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My heart has always had
just one desire

One wish
One hunger

All it  has ever needed
was a kiss

Not an ordinary kiss
one that makes you crave for more

A kiss that makes you want to linger in the moment forever

One that tastes of
sweetness and vulnerability

A kiss that provides  
strength along with comfort

One that removes
all doubts
all fears
and pain

A kiss that steals the longing for anyone else

All my heart has ever wanted
is in your kiss
 Nov 2014 Hannia Santisteban
You are the literal universe
Not the center either
but the whole thing

Your blood is a galaxy
While your heart is a star
fuming with love and lust

But on your darkest days
Your eyes turn into black holes
Your soul turns into an empty void
destroying everything and anything you ever loved

Your bones that once structured your whole world
will crumble and turn into a dust of dullness

The scientist will diagnose you with a word
that will be meaningless to you but still makes your heart skip a beat

But know that you're not broken
Your body of the universe is just expanding and growing
in this rather cruel world where we all have to call home
Inspiration from a friend who told me this -
"You are not the center of the universe. You are the universe."
you are my ****** and I am addicted to having you flow through me
but now I have to quit before I get hurt again, I am scared
and it is hard to detox, it feels impossible to overcome it
I wish it could go back to the beginning, before it turned on me
when everything was perfect, and I was euphoric
but now, my dear ******
I need my prozac back
and I beg of you to return, because I long for you,
my sweet ******
this infatuation, this addiction, this needle
this love

I am addicted to you,
and it's hard to let go
If you just looked in my eyes
you'd see
                **   i
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