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I fell in love with you all over again. .

Whenever my heart skips a beat on your memory. .
I fell in love with you all over again. .!

Whenever things go wrong,
and I see you standing by my side. .
with all your strength,
I fell in love with you all over again.  .!

Whenever you walk beside me. .
and give a look which says. .
"I won't ever walk away from you. ."
I fell in love with you all over again. .!

Whenever I look down the memory lane. .
each moment enlightens a chain of memoirs. .
and an irresistible smile embraces my lips. .
I fell in love with you all over again. .!

Whenver I ponder over over the reason of my existence. .
Your innocent face tickles my thougts. .
and then. .
I fell in love with you all over again. .!!!
She dropped her anchor
in my port
and then her heart
charming I thought
silver dripping
from my lips
a mere link
to finger tips
that offered me
her clasp undone
chaining two lives
forever one
a bracelet on a silken wrist
her hand upon mine own
as reconnected they became
keys to our happy home.
9-2-5 I work to buy
a new charm every year
and add a fresh new chapter
to a love so rare and dear.
Sangrias on Saturdays,

a better way,

we got sicker,

the stairs spiraled,

quicker than a Winter's day

and a jet plane

is a


in a weird sort of way.

That was stupid

to sa-


one sort of angle

another sort
of strangle

would be a mistake,

one of great consequence,

something to wince at.

Keep wincing.

I know.

Red haired,

struttin' down that stage
like the Summer fox,

strummin' that
southern rock,

get me off, get me off!

I'm stuck

in love me mode

so give me

a good

night lullaby

and tuck me in-
at least.

freckle faced teenager, giddy up!
freckle faced teenager, give it up!

I'll be there,

I"ll be the one.

I'll feel hair

and I'll pull for fun.



Snow and roses,

Fall always forces
and I can never go back to
the cotton my blood was soaking in.

Snow and roses,
Fall always closes
and leaves me wanting.

I can never go back; ****
the rotten fruit our wine was soaking into.
Wooden swing, sandal toes.




A silly, sinking feeling.

Sun saved Boat's neck.

Sun saved Boat from Night,
from shipwreck.



beat of red dawn drum,
tune of tangerine rind tenor.


Sea breeze.


Sugar soap.

Sun drop.

Poetry is dumb, like my thumb in your

Ear — I could have said ‘rear.’

Or my tongue

In your eye,

See, signifying

Blindness. I’m waxing poetic here.

Ink impressions

On paper,

That can’t be touched,

Or felt. Or smelt. And don’t get me started about the taste,

And how long it takes to eat a poem.

So, conclusion, thumb, ear, tongue, eye, eat a poem,

It’s ineffable.
I think i am done with it
And i am over it
The philosophy has changed
As my outlook has gazed
The experience i gained
Was the total waste
But still in somewhere
It matters too near
I am off to something
Which was even hard to think
But people close to me
Made it so easy
And my soul glares
As if till now i was in nightmare
I am happy to pass it
And i think m done with it..
 Dec 2012 Heartbroken
As I wait for Daddy,
I am always hoping to be awake to greet my little laddie,
To always meet him at the door;
I hope to stay up one hour more!

To be there and him greet,
And at the front door meet,
Each time he leaves the house;
When he comes back I love following him around like a little mouse!!

It is something I have always done,
Even at rising or setting of the sun,
Sometimes it maybe afternoon or night;
To be there when he comes and say a sentence bright!!

For my Daddy!! I am usually at the door when he comes home from a men's meeting or when he takes the trash to the dump but I always greet him at the door!! I always have and hope to always do so!!
Sliminess of the mermaid, makes me come alive, strange?
don't blame me for this, that you would think an aberration,
I've long forgotten the human logic, from the moment I realized,
fate has joined me with her, the mermaid, a  longing unfulfilled for long,

This sensual yearning sans prospect of consummation, baffles others
but not me, life has many dark alleyways that go nowhere. 
Aren't we illusions ourselves?  Viewing sun's intense ways and moon's
hesitant tranquilizing gaze, through water's blue buffer is narcotic.
From under water only a  cool simmer , different experiences,
fish fin caresses, guilty pleasures of carousals with masked shark beauties,
underwater world has no pains, ever heard about
stilling pain by swimming long distant nights?
*Or is it because, I don't see my own teardrops shed underwater?
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