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I close my eyes
Recollect on all my past relationships
I see all the pain
I see you in my arms
I know I have a deep love for you
Yet we are not together
I can kiss you
I can hold you
We love each other
In a way not many people would understand
But My Love I want you to know this
I wish you would of been my first
My first love
My first time
My first relationship
My first and last
Because with you
Everything feels so perfect
To the girl I love maybe too much
Use It as a swords not a shield
Let your voice be the sword, Don't hide behind your past

This is not a speech
But somebody use
At least one line from this
To show that you can learn
From mistakes hidden within your past

See today I hear people
Blame their past for who they are
What they do
And how the react
To certain situations within todays society

We are young yes I know
But why hold on to the past
When the past can make you or break you
So stop using your past as a shield
And forge a sword with it

Move head first into battle
Because even today we still fight
We fight for our beliefs
We fight for our rights
But we hide behind our past

Scarred to cast the first stone
But maybe that first stone
Could make us free from the prejudiced people
From snide crude unfair remarks
Presented by the most insecure people

I have felt the pain
Of things that happened
Over a hundred years ago
When Europeans set foot on this grand soil
And brought forth diseases

I may be young
But I have witnessed the rise
Of a weak society
Because they hide behind their past
Using it like a shield

This sword I possess
Commands not a legion of men
But a million legions of dreams
That have become the pinnacle of war
And I shall cast the first stone
Because I will carry on what my forefathers started

I will be the echo to their voice
I will strike down unfair prejudice people
Not with violence
But standing here on the battlefield alone or not
And demand freedom
So join in hands with me
And write WE ARE FREE in the heavens
Letting it echo on the wind even after we die
Poem I wrote for a Black History Month program
Was there a word,
Plain or shimmering,
Cast of gold and mercy,
In the bathing light of forgiveness,
Tempered with down and feather,
Wrought of worthiness and pride,
The mellow flame of tenderness
And shearing morning sun,
One tabulation of saving flesh,
The tapping root of the knowledge
Tree, the forge of stainless metal
And touch, stone direction,
One healing humour, cardinal
As blood, forceful as the salt
Journey bearing the pines
Of lodestar coordinates,
Spotting the Xanadu ex
Of the lost lovers?
...Her hair lingers in mid air
drawing the last
of the sun
love was yesterday's
on the dance floor and
the scent of a
familiar perfume
is the only
in a glimpse
of sunlight
She holds on
to the addiction
of remembering
until moments
of bliss
bled her
...The horizon has been
for God knows how long
Yet we try to
stop the crying
Not knowing
that it's the grip that
brings us at the edge
of a choking point
where we stand with
worn out knees
and blame
the one thing
that we have been calling as
the burden that causes the
So we seek
for that single smile
with the prayers of
...Thirty days of
eight recurring sunsets
I remember those
as clear as
the vagueness
of my uncertainties
I miss them
sometimes and
the almost forgotten
lingers in my nights
to haunt me to
remind me of something
that I
used to have
that I used to
it's not the right time
to step out from
as the sun is still
but i'd like to think
that someday
The rain and the wind, the wind and the rain --
    They are with us like a disease:
They worry the heart, they work the brain,
As they shoulder and clutch at the shrieking pane,
    And savage the helpless trees.

What does it profit a man to know
    These tattered and tumbling skies
A million stately stars will show,
And the ruining grace of the after-glow
   And the rush of the wild sunrise?

Ever the rain -- the rain and the wind!
    Come, hunch with me over the fire,
Dream of the dreams that leered and grinned,
Ere the blood of the Year got chilled and thinned,
    And the death came on desire!
 Feb 2013 hellohappytori13
Ria M
Feeling lost and feeling lonely
Can't I be your one and only?
Wandering along to my own heartbeat
Life's more fun with another pair of feet
A *** to squeeze, a hand to hold
A pocket to put my fingers in, when they get cold.
Someone to splash when I jump in puddles.
A lover to stop me getting in a muddle
A friend, a foe, a confidant.
I miss the way things used to be
The way things were
Between you and me
Things have just gotten harder
And I just can't see
Is it you
Or is it me?
So down I've been
Feeling so hurt and sore
I've come to you for comfort
Like I always have
But you pin it back on me
Making me feel worse
"That doesn't sound like him"
My good friend has said
I agree
It sounds like someone else instead.
I can't see
Is it you or is it me?
"I give up" you said
That phrase hasn't left my head
Since you've said it
A part of me gave up as well
If you truly mean it
I can't believe it.
Is it you or is it me?
Perhaps it is both
A reaction to an action
Just over and over
Reacting and reacting
A volatile reaction
Only made worst by time
If you'd only react differently
Say a different word
If I'd only do differently
Then surely we could be
Is it you or is it me?
So afraid I'll drive you away
I can't keep on crying alone
Night after night
Fight after fight
It takes it's toll.
What happened to the rest?
What happened to the words we said?
Always talking love
Always talking passion
Have we forgotten?
Some say passion must die
To replace it with the mundane
I refuse.
Until our dying day my love will be passionate
And I will fight with passion
Without passion it just doesn't seem worth it
Where did our passion go?
Where did the words of our beauty go?
Where did the words of our undying love disappear to?
No longer is there late night talks
Of our future and love
Few and far between are the looks of longing
Look into each others' eyes and peer deep
See the person you fell in love with
And fall in love with them all over again
Remember the love
And remember that it's still there.
I miss the way things were
And I know you do, too
Between you and me.
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