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 May 2015 Harika Nandi
First time I heard
his voice the sky
opened and rained
musical notes all
over gentle earth
causing it to give
birth to beautiful
melodies similar
to the ones angels
listen to in the
heavens above* ~
 Mar 2015 Harika Nandi
The earth whispered
that your beautiful down
to the bone. Beautiful like
a rose with thorns.While my
heart counted from one to
two. And my lips parted to
tell you the words of how
much I love you* ~
 Mar 2015 Harika Nandi
My love
Why is love so stupid
I feel like don't want to love anymore
I wish if  can not saw ur face before and met u and love u
But know u **** me back and I most die I feel that I don't want to talking anyone
Pleas  leave me forget about you 
 Mar 2015 Harika Nandi
You see
A person only truly falls in love
Once in their life time
And once that time is used up
There is no more.
You can lie to yourself
And to others
But if you were truly in love with them
That love cannot be undone.
I am in love.
A love that won't go away
With my best friend.
I fell off
The bridge of love
And into the waters
Where he followed
But his love came with strings attached
A bungee
And he jumped back up
And left me sitting there in the waters
While he's up on the bridge
Calling me up there
While I'm wishing him down here
And I have no bungee.
It's a mess.

— The End —