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1.5k · May 2014
From The Moon with Love
Holly Penland May 2014
I was once just the moon sitting alone in a cold shadow
Then my Sun appeared,  rising and lighting me so
His warmth wraps around the earth to make me burn and shine
To be lit up and seen as beautiful is more than devine
I sat alone in cold emptiness for so long never knowing your heat
Now I am shining brightly and your burning fire never missed a beat

                                  I know you have a cycle and schedule and I do as well
Maybe if I help you and vice versa we will beat this hell
You the light, me the dark, and the earth our child in between
Who would have thought the old dark moon would become the sun’s queen?
I know that I never thought it was really a serious possibility
My life had once been meaningless, just an exercise in futility
Now I knew my purpose and was proud to be lit up by solar light
Tearing away from you during a  rare eclipse never really feels right
Somehow my lunar intuition awakened and  I am able to see
Part of being the moon and the sun is never being totally free
I exist to orbit, to serve and reflect your beautiful sunny glow
You exist to give order, give life,  and align it all just so
Sure I enjoy being an occasionally lit beacon in the starlit night sky
I willingly but willfully hand over control and never ask why
I know deep inside my moonstone core that you will always return
One lunar cycle and then I get my awesome sunburn
                          I doubted if the universe would ever designate me time and place
Then all of a sudden you pulled me in to make my suborbital with grace
You touch every rock, crater, and imperfection with with your warming light
Earth which binds and separates us sees full lunar glory some select nights
Nobody would have ever thought I was beautiful before you lit me up
But since you came along NASA created satellites just to get me closeup

I will never mind being here and reflecting the perfection of you
Besides you owning my heart and soul we get to share quite the view
When people thank me for being the moon I say thank my dear solar love
Because of you I am special and I get to be a real part of this heaven above

To Shawn, With Love

— The End —