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Glayz Welch Jul 2014
Inside my brain,
I constantly try,
To fight flooding waters,
To make sure I don’t die,
But on the outside it all seems fine,
But truth is, I just want to cry
My life is sometimes bad,
But my heart and mind isn’t weak
I will try and try,
To be sure I don’t sink,
Because without my lungs,
How am I ‘sposed to sing?
Trying to be over everything :) <3
Glayz Welch Jul 2014
Do I want to listen?
Do I want to hear?
Do I want to die?
Didn’t I make that clear?
Do I want you gone?
Well, I don’t want you here
But if you’re going to be,
Let’s get something clear
Glayz Welch Mar 2014
Well, Life is pretty hard
My momma left
My daddy don't talk
And my classes are getting hard
My life's a mess
No matter what I do
Track, Basketball
I never impress you
You call me ugly and fat
Well this is how I'm made and that's that
I'm healthy and I'm proud
I just want to scream out loud
I hold everything in until I burst
I cry about it
But nobody knows
I do it in secret
I never let it show
My cover is "I'm okay" "I'm fine"
"I'm not crying I have no reason why"
But I'm not okay
I'm not fine
I have lots of reasons
Sometimes you're why
Glayz Welch Feb 2014
People consider basketball a non-violent sport
Well you should see my body
Sure I have the heart, and height
But I never seem to score
I have to pray to be put in
I feel like I'm just not good enough
But I'm gonna stick with it
Because I'll be good soon enough
I love basketball
I love my team
I love all the support
I feel like its all a dream
Thanks to all the girls
Putting up with my lack of knowledge
I really appreciate it
I love you guys
Thank you so much
Glayz Welch Jan 2014
Well, life *****
Lets start out with that
Everyone is so self centered in this small town
I hate my body
I hate my hair
I hate those people that pretend they care
Seems my writing is at its best when I'm mad
Which my happen more often, other times I am sad
I work so hard to be what they expect
It's never good enough
Like I'm a birth defect
I may love my life, but I don't love myself
I just want someone there
To nurse my mind back to health
I'm just realizing the truth
I just have to wait
Until I can be exactly like you...
Then no one can hate
Glayz Welch Jan 2014
I'm sick of being "that girl", I mean everyone knows me, but I want some guy to love me for who I am, for being different, for not being skinny or pretty like the other girls. I am waiting for the moment when God shows me to someone and they think the complete opposite of what every other guy has thought of me. People can be harsh and I pretend like I don't mind, but I really do. I wish that some guy would love me for me, but nope I have to be perfect, pretty, skinny, the whole package deal. Why can't guys realize that I have a good personality and I would never ever cheat, I may not be like other girls...but I am like me and that's exactly what I wanna be.
It's not really a poem, just a thought
Glayz Welch Jan 2014
I sat in my room
For hours and hours
Trying to tell them
They aren't in power
My life went to hell
My grandfather died
He was my rock
And I wasn't even nine
It was the last day of summer break
I sat up all night
Frighteningly awake
Their were voices
In my head
Telling me just to go to bed
So I did...
I dreamt that night
Of my grandfather
With glowing red eyes
Like a murderer
I knew it wasn't him
So I woke up in alarm
Who would've thought
I had scratches down my arm
I miss him still
But I can't stand to think about him
When I do...
I think of that dream
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