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 Sep 2013 HA
Vera Van Zandt
The Harm
 Sep 2013 HA
Vera Van Zandt
I try to pull you out of me,
try to find out where you live.
Perhaps a hollowed space in my chest
or in the space behind my eye.
You're as far away as you could be
yet you can pull a string,
without even knowing
and the animal buried inside me
I search for you,
for the part you left inside me
with broken glass I search
through the fatty tissue.
Then I stop.
Always at that point
as if part of me is scared
i'll reach the bone
and still I won't have found you.
 Sep 2013 HA
 Sep 2013 HA
What could I have done?
To do you so wrong
That all I feel from you now is that I am shunned.
I know I was once a song
a song that you could sing along,
but now I am the distant tune.

You change the radio when you hear this song.
When the lyrics speak true to your mind,
ignore what we had,
pretend that these words and the melody
do not make you think of me.

We do not speak any longer,
but only through song.
I feel your pain
but I do not know
this song.
 Sep 2013 HA
(Notes at the bottom to explain all this nonsense)

Eggman, oh Eggman
quite a driver you've become-
And an army man (in 3D)
in battleships we understood none

And Eggman, oh Eggman
we'd laugh until we died!
And when dark night came
from the tickle monster we'd hide

Thus Eggman, oh Eggman
we planted the ethereal seed.
A seed that grows forever on;
a friendship that I need


Jphel, oh Jphel
Please avoid the horrid stench-
of being peed on in the army,
or hit by a (freaking) bench!

And Jphel, oh Jphel
I think Max Renga laughed last-
or maybe thus did the tree.
still have pieces of my cast?

Thus Jphel, oh Jphel
I know I paid you close to none-
but carrying all of my books
still really means a ton.


J-man, oh J-man
athletes go down the trial,
and rats laugh a hell of a lot!
...yet somehow Campbell never smiled
              (and his many wives)

And J-man, oh J-man
I know you learned a lot;
like, 'Don't move your hands in art',
and- 'Don't talk of bad burritos' Kaneda taught

Thus J-man, oh J-man
my vacancy began...
oh how I wish to make it up
with every chance I can.


Phelpsy-boy, oh Phelpsy-boy
what psychotic schedules we kept!
with so many things to do
we hardly ever slept.

and Phelpsy-boy, oh Phelpsy-boy
I enjoyed nothing more than the Gov games we made-
... but perhaps the poker nights
and (endless) SC Poker D we played.

Thus Phelpsy-boy, oh Phelpsy-boy
I should have been a better friend-
to one who is always there for me
but I know it's not the end!


Jordan, oh Jordan
You've been my inspiration;
in work, in act, in play, in sense-
my deepest admiration.

And Jordan, oh Jordan
find that girl of yours and lift her!
but you better... BETTER!...
remember your secret admiffer.

Thus Jordan, oh Jordan
Remember that I'm near
if you ever need a hand, a hug,
or just a listening ear.


So Mr. Phelps, oh Mr. Phelps
march forward and make your mark-
with a mind and drive such as yours
you'll fly like Kent, Clark.

And Mr. Phelps, oh Mr. Phelps
I'll never seriously call you that
I could not stop without a Spongebob quote-
Cause we're like twins in Squidward's egg sac

Thus Mr. Phelps, oh Mr. Phelps
No matter who's got the biggest yacht in the end
you best remember now and always
Captains are Captains and _ ___
A poem I intend to give to my best friend of many many years who leaves for a 2 year missionary trip soon. Each triplet's stanza's beginning's are a name I called him throughout the years, the following lines are strong memories.

Eggman I called him because we played a Playstation 1 game called destruction derby and he picked the sunny side up egg decal for his car- and the name followed and stuck. We also played Army Men 3D and a battleships game that was SUPER confusing.

We'd laugh as we played anything- and still do, and at night my step-dad would play a game called Tickle-monster (basically hide in seek in the dark but when caught you'd be tickled relentlessly) with us. The best of times I tell you.

The horrid stench and bench are stories from our favorite teacher- our fifth grade teacher- who told us of stories when he was in Germany in the army someone peed on him and someone knocked him out by hitting him with a bench.

Max Renga was a ****** kid who knocked me out and the tree broke my leg in 6 places and  I was in a long leg cast and physical therapy for two years. The entire time I was in that cast he carried my books for me, EVERYDAY :). I paid him $6 and some odd cents.

Athletes go down the trial and rats laughing are two hilarious stories about our middle school teachers and campbell was out favorite middle school teacher- he never smiled and always complained about his five ex-wives.

He got his first (and only) detention in school for moving his hands- we had a crazy art teacher- and we played a little mmorpg and the admin hated him because he said "I do like burritos but they sure don't like me".

The vacancy is when I started hanging out with other folks due to stuff going on at home I was too ashamed to hang out with him- so I got sub-decent friends.

In high school we both took two years of college and I did two sports while he stayed heavily active in church. We made these board games for our government class and it took us like 48 hours straight labor  and they turned out awesome.

I have poker nights often with 10-20 people where we dress up in nice clothes like the 40's and play for like 7 hours. We also played Starcraft on a map called Poker Defense for HOURS.

We watched spongebob and quote him daily. And the yacht refers to him saying that he feels like he always works harder than me but gets much less return so he joked saying he's going to work his whole life and be out on the ocean in his nice yacht and I'll roll up next to him in a yacht twice as big having done near nothing :). Since then I referred to eachother as captains... and  I always say to him "Captains are captains and captains are friends".

I love this kid endlessly, he's played an immense role in my life. Let me know what you think and read some of my other stuff if you'd like. This is the only personal one I've posted. :)
 Sep 2013 HA
 Sep 2013 HA
I am only human.
I am very human.
I am barely human.
I am rarely human.
I am never human.
 Sep 2013 HA
Holy (Haiku)
 Sep 2013 HA
There once was  a God;

he did not know how to love,

but then he made her.
 Sep 2013 HA
Amber Moons
Sometimes it's near, sometimes it's distant

Sometimes it's real, sometime's it's faked

Sometimes there's bliss, sometimes there's grief

Sometimes there are signs, sometimes there are assumptions

Sometimes I'm shaken, sometimes I'm stupefied

sometime's I'm exuberant , sometimes I'm rigid

Sometimes I'm relentless, sometimes I'm restrained

Sometimes I believe, sometimes I doubt

Sometimes I stay, sometimes I run

Sometimes I reach, sometimes I flinch

Sometimes it's cosmic, sometimes it's unconventional

Sometimes it's vivid, sometimes it's vague

Sometimes it's white, sometimes it's black

Sometimes it's love, sometimes it's fantasy

Sometimes there's paradise, sometimes there's tragedy

Sometimes I'm certain, sometimes I'm anxious

Sometimes I fall in love, sometimes I fear love

Sometimes it's a dream, sometimes it only remains a dream

Sometimes is sometimes,

If only sometimes I can't feel
 Sep 2013 HA
Sa Sa Ra
Some things go beyond faith not hoped for
As when though the sun doth shine

And then I can not see the*  Starshine
Still I can feel the love of such grace

So sweetly simply know such is there
aglow flowing showering love

Such is my easy all
to simply know
See be!
C B!

Afu Ra Ka!

This about
the keys to the kingdom...

Maybe do re mi
are nice places to start

Though abc nor 123 are required...

Love is only
 Sep 2013 HA
An old dress
 Sep 2013 HA
I'm like an old dress at a yard sale.
Everyone likes me
and thinks I'm beautiful, at first.
But then they see a stain
or a tear.
They always notice that one little flaw,
then leave without any warning,
on to the next item.
Making it think they want to buy them.
That someone might actually want them,
to love them and take care of them.
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