i was so lonely
but now i'm just alone

which might sound sad
but its better and easier
i'll find somewhere to go

for a long time
i thought you were always gonna be here
so i closed my eyes to not watch you go
you want to see me suffer
yet i prosper
you love to see me down
but i fly high
you wait until i'm wounded
to cut me deeper
but i always walk it off
and end up fine
you hate to see me smile
but i'm still laughing
you see me fumble
and think that it's the end
but i learn better and get back up
and try over and over again
i might not be perfect
i never thought that i was
you can discount my efforts
you'll call me whatever you want
but you'll never get what you want
living to tears others apart
its up and down most days
but i have a warmth in my heart
you'll never know the way you're going
and that ******* blows
you might not like me
but i hate to imagine you ending up alone

your pain will never bring me joy
but i don't imagine that'd make you feel better
i dream of ideals and speak with genuity
my hope ruins your day and you think it makes you so clever
i never dont bounce back
count on that
everyday i find that i care a little less
and then a little less
undeterred by your presence in any capacity
no longer gnawed by the stress

my hair hasn't grayed or fallen from my scalp
i walk the stairs just fine
started taking the long way home
and now devour the sunlight creeping through my blinds

life has been quiet and quite slighted
but its never been so vivid
i come from a sunken place
so i can deeply appreciate the transition

from shame to sincere vulnerability
comforted by and proud of the person i've become
you always made me feel too soft
but that sensitivity is what'll keep me young

while you fade and scratch at the walls
thinking till you're sick of a second chance that will never come
wasted your best years on lust and cheaper outcomes
your investments falter leaving you with nothing and no one

i'dve cried for you
but that intensity has degraded
i just might've laughed too
and yet that rage dissipated

instead i just keep doing
what i was already doing
feeling better everyday
and now your updates just amuse me
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