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 Feb 2014 Grace
Amy Perry
Make a poem
Make a song
Make some art
Make a boat
Make a train
Make a dream
Come true.
These poems are from my inpatient mental hospital stays from July 2013. They were all churned out, one after the other, and there are much more, at least 8 pages of consecutive poems that I just won't post, haha.
 Feb 2014 Grace
Nat Lipstadt
my love brought
me tranquility.
my love bought
me tranquility,
in a Manhattan bodega.

late at night in my city,
everything is for sale
where least expected
in mini marts, local delis,
greek coffee shops, spanish bodegas
pizza parlors, hardware stores,
all selling
salves for late night salvation

purveyors of
differential equations of
differing soulful sustenances,
certain imports that will probably never be
for sale in Walmart after midnight

all, readily available,
twenty four seven
in my miracle Manhattan heaven

My woman,
mapper of the byways
of my ****** landmarks
worn broad~ways,
his-toric foot trails of tears,
lines of laughters,
even a
purported dimple
I call a crevasse.

a sole survivor of
a mother's birthing skill marker,
duly recorded by her upon my visage,
in my miracle Manhattan

She knows, as do
some of youse guys,
that my poetry is
water born(e) and water soluble,
but Peconic Bay always
ain't right handy,
so bring on a
substitute teacher,
a hot bath,
helps me to enunciate
my verbal visitations

my love brought
me tranquility.
my  love bought
me tranquility
in a Manhattan bodega.

pour the aromatherapy,
my love brought me
for inspiration into and upon
my liquid writing table,
a summer garden aroma

It soothes
my bad memories,
the herbs salve
accursed ancient wounds
that will never
ever fully heal
or be forgiven

my love brought
me tranquility.

my graces restored,
this poem offered in
grateful appreciation
with unlimited adoration,
maybe even the
very one thing
**that can't be bought,
in my miracle Manhattan
Oct. 16th, 2011
 Feb 2014 Grace
Nat Lipstadt
Scordatura refers to the tuning of a stringed instrument in other than the usual way to facilitate the playing of certain compositions. A scordatura (literally Italian for "mistuning"), also called cross-tuning, is an alternative tuning used for the open strings of a string instrument.

Use of alternative tunings allows the playing of otherwise impossible note sequences or note combinations or can be used to create unusual timbres. The technique can be described as an extended technique.

no, non parlano italiano,
né ** conoscenza della musica!

no, I don't speak Italian,
nor do I have knowledge of music

but words, words I know how to love,
how to let them roll off my tongue,
onto yours, seducing you helpless...

slow say,
you can't help it,
as you spoke it aloud
your hand opens,,
your mouth too,
irresistible, irrepressible.

wet finger petals of the flowering hand.

I want you.
I want you,
in my mouth.
I want our mouths
to make

speak impossible note creations,
speak in unusual timbres,
but, as one instrument.

I want our
to be the
tune of us.

admit it, my seduction,
our tongues interwoven,
strings, X crossed,
and our tune,

I want our mouths to make
speak impossible note creations,
speak in unusual timbres,
as one instrument,
tune combinato.

Composed on the eve of Jan. 27, 2014
 Feb 2014 Grace
Nat Lipstadt
1 ***** your finger, describe it,
but never use the words,
red, flow, blood, dead.
Post to HP as My Finger Pricked:___

2. Post an Elizabethan Sonnet to HP

3. Think of a sad thing to make yourself cry, write what it was, how it felt, and are you now afraid/unafraid to admit it was so hard/easy to stain your face.
Post to HP as Cry Myself to:___

4. Get a stopwatch, pick your time limit, (max 7 minutes), write a poem, stopping when your time is up and post to HP as Seven Minutes:

5.  Pick a poem of mine and why you don't like it. I am not an idiot, send it to me in a private message.  No penalty for being right (or wrong)

Each question worth 20 points.

Winner gets a pizza with any topping delivered to his residence any where in the world (or the local equivalent).  Or, if in NYC, dinner!
The first three poets to complete 4/5 tasks within say 72 hours, win.   Yes, task number 5 can be skipped if so desired! 3/5 gets a slice and soda at a place and time of mutual agreement.  2/5 answers gets u an Honorable Poet Certificate for 10 USD).  Anyone who likes poem gets 1 free credit....

UPDATE:  three pizazz pizzas going out to AmandaFh, Helen, and SE Reimer.  This has so surprised me that I will send as many  pizzas out as necessary, with out limit...some incredibly fluid spectacular smiles and tears... More please
 Feb 2014 Grace
Seán Mac Falls
The moon, beams over the planted fields,
Growing blades shimmer, slicing the night
As fiery comets first seeded the earth,
Beads light, to life-giving grains of rice.
 Feb 2014 Grace
rained-on parade
You cannot fix
a person with missing

And I have
fallen apart
the pieces don't even
fit anymore.

To live in
pieces of your remembrance, I
how tomorrow could
ever follow today.

Empty rooms,
noisier thoughts.

The edges
have begun
to ***** away
at my heart.

And it
bleeds words.
"How do you move on when you don't know how?"
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