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Jumbled around and swirling
As if the memories are the
just-flushed toilet with the water
racing to get out.

It was the little things.
That pieced it all together
And finally the pieces fit right,
as if your friendship was a puzzle.
You had finally found that one person who got you.

The one person who laughed with you for 20 minutes
over absolutely nothing.
The person who trudged around town with you
Your flip-flops slapping against the pavement.
The person who went same movie twice in a day
Just so you both got to make out with your boyfriends.
The one person who you had a couples name with
And an anniversary with, too.

But eventually,
You will realize that the perfect fitting pieces were
Jammed together to make the puzzle fit
And the puzzle picture that you once thought was
Makes no picture at all.
sometimes love is lost and tears the heart from you
your mind is in whirl you dont know what to do
you fill with despair the love you had as gone
makes you feel so bad that you cant go on
but it can turn around given time to heal
give the love back to your heart and change the way you feel
 Jan 2014 Hannah Osondu
 Jan 2014 Hannah Osondu
No one can tell
I hide my secrets well
Deep inside
It's where they hide
My demons, my ghosts
In a place where no one can boast
I try to make myself feel better
But the tears make my cheeks wetter
And then my sighs
Not heard in the middle of the nights
They echo my frustration
The result of deep contemplation
I want no one to see
My insecurities
And they make me sad
More than that, they make me mad
Why am I this way?
And why can't I say?
I'm afraid of what they think
And so I sink
Deeper, deeper in my thoughts
Away from all, because I have lots
Of things to say
But I hide away
I build up my walls
I cringe when they fall
I don't want your help
You don't know what I've felt
But I wish I could tell
You know I don't feel well
Not in my mind, nor in my heart
Hiding it's the hardest part

**It's hard to be my own cheerleader
 Jan 2014 Hannah Osondu
Today will be lost in pages
Dried ink and tears ,
Will speak - never again
Quite-ness for years
Melodies left in-between
Forever stuck in disguise,
Soothing yet full of sorrow ,
Whispers a broken cello ,
For the hands that played
Are old now ,
Songs are mellow
Time ran away
Far from these weathered hands
Lost and free ,
Finally alive in far away land
Haunted yet knowing
The cause for its demise ,
Ashes are buried too
Phoenix wont rise
Straight out of reality ,
sublime words ,
Beyond nightmares
A day unfurls
Whispers them-secrets
A cold breath
Leaving its print ,
To forget
And remind someday
When the pages are cometh upon
He was there ,
Singing the beautiful song.
Lose yourself
Desensitize and block out
Fade back into the vast canvas
Of your mind
Splattered with crimson
Tears and gray sorrow hang heavy
Intoxicating carrying burdens of your soul
Obscuring all that you are
All that you know
Plunge into ebony
Dance with the darkness
You take a spin with
The shadows
Succumb to the want
The desire of your isolation
And recoil
Numb to all the pain surrounding
Alone is easier after all
He was in love in a time I was not,
he fell out slowly;
I fell in. Deeply and tragically.
update: it wasn't love
 Jan 2014 Hannah Osondu
My heart beats calmly
-It just calls her name-
With each strong beat

My life just revolves
-She does not know it-
Only around herself

My concentration has
-Quite interestingly ya-
Improved drastically
My HP Poem #518
©Atul Kaushal

— The End —