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Gwen Johnson May 2016
You say you're not good at art
but I've seen you create things
on your hardest days
and it's a masterpiece
knowing that the world is still so bright to you
Even at its darkest
And you are darling in the way
That you try to pick something
You love about yourself each day
Because you know great artworks
Aren't always beautiful as a whole
I waned to challenge myself to write positive things about me, and I challenge everyone else to do the same. If anyone does follow my lead and write a love poem to themselves message me or comment on this poem telling me you did because I would love to check them out!
Gwen Johnson May 2016
I want to be creative
I want to have amazing streaks of imagination fill me
Until they flow out onto paper
And I want that everyday
I want the world to inspire me
I want to paint the world in a new perspective
To share it with you
Gwen Johnson Apr 2016
Today I'm craving touch
I'm craving that the outside world will remind me I'm real
Or maybe I'm craving the absence of
The world
Maybe I'm craving the absence of myself
Maybe I'm craving to disappear

Today I'm craving knowledge
The knowledge of what I want
Gwen Johnson Apr 2016
The first time you hear
"Beauty is pain"
Is when your mother is brushing tangles
Out of your hair
You're too young to care

The next time
Is when you're getting your hair done
For an event
Bobby pins everywhere
And this time it sticks

Your legs sting
After you shave them
For the first time
But you remind yourself
Beauty is pain
And go on with your day

You remind yourself again
As you pluck hairs
From your eyebrows
It helps you somehow

Beauty is pain
Your stomach growls
You haven't eaten
Because you want to be skinny
You want to be pretty

Beauty is pain
Is all you hear
When you walk into surgery
To change your face

Beauty is pain
Lingers in the back of your mind
When your boyfriend hits you
For the first time

One day you look in the mirror
All you see is pain
You wonder how it ended up this way
"Beauty is pain" is an awful mentality to have
Gwen Johnson Feb 2016
What would you highlight
In a book of your life
What's most important
Most exciting
Most inspiring
What reminds you everything's alright
Would you ever think to highlight my name?
Gwen Johnson Oct 2015
I swear my stomach
Doesn't know about Gravity
Because I can feel it
Trying to fly away
Leave the world behind
It jumps high
It even does flips
But it can't fly
However I understand why
It will continue to try
Gwen Johnson Oct 2015
I'm not easy to manage
I have a storm in my mind
Trying to find its way out
And I will grip unto you
Like I've never seen sunlight
But you don't need to calm the storm
I just like to know there's still light
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