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262 · Aug 2018
Rendevous Point: God
M Hanafi X Aug 2018
I promised myself
I leave you in the care of God
Leaving the affairs that I had planned
The nights of dreams
The moments of infatuation

So I waited for a place to exist
And I created the time to persist
The dreams of us
Beyond the space of realities
That holds us in place
This time

Sometimes i think to myself
Who am i lying to
I can charm my way out of love
But love
Love is only when two realities meet
The point of two oceans
And if i am still drowning
In the puddle of life that i have
I dont expect you to meet
Me in the vastness of nowhere

So I
I ask you to stand firm to our promise
However far apart we are
We meet in God
Where Space is His creation
And Time observe His ruling
In God
Where hearts go to find refuge
From the pain created out of His void
In God
Where Divinity is not His totality
For He is enough
Hasbunallahwanikma wakeel
In God
In God

In God

Guide me to You
Dont let me go astray
Dont let her go
I will run
To a place where i truly belong
106 · Aug 2018
The Perfected Time
M Hanafi X Aug 2018
Always similiar
But it was never the same
This light that passed through me
Never passed again
This moments that made my life
You never came

So i redo myself
Perfecting my game
Reaffirm my belief
Knowing it will never be in vain
Failing faster
Wanting to learn that we
We are bound to fail
But to fail forward
I got to bear the pain
Dont let the pain get in the way
Of my belief in the future you
The future me
Holds true

So this is the truth
Truce be told
That love could be sold
To the highest bidder
Of the time perfecter
Patience and circumstances
Is the currency of fate
You change your self
Or you change the game

That is Time Perfected.

— The End —