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Feb 2018 · 3.3k
caffeine addict
andi doyle Feb 2018
Nothing ever comes close to my love for coffee. Not even my love for shoes, music, and photography combined.

I love my coffee during those hectic stretches of time when games and school exams and deadlines are held in the same weeks.

I love my coffee during the all-nighters and sleepless nights to keep up with everything going on.

I love my coffee during those sleepy and low energy moments after the early morning trainings.

I love my coffee during the days I am running late in my first period classes because I may have overslept.

I love my coffee during the hangover mornings after those wild drinking parties.

I love my coffee during the random and spontaneous hangouts at cafés.

I love my coffee during the long roadtrips with family or teammates.

I love my coffee early in the morning and late at night. I love my coffee at any time of the day.

I love my coffee for its sweet and intoxicating aroma. Just a sniff and it already feels like I am at home.

I love my coffee served hot that it reaches deep into the soul. I love my coffee served cool that it refreshes and chills the soul.

I love my coffee for the energy it brings me. I love my coffee for making my heart beat faster.

All of that swiftly changed when I met her. In just a short moment of time of exchanging the most basic informations between us.

I do not love her but she gets me through those hectic stretches of time.

I do not love her but she helps me keep up with everything and keeps me up at night.

I do not love her but she shares her energy with me after the early morning trainings.

I do not love her but she patiently waits for me for my first period classes whenever I oversleep.

I do not love her but she takes care of me during and after those wild drinking parties.

I do not love her but she keeps up with all my spontaneity.

I do not love her but she loves long drives and adventures herself.

I do not love her but she is always there for me no matter what, when, and where.

I do not love her but she really smells so nice every time. I do not love her but she feels like home.

I do not love her but she knows me so well including my deepest, darkest secrets. I do not love her but I always find myself looking forward to chilling out with her.

I do not love her but she really inspires me. I do not love her but she makes my heart beat faster.

Nothing ever came close to my love for coffee. Until I met her.
one of the few "happy"/"in love" pieces i wrote.
2017.10.05. inspired by ferdinand and isabel.

— The End —