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 Nov 2013 Hayley Neininger
Color me in.
I lie naked and
wrapped in white linen-
A corpse.
If only my mind could
lie still as my body.

Let them carry me
to the incinerator.
But the pallbearers
have heard my death rattle,
they've found me out.

But I am an island now.
It is quiet here, only
remnants of Chopin

and little gold rings,
a story in Braille,
what else have you got?

I'm so tired of being
the Phoenix in this tale.
 Nov 2013 Hayley Neininger
I am a bee
Hiding in the hard skin of a wasp
Living like a lying ghost
Among the ascensions, the decensions
Of their paper nest.

Born in a honeycomb
I wonder when life became
Less like honey and
More like venom
To me -
I was designed to fail
The moment my wings grew
Too small for my furry, fat body -
Maybe it's just Mother Nature
Telling me what I'm meant to be.

Had I tear ducts I'd weep
Alas I can only pretend morning dew
Is my sadness collected on a blade of grass,
For I fear these angry, swarming creatures
Will notice I am not like them
And then will prey upon me
Until they rip me open
And my dust will spill out
Until I am nothing
But sinking motes of yellow and black.

Mother Nature, in her infinite compassion,
I spent today reeling you in.
                     threads of your silk love
fluttered through the air  
                     like broken, escaped spider webs

                                                  how can you be at once everywhere and nowhere?
                                                        ­            on an old voyage moment
                                                        yo­u rebuked me:
            “You’re looking with the wrong eyes,
my dear”
              But my eyes don’t dart differently.

                            I sit with the innumerable knots of your
                                                                ­         miscellaneous elations.
                                                       I sift for the ends to start
                                    unraveling, adapting
                         but maybe you are just one continuous

             as lo
ng as we’

                the­ fibers of my physical being
                   ­       the flapping petals
                                         falling from my
          composed mannerisms

                 your whimsy
                                          into each atom
                                     of my salient figure-

fuse your feathered fabric
into my most raw elements.

                               My life is a matted disarray
                                  of your truest notions-

A yarn Mount choreographed from
the diminutive strands
of your blinking captured freedom

                                    I spent today reeling you in-

So- entwine me, Love,
net me forever, Sweet,
my dearest jumble to disentangle
Today, I'm going to **** them with kindness.
I'll walk the streets with a skip in my step,
corners of my mouth arched, skin tough.
I will be rubber. I will not be glue.
I will avoid sticks and stones.
I will be Teflon.

Yesterday, I killed someone, with kindness.
I created art, in many ways, I created Hell.
A page filled with gestures may seem ageless, however,
a spectacular self-awareness occurs.
There is closure. There is completion.
Unlike the manipulation of one's face.
There too is completion, but closure is not
always certain. Some leave with last words
that linger. Some lift their arms to The Lord,
Lord hear their prayer. And others find
themselves at peace, living on in the hearts
and minds of others, loved or not.

Is a legacy more important to an Atheist?
That's speculative, I suppose. But if what they
say is true, and most CEO's are psychopaths,
then I would assume that it is. Monetary value
will always triumph over theoretical morality.
And I say that morals and ethics can be theory
to a man certain of his faith, because in the end,
sin can be absolved. Faith in a higher being, in
something bigger than yourself, often leaves
thought of peers as dismissible. For they have
their own demons to overcome.

How do you accept indifference in a system
that is above natural law? Omnipotence should
never be exposed to have a grey area, especially
when it is considered to be set in stone. Oxygen
and gravity aren't, but tell that to a man who
is falling and trying to catch his last breath.

Lastly, consider art.
As the creator, the mastermind hidden in
the clouds to let his work speak volumes.
The divine grace that is told in brush strokes,
in notes placed to play, to be presented.
That's a beauty that is foresaken.
Another key representation of something
seen but not seen.

Even a deaf man delivered notes he could not
hear, rivaled ones able, and challenged normality.
The difference between an artist, and
a person producing art, is that an artist
will use blood, whereas the latter
searches for a comparable color.
I am an Atheist. My friends know this, as do most of the people that have come and gone in my life, but there is the occasional person that comes to find this out about me and makes it a personal goal to try and persuade me, or sometimes tell me that I am sadly mistaken and misguided. Usually this happens to me at work, although it has happened in my personal life as well. I don't take offense to it, quite the contrary, I find myself thinking of a way to thoughtfully elaborate my views. Sometimes commiserating, and other times pure indifference, but that is the beauty of personal choice. But as much as I keep my views to myself, I find that some religious people will take the time to extend their beliefs in a way they see as formidable, when I see it as frivolous. This poem I wrote at my job, after having a conversation with a customer that finds light in The Lord and future salvation. When I explained that I was an Atheist he told me that I just haven't found spiritual enlightenment yet. To say that I wasn't annoyed would be a lie, but I have also conditioned myself better than that to let someone have enough power over me to conduct myself in a disrespectful manner.

Thanks for reading.

- Charlie
Was it a mistake?
Was awakening a poet
So lost in the depression
More important than being sane?
Was the questions better left be unasked?
They say everthing happens for a reason
So tell me what reason does this have?
Is it to show me that I shouldn't love?
Is it to show me that this poet is better off dead?
I'm tired of trying to reach his throat through my wrist
I want him gone
I think I should have never fell for her
Because it seems that I'm the one hurting myself
Far more than anyone has ever
My stupid ******* mother didn't even hurt me this bad
I'm the reason for these scars
Not the death I've witnessed
Not the *******'s and go **** yourself
Not the you're just like your mother
Not the you're just another charity case
Going nowhere but deeper in the alleys
As you want to scream when the world rapes you
I think I should have never fell for her
Was it a mistake?
Somebody answer me!
I don't want to find out
Big tough guy Robert is scared
And I don't have enough batteries for this flashlight
And Forever,
Every day,
And night.

In happiness,
Or sadness,
In anger..

In discomfort,
Or comfort,
In life...

Through years,
Or months,
Through weeks..

Through smiles,
Or through tears & fears,
Through all the miles.

Love you hamesha and forever.
Hamesha is a Persian-origin Urdu/Hindi word meaning either always or forever under different usages.

My HP Poem #464
©Atul Kaushal
Today's a really bright morning,
The temperature was really fine,
To set a personal record of speed.

In the morning set off on my bicycle,
Its previous record of speed was 33.7,
I defeated my old record to 34.9 kmph.

I'm currently content with this new one,
In my mind I have that old record broken,
I'll look to break my new record tomorrow.
I know that I am really quick as far as amateur cycling is concerned, but I need to be a lot more fast to get more satisfaction.

I am not a professional cyclist, but I really like the idea of being able to be a pro one day.

But I don't think that there's any better competitor for me than myself.

My HP Poem #467
©Atul Kaushal
Don’t play the victim.
You took my virginity
on that chilly summer night
in our neighbor’s yard.
You were there,
completely sober,
and I was there, too,
drunk on stolen wine
and barely able to walk
without assistance.
You told me
to lie down.
I obeyed.
You told me
to take off my clothes.
I obeyed.
Although my memory is hazy,
I know that
it happened.
Don’t tell your friends
that I made the whole thing up,
that I’m some attention-seeking *****
who’s obsessed with you.
Believe me,
if I wanted attention that badly,
I’d get it another way.
You’re a sick, twisted *******,
and, to be honest,
I pity you.
If you can only get it
from drunk girls,
you must not be that good.
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