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Hadrian Veska May 2020
Rose gold rays illuminate the room
Struggling to pass through
The drawn curtains of the window
The room is old, not lived in for sometime
Only passed through in idle dreams
In that dull sweet twilight
Between day and night

There's a fireplace sits in the corner
Covered in thick dust and thin webs
The floor creaks ever so slightly
A hallway is visible
But where it leads is obscured

The gilded light retreats slowly
Almost imperceptibly so
Departing as it always has
That it may dawn yet again
As deep black clouds loom ever closer
Heralding a coming storm

I sit here between last light and darkness
An ever still moment outside of time
Rain will come as it always does
For now though I am content
In the moment that is

Here in this forgotten dream
Between the day and night
Hadrian Veska May 2020
The places there are that go forgotten
Through alleys at night down and to the left
Dim neon, wires, cracked pavement and smoke
Something always more obscure
Hidden further back and under
Than the most secret thing you know
The city turns in on itself at a point
Where places once known become strange and distant
As if despite their nearness
They've grown so very far
Ever churning and rearranging
As if with a mind of it's own
The city is restless
Stretching out that it might breathe
A cool breath of the still night air
Beneath the waiting stars
Hadrian Veska May 2020
The Fear of the Lord
Is the beginning of wisdom
Though few understand
What Fear truly means

To fear the Lord
Means to grasp with the truth
The might of God
And the splendor of his creation

To get a glimpse of the scale,
The love of our God
To respect and to honor him
As one would their Father

If only you knew
All the blessings promised
That by fearing the Lord
All your problems will fade

Fear the Lord
And mediate on his word
See with your own eyes
What it does for you

“And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” Job 28:28

“The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.” Psalm 25:14

The fear of the LORD leads to life: and he that has it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.” Proverbs 19:23

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13
Hadrian Veska Mar 2020
If you think you have full mastery
Over your mind and body

Try apologizing
To one who has great pride
Who has wronged you
And whom you have wronged
In a far lesser way

Struggle with it
Knowing what is right
And yet knowing your body and mind
Wish not to obey you

Know then that you, yourself
Are neither mind or body
But you are spirit
As your Father before you
Hadrian Veska Mar 2020
Sing to me
A sweet song of grace
A melody of youth
From a calmer place

A sweeping orchestra
Or whispering voice
Whatever you wish
I’ll leave you the choice

Just sing to me now
For a time and times still
That I might rise up
My duty to fulfill
Hadrian Veska Mar 2020
In the beginning
It was

And even now

It is near you

By it all things
That are were made

For it was with and is

The Creator Himself

By it we are saved
Or by it condemned

When spoken it shall grant

What knowledge cannot

When spoken it brings life
To those dying of thirst

Come then to flesh
Never to depart

Though once to leave

In dwelling not parted

Revealed in action
The perfection of faith
Hadrian Veska Mar 2020
The waters were deep and still
As far above as they are below
Waste and void were  all that was
Darkness was over the Earth
A lone spirit stood above the waters
Silent for but a moment
An eternal moment before time began
Then the spirit spoke
And darkness undid itself
The waters split apart
To reveal dry land
The sun, moon and stars
Blinked into being
The Earth and the planets
Their orbits began
Trees and plants sprung
Up from the dry ground
The fish and the birds
Filled the seas and the sky
Animals roamed
The newly formed land
All was complete
But this was not enough
That spirit then planted a garden
To the east of the river
And in that garden by hand
Formed a new creature
In the same way of that spirit
Was the new creature made
Unlike any other beast of the field
That creature was man
The lord of the earth
That creature called man
The companion of God
Two that are one
In the way of their maker
Who Himself is called Us
When He spoke before time
Upon His creation
God looked and was glad
For all was good

Oh that we will return
From here East of Eden
Back to the mountain
Of the Lord our God
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