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I Was Hoping Today It Would Be Fine,
That The Mayan Prophesy Was Divine,
That We Would Be Saved By A Glowing Light,
I Was Stirring  In My Blankets All Night,
For Curiosity Bubbled Inside,
To Bathe The Spirit In Which I Confide,
Yet The Road To Redemption Is Still Coarse,
Screaming For Wanted Change; My Voice Is Hoarse,
We Still Hold The Bottle To Our Stained Lips,
Holding On To Hope But Losing My Grip,
Today I Wish Humanity Is Healed,
But The Atmosphere Is Starting To Peal,
Why Should I Hate When All I Feel Is Love,
Yet All The Owls Are Killing My Doves
Again Trying Iambic Pintameter! I'm Deathly Afraid Of Owls So That Explains The Last Line
If You Drown The World I Would Never Care,
I Am Lame And Tired From This Despair,
T'was Eerie And Cold As A Blackened Sea,
You Can Break My Heart; It Is Too Easy,
An Adding Factor Is The Lack Of Rain,
It Introduces A New Type Of Pain,
The Foundation Hard; As A Jaded Stone,
The Wind Of Hatred Chilling To The Bone,
Flowers Blooming In The Garden Of My Hope,
I Feel Foolish--Entirely A Dope,
Label All Love As Horrid Lies And Truth,
Yet I Have To Learn; I Am Still In Youth,
Drown The World Tomorrow I Wouldn't Care,
It Would Free Me From Everything I Bear
My First Try With Iambic Pintameter!:) Hope You Enjoyed
 Dec 2012 HannaMaria
 Dec 2012 HannaMaria
Tear laden pool,
filled with secret betrayals,
that float endlessly,
on the still water.

Smoke fades,
oh so slowly,
just like your eyes,
that now drift endlessly,
into a daydream.

Soft clouds,
roll across the blue sky,
never stopping,
on their long path.

A pebble is thrown,
into the pool,
and it ripples,
shattering the calm image,
that sits in the mind.

Laden with grief,
a leaf floats,
to the bottom,
touching the sand,
that rests beneath.

Looking up,
through the now still water,
the light is blurred,
and the leaf is weighed

Not wanting,
to return,
to the surface,
because its vision,
is drowned.
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