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 Oct 2013 HA
Seán Mac Falls
Two prideful lovers—
In cold lips empty chamber,
  .  .  .  Words wait to be said.
 Oct 2013 HA
 Oct 2013 HA
there are some things i'll never be able to explain to you
like how i have to squint to read street signs
but your eyes are perfectly clear
or my own madness
and how i can't tell what's real
or maybe how i felt the day i met you,
when i knew that you would be significant
but you would never believe these things
even though you should
because i can't exactly explain why
i can't bear your sadness;
it's like watching clouds when you so desperately
want to see the stars
but since i know it's there
i still can't look away
 Sep 2013 HA
Larry Potter
Earth is a pretty
Messed up equation
Of quite hastily
Made up solution.

We are but numbers
Of different values
Every sign matters
In this set of issues.

Many were born real
Physiques built evenly
Few quite look odd and

Some are but factors
Serving evil's loots
Of ungodly roots.

There are radicals
Who've got point of view
So are rationals
To speak a word or two.

We're discriminant
To other religions
Differential rant
To other opinions.

Can't we simplify
This complex squirm
And instead unify
To a common term?

We're just variables
Merely dependent
On the valuables
Of our environment.

We were given one
To be shared by all
Equality's gone
And this is our call.
 Sep 2013 HA
Farai Engelbrecht
Don't believe the facists
Please please please

Don't believe the facists.
born innocent, this life corrupts you
from the inside out

"You're free"

Am I?
My thoughts and aspirations,
are laughed at

My hopes and dreams, chained and
suppressed by text books and qualified education
How can I be different on
a planet refusing any change
Ignorant humans, this isn't life
 Sep 2013 HA
Daniel Magner
I'm drawn thin
aches and pains
on the sides of my shins
due to pancake flat feet.
Hunched over as if
I'd taken my age and
added ninety more years
but my body decided to
keep my acne,
how lucky.
Really I just want
to sleep
I'm ready for
eternal peace
because I already
feel worked and worn
to die
Daniel Magner 2013
 Sep 2013 HA
Claire Elizabeth
She can't let them know
The pain she has been through
So she puts on a show
'Bout the places she's been too
With a Halls cough drop
Fresh in her mouth
And a connection with a cop
Somewhere in the south
Living the ways
Of the street savvy hipster
And the scent that always stays
A cold Vics smell, always bitter
She coughs
And hacks because of the acid that worms
It's way up her throat every time she eats
And the polar green smell of Vics lotion
Blocks out the hint of sick
That wafts about her
And the Halls disguises the
Breath of a bulimic
 Sep 2013 HA
Emoni Jenkins
 Sep 2013 HA
Emoni Jenkins
The vibration
The pacing
The loving
The hating
The spending
Never ending
The thoughts they keep racing
The drinking
The drugging
The 5am clubbing
The meaningless sexing
The endless regretting
The lying
The cheating
The I hate this feeling
The panic
No sleeping
Anxiety streaming
The shaking
The fright
The continuous night
The struggle with words
I just want to be heard
The thoughts they're racing
The thoughts they're racing
The thoughts they're racing
It's been weeks since I've slept
The walls seem to be screaming from the secrets they've kept
I'm over the edge
I've lost all control
This madness is driving me off of the road
But maybe down there I'll find some peace
All I really wanted
Was to go to sleep
 Sep 2013 HA
Bamboo Bean
I could drone on line after line

Splashing ink across a thousand pages
But still
I could never have enough rhythm and rhyme
To express

How terribly I miss you...

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