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I love you
I love how weird you are
I love how you smile at my stupidity
How you find a sense of peace
Within my voice
I love you
I don't even know why anymore
I just know I do
I love how you find comfort
Within my anger and despair
You find relief in my problems
Because it makes your problems seem less
Than the way you view them
I love how you love me
The way you say good morning
The way you say goodnight
I simply love you for no reason
Can this be true
If it is not
I'm dying knowing I gave everything
Loving you the way you deserve
And I hope the way I want to love you
Is the way you want to be loved
Because I don't want to waste your time
I want a love that is true
And seeing as how you loved me
For the past seven years
I know this is true
And for that I love you even more
I will scream it at the top of my lungs
If I have too
love is an ocean and i'm a boat
for so long, i had run aground
dried up and barren
the tide came in and you swept me away
the things we see together
mirrored sunsets
and bright nights
not artificial but raw and alien
love is the ocean and you're my moon
reflected off the water into my eye
when i can't see you then i can't see myself
not to mention the deserted island dead ahead
but when you shine, you shine the brightest
i'll sing sweet lullabies
and be rocked to sleep by the tides you pull
these waters may get rough
but as the crests smash my bow and brow
ill look up from these drip drop eyes to you
and know we'll see it through
Float gently down on my soft lips
I know what you're here for
I am love and you've found me
playing an agonizing game of hide and seek
sometimes it's hard to tell who's doing what
but i know you want me and i want you too
time is fleeting and we don't have eternity
so just hold me tight and never let go
or we will be back to playing marco polo
i know i can be decieving but this is who i am
i'm the ring around your finger, the face in your mind, the laughter in their voice
i'm the empty bottle of alcohol, the picture frayed on the floor, the cuts on your wrist
i will cling to you better than the air you breath
so just sink into me with no care in the world
for death is my apprentice
she always follows close
i've taught her well and she never lets go
either lost or buried
she will take you away from me
she will make love to you at her place
like we used to
she will be your new love
however now is not her time
but time is fleeting so sink into me while you can,
because i know you want me and i want you too
 Mar 2013 hellohappytori13
Strip myself from amphetamines
Detox just to retox with anxiety
Manifested creativity
My madness got a hold of the pen again
palpitating shock waves of my manic imagination

I guess it's better to be aware of it
while the rest are possessed by self-destruction
or obsessed with reality distraction devices
Falling victim to their own vices
Held down by euphoric bliss
can't get enough self-ignorance

Shot up vain
to the ego's heartbeat
Submissive strains
on the evolution of reality
28 days late
The full moon's on the horizon of our own sanity
holding us down with gravity
While our howls take flight
in lycanthropy
 Mar 2013 hellohappytori13
We were the ones
lost inside ourselves
ruminating pasts
presently breaking out
A shift in consciousness
we are right here now

Beating at our chests
Bleeding out the truth
We'll show them what we're made of...

Align in our eyes
tuned into the skies
where we used to be
outside the physical frequency
Now our souls emanate the writers plane

Rise up
that burning inside
set fires with our minds
immolate the world
just to watch it burn

Everyone else will take pictures of it
tuning themselves out
turning themselves in
uploaded sell outs to the ether

We're the heart arsons
coming back to the scene
spontaneously combusting out
a new beat.
I was listening to Refused's "New Noise" and had a flashback of when I saw them on their reunion tour going on in my head at the same time.  The rest was me attempting to channel a spurt of inspiration I got after that show.
 Mar 2013 hellohappytori13
I'm sorry we all blame the victim
     Around here you looked so appealing
Designed with destruction in mind
     oblivious to your inner struggle

Just like everyone

But being like everybody
is like being nobody
and your body
is no body

It's a shell
     a prison of plastic and made up beauty

Sealed away
     You suppressed your inner Goddess

A martyr
     for the material world
           missing out on truth

Just a submissive sacrifice
You believed what they promised.
This was inspired by an exhibit I saw at the Art Institute of Chicago in Spring of 2012. It was called "Fashioning the Object" it was a very disenchanting display of how women in the fashion industry are treated. I also sampled a line from a Twilight Zone episode ;)
Remember when you were just a kid
How you would sit on the beach for hours
Waiting for the Sun to finally set
Sleep on the beach
Because you were tired from the day
Remember how you would get chased
By the girls at your Elementary school
Hahah you had good times
Till you found out and could really understand
That the woman who lived in your house
Who always sent you off to school
Who kissed you good night
Who told you she loved you
Remember how you felt
How you grew so angry
Because the truth was that this woman
Wasn't your real biological mother
Your real one abandoned you
She left you at 13 months old
Left in the middle of the day
In *****, soiled diapers
She would pass out from the alcohol
Crash from the high
That the drugs gave her
Leaving you hungry for hours
Waking up when your father came home
Or her drug dealer wanted something in return
Just because she didn't have the money
Remember all of those things
Remember when you met her for the first time
She asked your stepmom
"Who is that? Is that Jr?"
Yeah it was you
Grown up and matured
Remember the thought that passed through your mind
How can she not know who the ******* are
Remember how angry you were
See I know all of this because
Well simply put I am you
I am 17 years of age
I want you to remember the way you were
Because with age comes wisdom
And I have been privelaged enough
To have a good sense of observation
I have become very wise
Well we have become very wise
See I miss those times
When we would ride our skateboard
Or try to blow things up with a firecracker
Hahaha remember those times
Look I don't know if you remember all of this
But if you ever get a chance to read this
Know that I hate us
I hate all of the darkness
I hate every poem I write
I hate everything I think about
Simply because the darkness is towards her
The poems are written for nobody but somebody
And the things I think about
Keep me up well into the late hours of the day
I hope you get a chance to read this
Because this poem may be the last
You may never get a chance to read this
Because I hate the fact that I have so much pain
So much of useless emotions
And I am tired of dying within words
Written on a piece of paper
I want to embrace death
So hopefully one day you will read this
Even if you come back in a different life
As somebody or somehing else
Just read at least one line of this
So the past doesn't repeat itself
I hope you can forgive me
                                                     Robert Guerrero
When we are ashes,
it will be too late to learn.
We can't possess earth.
Harrogate, TN   March 2013
Senryu - A three-line unrhymed Japanese poetic form structurally similar to the haiku, but dealing with human rather than physical nature, usually in an ironic or satiric vein.
Love doesn't have a face,
but it sure does have a mouth.
Love is every name and taste,
yes it can taste like mace sometimes.
Love is every shape and color,
including the birthmark on her foot.
Love doesn't have a favorite race or a caller,
it doesn't have a preference or a mother.
It's definitely worth more than any dollar.

Love can also kick your ***,
it can leave a lump in your throat.
Especially when its not your lover.
Love can make you scream,
it can also help you do stupid things.
Bold and stupid like coke and coffee.

Love can really fill you up,
Like a cop with a box of doughnuts.
Love can also leave you empty,
Like a fat kid struck a straw to your heart
and ****** the milkshake out of it.
It can push you to chase the impossible,
Like how the candle has been chasing the sun for so long.

Even if she is something you can't live without,
but you have to let go.

You're left with photographs to remind you of that
sloppy morning lion's mane she always wore.

You're left with the recorded covers she sung in front of you
all out of tune.

You're left with the words she spoke to you
stuck in your head.

You may even remember the time she forgot your birthday.
Or catch yourself walking for miles with her name in your head.


You're left with a history of memories, emotions, a funny story and love,
that only you and her know of and no one, not even her, can take them.
Would Love to hear Feedback & Criticism.
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