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James Daniel May 2024
A door between
Living and creativity
On a floating shore
Where it is, no-one knows

As a young man
I tried to know
I went with eyes open
But doors closed
Magic isn't solid gold

I live my life around it though
Waiting, and listening
Listening like a wolf

For that door
Between living and creativity
On a floating shore
Where it is, no-one knows
James Daniel Dec 2022
When I'm in the atelier of my mind
I return to that feeling
Of not being able to run away and escape

I could be in the middle of a fair in Buenos Aires

It could be a National day of Thanks

There could be sunlight pouring through the house

And there I am

So a lament for that which always struck me
about singers of songs

Why so sad? So serious? I'd ask

A Lament, and lamentable sounds
And willow trees swaying lugubriously

A Lament, no smiling allowed
We wouldn't want to cheapen something so profound
James Daniel May 2023
A bird flew into the shed
While I was exercising

It must have been curious
Wanting warmth

So I let him stay

I went inside had lunch
Then thought to make him a warm box

Bought some worms
Delivered tomorrow

I put him in the box
Maybe I was careless

I left him there
It's not yet summer,

It's still cold

So I went back to check later
Turned on the lights

And found him in the corner
He was wet

I dropped him, reacting
Checking my hands for blood

It must have been wee
Or tears

He was dead

I buried him
With my pick axe

In the near dark
The cold backyard

Alive and Dead in a day

If that ever happens again
I'll bring it inside
James Daniel Mar 2019
The heartland is a place of boundless love
Always was, always will be

He sat on the tram that screeched into the new world
Turning right, when so much was wrong

Like a youth, full of wonder, running against time
He shone like a new constellation
And we pinned our hopes on him

We said teach the world how to be a world again
Teach the world about wonder and about peace
Teach the world how to dream

I saw him before he died
I saw the keys at his side
And the doors he left open
While we had the world on our minds

He said it’s tomorrow over there
And yesterday over here
He had a mountain set in his eye
And with each encore
We sat in the aisles

He said I’ll teach the world how to be a world again
Teach the world about wonder and about peace
Teach the world how to dream
James Daniel May 2019
Tomorrow’s land
Didn’t get away as quickly as it should have
History would catch up with it

The people who have seen things they shouldn’t have
The poor who think they are rich
And the rich who think they are poor
And where was it again?

Tell me lady, behind those strings beaded with oil
Tell me about things

Always will be always was
Original music, original love
And over and thru it
Flew the listening dove
And rocked the laughing rocks
One by one, we filled the aisles
Shoulder to shoulder
Still as young as we were
Only the world got older

The youth got on the tram
Passed the burning church of Notre Dame
Thru the winds of change
And over the seeds in the sleeping red soils that sprouted at night

Why are you so happy? I asked
I got hit in the head
And I still got up

He said I’ll teach the world how to be a world again
About wonder and about peace
I’ll teach the world how to dream

It was yesterday here, but tomorrow over there

Always will be always was
Original music, original love
And over and thru it
Flew the listening dove
And rocked the laughing rocks
One by one, we filled the aisles
Shoulder to shoulder
Still as young as we were
Only the world got older

I’ll craft an aeroplane
One to fly thru the  change
I want to get to that place
Hope is stitched into my brain
I don’t know who’s coming
But that’s where I’m going
Like nature and it’s symphony
There is an audience I can’t see

Always was, always will be
James Daniel May 2019
The youth got on the tram
Was he coming up or going down?
Why was it so hard to smile
Was it the billions they’d spent on fireworks
Was it the famine?
Was it the lovin’
Hey Lawman, he said
Come May, don’t talk so loud, don’t talk so proud

Always will be always was

Seizures are so quick
Mine were the worst
I’m going to have to do something atomic
To kick the dead where it hurts

Always will be always was

And now that we’re are talking
How tough do you have to be?
To get free these days.
How much for a stroll on the highway?

Ever heard the story of Hammer Arm when he came to town?
They said the sight of him
And the streets would turn around
People spat out petrol and drank in sun
It was a weapon of choice
It was a day of fun

Always will be always was

What did it mean to teach the world how to be a world again
To teach the world about wonder and about peace
How to dream?
James Daniel Sep 2019
Today I said
Love is the way
Before today
I never saw myself getting old
I would die
At some significant age
A number
Just a dreamless void

But maybe
If love is the way
I’ll be here another day
And another
And another
James Daniel Oct 2023
Up the hill
Friday Hill
To the top
Higher and higher
And then Faith
Or I'd be too late
James Daniel Sep 2023
I see what you have there
You said you were so different
But not so

It shows
What are you doing what that anyway?
I'm not sure you really know

All I can say is to keep going
To the very end
Till its all out
All out in the open

And then you'll know

You ask yourself where freedom went
On making some, you're hell bent
Cavemen walk the earth tomorrow
Not yesterday
Didn't you know?

All I can say is to keep going
To the very end
Till its all out
All out in the open

And then you'll know

You said you could get us out of this mess
But there you were covered in it
There it was under your car
As you drove along, in clear view
How much gas do you have?

All I can say is to keep going
To the very end
Till its all out
All out in the open

And then you'll know
James Daniel Jul 2024
Give me the empty box
Then we can start somewhere
James Daniel Feb 2023
Clouds pass each other
Kissing like Venn diagrams

Pin his tail
The butterfly too
Use what they were saying
the both of them too

Buildings touch the sky
But 10 times more stand behind the eye
The paths shine
I've walk them a million times

Try to catch me
Locate me
Fascinate and dissect me
Put me on display
For the crowds of imagined friends
Who aren't there

I'll collapse by the end of this bleep
Something immortal
Better than sleep
James Daniel Mar 2019
A prayer for Christchurch
A prayer for Islam
A prayer for the blind
Who can’t see
It’s love we need
Under all the skin

A prayer
For love
A prayer for me
A prayer
For the quiet Volcano under
the sea
Quiet as a mute

May you Rise
May you Reign
A prayer
Again and again

A prayer
A meditation
A Brainwave
Right for the mainframe

Right to peace
Walking in it’s sleep
A prayer
So that it may wake and speak

Turn the world
Shuffle it’s feet
A prayer
A golden leaf
James Daniel Jun 2020
I'm drawn to the music
It's New Year's Eve
I turn around and there is a row of girls
Now it's a circle
Going round
And bigger again

The ******* her dad's shoulders
Is maybe 3
Looks right at me
And so does the girl
With dark skin and headscarf
As she joins the circle
And so does the old lady
Maybe 93
Where I can't see
Looks at me

It's New Year's Eve
There is a circle of girls
James Daniel Sep 2019
One day you’ll accept me as I am
Light and Dark
Black and White

How empty it is to force a smile
The same can be said for going wild

No good or evil, only purity
Said Mrs. Smith

As I am

Without judgement
With running or jumping
Without shouting
And without lips withheld

Just as I am

The air will feel alive
And so will I
Because I’ve done nothing to change it
I’m good with it

Those famous words again
It’s alright
It’s alright man
It’s alright

One day you’ll accept me as I am

The sand will be warm
And comforting
Grand and mountainous
Yet soft enough to pass thru your hands
Once it was hard to look at
Nasty and cruel
But we’ll get over it

One day you'll accept me as I am
James Daniel Feb 2024
These days are numbered
If I could just stop them
For a day, two or three

I need to forget the things
I can't change
Remember that I'm here today

I'll sing a song
A song for today

I want to sing for people
For my kids when they're young
For the world's troubled soul
But those things take time

Thankyou for my life
For all the things in it

I'll sing a song
A song for today
James Daniel Feb 2024
Maybe I'm not as weak as I think I am
A maybe it's not that I can't
But that I can

Somehow I understand
That anger's dagger
Points inwardly in my hand

Even Rumi said
Close those eyes that see only faults

And today I want to say I'm happy
Or more, that that's the road I'm taking

The one on which you'll find me

And so I've set the horizon
Taken away the clouds
Disappearing from view
James Daniel Oct 2023
After about a thousand days
It's not that they are all the same
But they are
So you have to put your best foot forward
With as much friendship and love
As you ever will have
James Daniel Sep 2023
The young cat at my foot sleeping
So innocent
He doesn't know
That tomorrow
I could get up, disappear and go
James Daniel Sep 2019
She said so many people
Said that about this place
Here at Lea’s table

She said she loves
The quiet of the garden sometimes
Just outside

I could see two sides of myself
One side yapping and buzzing
And the other
A Tall slab of granite
Ready to fall on it’s side

I knew that one was nothing without the other
Only with music would the two meet
It was like purpose and the way to do it
Being and how to be

I wasn’t perfect
It was ok
But at least I knew a place
Where the vine grew along the blade

Then I thought
What is light
Without a tree to shine on?

And I was sunshine in a chair
Getting dosed on another season
Feeling heavy
But passing

There’s been DejaVu lately
The invincible man I’m creating
Is breaking

Like raw eggs into pasta
James Daniel Jul 2018
At midnight
You watching from your door
I’m out into the night

The sound of crickets
Fills the sky
It’s wide
And full of stars

I walk with you
In the corner of my eye
You are no longer in sight

Your door was wide
And so were your eyes

At midnight
You watching from your door
I’m out into the night
James Daniel Sep 2019
Because I want to be in love

I will,
try to see everyone as awesome
And beautiful regardless

Yes, it’s hard to maintain
A mirror shatters again and again

Understand me love
A little help goes a long way

What did I say?

Yeah, because I want to be in love

I will,
try to see everyone as awesome
And beautiful regardless
James Daniel Feb 2023
Music will save everyone

Because my dear child
There will always be a war somewhere

And it may even come close one day
Who knows which route insanity takes

But music will be there too

There will still be celebrations
Festivals and a reason to get together

War will always be there
The way the world is made to sustain it may never change
It has and will always affect us

But music will always be there

And it will save everyone

It will go unexpected
And underestimated
But you shouldn't

Because music will save everyone
James Daniel Sep 2021
There was before and after
Before, there were only a few really going for it

But now almost everyone is
Especially the singers and musicians

There is no next time anymore
Waiting around is like writing letters on your tombstone

To break the spells, the heavy quicksand, the black clouds, the mud and dirt
That could **** a man, that has and will **** many more

We are a stampede
A stampede of need

Pushing ourselves ever more beyond our tiredness
Into energy and the unexpected

To not go out quietly in our sleep
And to be left with the weight of not having tried, with that headache from time immemorial

To be free to be free to be free, she sang

These are truthful days
James Daniel Nov 2019
Always by side
You’ve guarded my heart
For so long

I remember going busking
With you
Outside the supermarket
And I dropped you at my feet
And the homeless guy
Smiling at me

And when
I went to that place
The made bed
And Red light
The smiling girls
And I sang Valerie
And walked out
Passed the guard
Following me out
Cigarette in the street

We were all unmade
And I still am

You’ve guarded my heart
I believe

You said I’m worth a chance

The gates open and close behind me

Now I’m moving
It’s time to use my feet
Each other we’ll still see
I’m going out into the world
Make believe
James Daniel Mar 2021
All saints day
One for the romantics too
Standing under a cherry tree
In the wrong spot
There's a beauty in a face covering
But you couldn't tell

The dog are doing laps around the track
At the Walthamstow Racecourse

Blind Spot.
Full Stop.
Steady walking
Like breathing
Quiet all the needing

Blind Spot.
Full Stop.
My pen tries to point out
What will be saved
What goes to the grave
I can't tell which is which

Blind Spot.
Full Stop.
Is it the preparation?
Is it the situation
Is it ripeness?
I want to write it down

Blind Spot.
Full Stop.
Get away from me
Let me breath
Let me breath
I'll be ok
James Daniel Feb 2024
One of my first jobs was as a waiter in a Thai Restaurant
Run by a scary Malaysian who'd taken a liking to me
We went to a rave once
And he gave me 400 AUD for Chinese New Year
Bless him

But one night a tall Singaporean guy called Sunny came in
He was a musician too
He played in a rock and roll band
The Suns

Sunny lasted one night
But he told me about an open mic run by a girl called Michelle
And we stayed in contact

Gom was in the year above me at school
Gom was the only African at our school, he and his brother
Goyte also went to our school, he was in Gom's year. At school I was smart and cool, played bass and was friends with everybody. School was sometimes an escape from home life.

Marcus took me to Gom's place once where he lived with his girlfriend Nikki
I took my guitar and Gom and I jammed in the bedroom
A singer and a rapper

The first time I ever played live was at a place called Yah man Rastaraunt
It was a Caribbean Restaurant on Hoddle Street, South Yarra, Melbourne
It had that black feeling, of warmth and mystery. Or maybe that was youth and ****.
But I played, and some of the girls were crying
I'd found my thing
I went back the next week and froze up

There was a place called Pure on Smith Street. This was where Sunny said the open mic was run by Michelle. In those years, Smith street had a sacred vibe. Maybe it was the presence of an Aboriginal community or the fact that gentrification hadn't yet taken hold. But things were elemental, exaggerated by the warmth of summer nights.
I loved these open mics, the people I've met. I'd invite my work crew and friends. Sometimes I'd pack that venue out, for 3 songs!

Gom and I started a band
Melbourne was hip-hop, music, life and Fitzroy was Mecca
On Monday nights you could go to a place called the Laundry and see B-boys doing backflips on dancefloors!
Open mics, Latin Culture, losing my virginity
I was living and working as a waiter in beautiful Carlton, Melbourne's Italy. I love the parks there.

I flew interstate to study jazz
To smoke more ****
Then less ****
To wander like the wind, to bend like the rain, but always circling music and its hubs

I moved to London in 2015
I worked in a cafe and met a guy called Stefan from Austria. He is still one of the coolest and nicest people you can meet. I'll have to link up with him in Berlin one day soon.
He introduced me to Stefano from Italy who played the drums
We set up a band and had a few gigs
We had Hakan on Trombone and Bahadir on bass
Stefano had all these connections to the Turkish musical community
Because of the fact he plays in the Oddbeats, a psychedelic Turkish Band, one of the long standing hippie bands round these parts

I worked in a cafe called Music and Beans on Green Lanes, London's Istanbul. It was run by a musician who played amazing violin and also ran a music school. I lived in a tiny room above the school for a bit. On Green lanes there was a place called Jam in a Jar where you could see all kinds of music, from Mediterranean to Irish folk. It had a festival feel to it.

I go to open mics and jams like I did back in Melbourne,
It's very jazzy and jammy in this city. I like going to blues jams sometimes.
But I do like to remember those first gigs and musical experiences I had back in Melbourne
The meditation and wonder of it

I see Lloyle Carner at the swimming pool sometimes
He comes in with his daughter and wife
There I work as a lifeguard
On the days when I'm not working, I'll be working on my music, playing guitar, piano, writing, listening, learning, humming, singing, reading...
Stefano and I set up a house removed from the noise of traffic, replaced by the sounds of birds. There are trees everywhere and a lake nearby.
I've dedicated myself to being able to sing that great song in great condition, so that keeps the number of joints, beers and cigarettes down and the number of kilometers run and minutes meditated up.

I would cite Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Aston “Familyman” Barret, Jimi Hendrix, Nina Simone, Miles Davis, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Flea, Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye, James Jamerson, Donny Hathaway, Lauryn Hill, Sam Cooke, Bill Withers, Frank Sinatra, John Coltrane, Salman Rushdie, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Carole King, James Taylor, Norah Jones, Nick Drake, Bjork, Portishead, Radiohead, Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Burial, Flying Lotus, Fat Freddy’s Drop, Aphrodite, Charlie Parker, Chopin, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, Paul Kelly, Jeff Buckley, Jaco Pastorius, Eric Dolphy, David Bowie, Charles Mingus, Herbie Hancock, J Dilla, Tupac, Juicy the song, Nirvana, Crowded House, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Prince, Parliament, D'Angelo's 3 Albums to date, Blackstar, The Roots, Adele, Beyonce, Aretha Franklin, Eryka Badu, Hiatus Kaiyote, Nai Palm, Muddy Waters, BB King, Ben Harper, Joe Cocker, Cat Stevens, Paul Simon, Van Morrison, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell, Mavis Staples, The Beatles and tapestries more as inspirations and influences
James Daniel Jul 2022
2 birds of prey
Not crossing each others line
A robin beside me in the tree
One singing where I can't see
When will they meet?
And see this life how it's meant to be seen?

Love I'm looking up at you
Give me vision
Talk with all the wisdom of the ages
Let this humble being be
I'm on my feet

I'm working thru the days
That play out like cards
Ever watching, busier that those busy bird notes

Love give me inspiration
Give me new truths and insights
And I'll float on them
Like candles down a river
Like candles down a river

I don't know
I don't know
That original sin
That desperate heart
Those new babies and I can't see what it means

Love I'm looking up at you
Give me vision
Talk with all the wisdom of the ages
Let this humble being be
I'm on my feet
James Daniel Jul 2022
I'll always have my eye on you
It's true
It'll never be thru
You're that character in my black book

I say I miss you
I'm already looking forward
To catching up with you

Is it crazed
Is it cool?
This eye I've got on you

I'm not going to say it
Neither are you
I'll always have my eye on you
You're that character in my black book

                    I don't know why you think of me that way
                    I thought I already said

                    That hangman puzzle has got you good
                    The lot of you standing there
                    Like firewood

                    I pray for you
                    I pray for good

                    I'm not going to say it
                    Neither are you
                    I'll always have my eye on you
                    You're that character in my black book
James Daniel Jul 2022
Black seeds at the bottom of the sea
Singing a B minor Melody
Where the black and blue meet
Draw your hand, the open rake
Make shapes like seaweed
A Tasmanian underwater forest

I'm from there, a part of me at least
From where a mother finds her son dead in his sleep
From where the sweetness of the world collects and meets
We make homes out of homelessness
All of us

You can try to keep me out
To organise me
Like a crack riddled Canadian Street
And push and bump into me
Like I was a girl minding her own business
Who happened to look Chinese

But those arrows that reach
Those arrows that seek
Thru the black and blue
You'll never stop those

They ridicule the soft white foam that sits lifeless and still, obsessed with death

We reek of love, life, dreams and eternity
We mingle and meet
We turn out the street

Come hang out with me
Watch the never ending shapes in this never ending sea
As they seek and reach
Rising like a sun under the sea
James Daniel Dec 2024
Every man understands
That she deserves a special man

I wish I could love that beautiful girl

She's a solid thing on this earth, forever beautiful
And maybe she'd come to see how far I'd fallen, but I couldn’t do that

I remember changing once. Turning into something hungry and emotionless.

It will never happen with this girl.

She’s bright and light
Like a torch

In this town she’s an institution
And on the other side of the world
I met someone who knew her too

It’s cool to be a part of the blue
Cloudless and sunny
James Daniel Mar 2023
There are few places left
Said the gardener
As she swept leaves under the apple tree

But no-one is in control of mystery
It stands here
Just like you and me

Bring your love to me
Said the heart
With it I become visible
I go from being lost to being found
Bring your love to me
Don't turn around

The world moves on stagnant water and breathes stale air
We are tied down to it
There is no rest
And even less

And before you know it
The people you love
Will be gone

Bring your love to me
Said the body
I want to tell you
How grateful I am
Bring your love to me
I don't want to miss my chance

Bring your love to me
Said the mind
I need it to grow
I need it to climb
It is the key ingredient, every time
Bring your love to me
Don't leave me behind

Bring your love to me
The only gift
And true mechanism
Bring it to me first
Bring your love to me
James Daniel Dec 2022
I feel I'm moving against the current
Time and his characters
Fate and her fire
Trying to be infinity in a spot

Trying to make someone
With character
With fire
Who will stand the test of time

There is no button for me
Fast-forward, rewind
I'm yet to sing a song
By the campfire

The one that keeps burning
With stories and wonder
The one that can't be put out
The one I know is there
James Daniel Dec 2017
Now's the time for a calm mind
Fair enough then
No fissures, no cracks
No lying
I'll step over lines
Let it leak outside

Now's the time for a calm mind
No overdrive
No overtime
I don't like lying
I don't like trying

I've had enough
I'll step over buildings

Now's the time for a calm mind
An ancient chime
Don't have to be nobody else this time
Trust me
I'm worthy

Now's the time for a calm mind
James Daniel Dec 2017
Cheap Thrills
For my paper thin will
I need something
That'll do me a great deal of ill

Oh, sitting on a sill
Waiting for the sun
To shine
Like a visionary ****

No messing around
No time now

Cheap thrills
Let me smile
The skin off my face
Play drums
On my brain mash

Then I'll get to meditating
Sun bathing
Watch the fronds
Grow furry and healthy

Oh, sitting on a sill
Waiting for the sun
To shine
Like a visionary ****
James Daniel Dec 2024
I've had many teachers
But one of my favourites
Or most memorable
Was Clive Wansborough

He was my Year 9 English teacher
He said you could call him Clive

We had argumentative debates
About Jimi Hendrix,
Electronic music
The Smiths and vegetarianism

We started each class with a meditation
Closing your eyes
Filling your lungs to 75% capacity
In and out
The sound of his voice
Counting you into relaxation

He said I'd written the best piece of writing
he'd read in 10 years
About my experiences in Little Athletics
Of being afraid of the finishing line
Because coming first would mean getting clotheslined

I think I had a **** in his class once
Pearse and I were mucking around in front
Uncontrollable teenage hormones
Reading ***** literature

But I felt creative in his class
I wrote about a river flowing
from your mind down your arm
And into your pen

And I think he quoted it
When he said something like
If you don't know where to begin
Or don't know what to say
Just write

That was Clive's advice
James Daniel Feb 2024
I've had many teachers
But one of my favourites
Or most memorable
Was Clive Wansborough

He was my Year 9 English teacher
He said you could call him Clive

We had argumentative debates
About Jimi Hendrix,
Electronic music
The Smiths and vegetarianism

We started each class with a meditation
Closing your eyes
Filling your lungs to 75% capacity
In and out
Relaxing, the sound of his voice
Counting you into relaxation

He said I'd written the best piece of writing
He'd read in 10 years
About my experiences in Little Athletics
Being afraid of the finishing line
Afraid that it would clothesline me

I think I had a **** in his class once
Pearse and I were mucking around in front
Uncontrollable teenage hormones
Reading ***** literature

But I felt creative in his class
I wrote about a river flowing
from your mind down your arm
And into your pen

And I think he quoted it
When he said something like
If you don't know where to begin
Or don't know what to say
Just write
Just write
That was Clive's advice
James Daniel Jul 2022
I woke up and I was old
Swimming around like voices thru Barcelonas streets
I feel strange
Where is the world running to anyway?

An idiot gets up to yell
A priest sits nervously behind his eyelids
Dreams and the body work alternate shifts
I can't see the youth who shot straight and clean

C'mon comet
If you're going to burn
Thru the sky and across the trees
Do it now
James Daniel Dec 2017
Liars, thieves, cheats and bullies
There's a big price to pay being human
Being cool's ok though
James Daniel Nov 2022
Cool calm killer
Calm and considered
But everyone's got a knife
To carve a smile into this black
Where's your's?

The weight of it
Dropping like a dead planet
Find it
Find it
Test it, try it

One good **** is a **** for us all!
James Daniel Feb 13
There was a man who played the drums
He played them so loud
That he couldn’t hear anything else

Every time I went to his house
I’d cover my ears
And say I can’t hear

I’d go home at night and complain to my wife
“Love, my ears hurt
I think I’m gonna go blind”

I’d be over at his house
Every other night
And his drums just got louder
It was starting to addle my vision
All I could see was Crack Bang Kang Jingle Jang!

This went on for a while
I lost track of time
Then my wife says to me one night
If those drums are so loud
Why do you keep going?

“Crack Bang Kang Jingle Jang!” I replied
James Daniel Nov 2019
Crispy Bits
In a pan
That’s what I am
Without me
The whole
Would be quite bland

I bring it together
I go well with everything
I didn’t know
And still don’t

But it would be a shame
If I spoke to soon
If I left myself
No more room
Got too dark
Bitter and sour of mood

I’m a crispy bit
In a pan
If I go wild
It better be with calm
And it should be with charm
The kitchen
Is still serving
James Daniel Feb 2023
Crush my tree
Will you marry me
Or just kiss me?

In love every time
Doesn't grow old
Been all this time

A surprise
I'm scared to look into her eyes
Are you there?

Friends for life
The way she cares
Her eyes, nature, body and hair
It's all there

Look at the sky
She said that morning of the afterparty
God made the skies, said the song
To reach for
It could be freedom,
but she is cute too

Crush my tree
Will you marry me
Or just kiss me?
James Daniel Sep 2019
Dark brother
I know you hate me
But I know you don’t
You know I hate you
But you know I don’t
I gotta go

What if we were at war below
I can see you
You know
Maybe it’s me
Daydreaming I’d overthrow
..You know
Or that hand that glowed

Dark brother
I know you hate me
But I know you don’t
You know I hate you
But you know I don’t
I gotta go

I gotta go
I gotta go
I gotta go

Maybe not all at once
Sticks and stones
James Daniel Oct 2019
Dear displaced and stolen
I’m so sorry
For all your loss
I could never understand
Tell us how
Let us begin
To live in this world
To live on this land
To care
To understand
James Daniel Mar 2020
Dear Luna
Smiling Crescent
Don't let me touch your body
Because I'd just write my name on it
Never to return

But I pray for the day
When you look at me with both eyes
Full and bright
With a smile I can return

On that day
I'll never leave your side
It's my nature
It's my promise
James Daniel May 2024
Dear Moon,

Thanks for never failing
to tickle my sense of wonder
James Daniel Dec 2024
Dear Moon,

Thanks for never failing
to tickle my sense of wonder
James Daniel Apr 2024
Dear peaceful morning

I was angry last night

But it was just for play
I must be far away

But not as far as you, peaceful morning

Thanks for taking me away

Softly into a new day

Even the cat is quiet, for a change

I want to tie a string around the world
And make two ends meet
I want to be two people at the same time

But I can be only one
with one heart
One smile
Here and now

Knowing is trying to destroy me
Knowing everything
Like rusty hinges

So thankyou peaceful morning

Thanks for taking me away

Softly into a new day
James Daniel Mar 2024
I have to go back home
It's for the best

I couldn't do what I set
And the man who was a mountain, stood in my way and said

It's love your in need of
Nothing else

And I know you tried
But my shell is hard dried

But thankyou

I've grown
I've deepened and learnt

And this isn't the end for me
Or you

For us makers
Of skies blue

It's impossible to be in two places at once
My family is back home
I hardly call
Here the days are solid like brick walls

But I am agile
Creative and smart
So it's ok

But still, time goes on

I have to go back home
It's for the best

I know I'm bringing myself as I am

But I miss the place
The people
The new ones I haven't met
And it won't be there forever

Now that you remind me
I'm looking forward to it
It's been too long
James Daniel Sep 2022

I've got an obsession
The empty building
The empty room
Whistling a tuneless tune

A subterranean
Crying lonely tears
It's the only place I'm happy


Grey skies make me smile
Silence is music
I could go a year without seeing anyone
Why is that so?

I'm so miserable
Those warm lights
And warm sounds thru the house
Make me feel strange

I have so many ideas
My brain could explode
I can hear the wind on the road
I can hear it when you smile

Turn off those lights
Turn down those sounds

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