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 Dec 2012 HannaMaria
A child's soul,
is like a soft breeze,
blowing on a hot summers day,
making you relax,
and feel like you want to play.

A child's laugh,
is a contagious chuckle,
that makes you feel warm,
on a cold day
when you feel alone.

A child's smile,
is pure innocence,
that makes you feel,
like you are young,

A child's eyes,
are the doorway,
to your own soul,
because that child's soul,
embraces your own.

A child's soul,
never truly leaves you,
when you feel like laughing,
and being carefree,
you know that soul is still alive,
and it's beautiful.
 Dec 2012 HannaMaria
Winter is the time for snow,
Wind, hail, and blow!

An arm hung across the rubble,
draped like a broken swan neck,
decorated by intricate patterns of blood and dust.

I couldn't have known who the arm belonged to, but in that moment
I was sick
to my stomach
with devastating surety.

Those were the fingers that had twined through mine in gestures of
love and
painted my arms
in strokes of comfort, and of loneliness.

The palm that had confidently gripped a weapon,
and had carried groceries
into the house.
Palms that had pressed hopelessly against rain-washed glass and
against tearstained cheeks.
Those palms that willingly cradled my uneasy heart.

And the arm.
The arms that stretched into
the sparkling star-strewn sky,
the grey and
pouring rain,
the sun-baked air rippling in waves across that embrace.  
Arms that had wrapped around a struggling body
with grim purpose and
aching heart,
softly beneath a wiggling puppy and its
pink kisses,
easily against the warmth of my breakable ribs.

I saw the broken swan and I felt something heavy,
maybe my heart,
slip from limp fingers and
into glittering shards
decorated by intricate patterns of blood and dust.
 Dec 2012 HannaMaria
are complete nonsense,
don't worry about them,
was what she was once told.
She woke up from another dream,
where she was stuck,
frozen in place,
as the evil monsters,
circled her
and advanced,
one step at a time,
closing the circle,
tighter and tighter,
until she felt she couldn't breathe.
Then she would wake up.
But this time it was different,
she woke up
to darkness.
She tried to get up,
but someone,
was holding her down.
Something was over her face,
suffocating her.
Her nightmares were warnings,
when she was little.
But now they're reality.
She knows,
that if she doesn't act,
her nightmare,
will win.
And she won't wake up,
this time.
Kind of a play off of one of my poems.
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