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Golden Girl Feb 2015
Just because she smiles,
all the time;
Does not mean that
she never feels the pain.

The smile is the mask,
Behind the mask,
Lies somewhat an ugly monster.

Behind the mask,
lies a broken person,
hidden from you and me.

Behind the mask,
lies the painful tears,
which are silent,
unheard by us.

Behind the mask,
lies the unspoken and unexpressed words,
of her inner soul,
full of foul.

Behind the mask,
there is 'she',
there is broken person.
Golden Girl Feb 2015
They say;
monsters live under our bed.
They say;
demons live outside our house,
alluring in the darkness of night.

They taught us;
if we don't go into sleep,
monsters are going to hunt us down,
in our childhood.
They also taught;
demons will knock at our windows,
will capture us,
if we don't eat.

What we were not taught was,
Monsters live inside our head,
not under our bed.

What we never saw,
Until we faced them,
demons are woven in our souls.

They control our mind,
They control our thoughts.
They control US.
Golden Girl Dec 2014
I just sit in my room,
Thinking of those darker nights.

Two voices talk to me;
one is the saver and angelic,
other is the demon.

Monsters and demons play inside my head,
requesting to hurt myself all the time.

There is only one thing repeating;
Just hurt yourself already,
so much that you will walk away from everyone.
First time attempting this poem.

— The End —