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Waking up
to the sound of your breathing,
that's when I realized
it was no longer you and I.

It was us.
I am my own ***** secret
I keep me so well hidden away
The guilt
The greed
It's all buried
so deep inside
of me

No one thinks they know me
How could they?
It would only be lie
Just like everything else that lives in my mind

I'm invincible
At least,  I try
I cry and I cry
But I just cannot die
I'm in pain
That's the truth
I swear
But I have been so long that it's too hard to care

I just don't feel anymore
Unless it ******* stings
I feel the life that hatred slowly brings
The rest of me is dead,
choked out somewhere, blue
Breathing in needles and bathing in glue
I'm stuck
I'm cemented in place
Built in brick and tar
and drowning in waste
I can taste it
The hideous beast that I grow
Sometimes it slows down
But it always shows
"Your dad wouldn't have killed himself if he didn't think you could handle it. "

*"I can handle a lot of things. I could handle being burned with gasoline and matches, but it would sure as **** hurt like hell."
There is no such thing as time,
it's all a lie
Based on the stars
and the moon's false light
And on the sun that brightly blinds

There has never been a day that ended
They only change slightly with sleep
And once our eyes are pried back open
we decide to see what we will see

Clocks may tick and sands may drop
but each second is meaningless
They never start
Never stop
Everything is a circle
going round
and round
and yes,
around again

Just as everything else in this world,
we give it a name
and then all of the sudden,
it becomes reality
 Jan 2017 Hoping2bhelpfull
She drinks from an ancient wellspring
-older than the rocks which cup it.

Deeper her thirst goes
-quenched for a fleeting moment.

A small poem from her heart
-flown from her wetted lips.

She drinks the skies
-the place her poetry finds freedom.
for all sisters
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