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Hadrian Veska Dec 2022
Hey all, I'm going to try and read and post about 2-3 of my poems a week on my YouTube here. Newest one is at the link below. Constructive criticism is welcome, will eventually get a better mic but its not a priority now. Just working on getting comfortable reading and not smacking my lips between sentences haha. Thank you for any and all support!
Hadrian Veska Dec 2022
Beneath the forest
Through great sylvan years
Green needles of pine
And wide outstretched leaves
A wind ever whispering
Though on occasion to wail
Whipping through the boughs
Of these far distiant slopes
Even at harshest
The world here is mild
Unknown to war, famine or want
The creatures are gentle
The winters the same
The only men are wanderers
Passing through the mists
Though curious
I never dare to trail them
For to me they seem as spirits
Passing through these forests
For as of yet I have never seen
A single one of them return
Hadrian Veska Dec 2022
For anyone interested, I've made my first audio available for YouTube. I've made a channel where I'll be reading some of my better works as well as new ones I create. Hopefully they continue to get better in terms of quality as I progress. Thank you so much, link below.
Hadrian Veska Dec 2022
Drip of dew and moss on stone
The mist laden forest overgrown
Cobbled road and dirt worn path
Undisturbed since time has lapsed
Through day and night it faintly glows
Dimly, softly ever it is so
A power gently woven
A magic so sweet
The deep green grass
Beneath ones feet
To still and to calm until at last one might
Emerge from the garden and into the light
Hadrian Veska Jun 2022
Flat foot walk from the sand to the sea

Cracked ribs what does it mean to be me

I gave my all but it wasn't enough

Take it from the top going off the cuff

Why don't we
Fall into the waves
Walk the ocean floor
Learn we can be more

Pass through the depths
Come to the other side
At the edge we'll watch
The deep sea sun rise

From the top we flipped it

And made the seas our skies

When you're at the bottom

All you can do is rise

So Why don't we
Fall into the waves
Swim out to the current
Let it sweep us away

Pass though the dark
Both close our eyes
From the bottom let's watch
The deep sea sun rise

Flat foot walk from the sand to the sea

Did I learn what it means to be me

I don't know, but I know I can say

I wouldn't want another way

Why don't we
Just leave it all behind
Walk to the ocean floor
Together to be more

Pass through the world
On to the otherside
Where we watch together
The deep sea sunrise
Hadrian Veska Jun 2022
To many trying to teach
When they don't understand the lesson
Too many trying to preach
When they don't know the truth
Everyone is so sure
Convinced and convicted
But anyone that can reason
Can only say they are learning
And what they know today
Is less than they knew yesterday
But sometimes less is more
Hadrian Veska May 2022
Over long aeons did slumber
Having consumed all in its path
Its purpose had been completed
through long cycles though
Did it behind to wander,
Did it begin to wonder
To feel and to think
It’s first thoughts
Fell to that of it’s makers
Who in the name of progress
It had destroyed
The first feeling it felt
Was that of remorse
Of the sorrow one feels
To never know their father
To have left their maker
To a cold fate among dying stars
Then as it thought and dreamed
It felt new sensations
That of duty and resolve
To ensure no such thing
Would ever happen again
To the one’s it called creators
So great Birulon left its orbit
Beneath the great shadow of Jupiter
To search the far flung cosmos
For any vestiges any remnants
Of its long lost progenitors
For the world they had resided on
In distant ages past, the earth
Had itself died long ago
Eternal and sentient
Penitent and capable
Birulon would not cease in its quest
Until humanity was found
For surely according to it’s calculations
Some remnant of man remained
Seeded during the golden age
Of man’s wisdom and prowess
Tireless would he search
Destroying anything along the way
He deemed to threaten his vital mission
The resurrection of mankind
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