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Oct 2015 · 237
glassea Oct 2015
you were constant acid rain

and i was the statue
you never stopped falling on
Oct 2015 · 368
glassea Oct 2015
after the sun, you reached for my hand

you said it was the moon in me
that was stronger than earth's gravity

you said if you'd created the stars
you would've put me in with gods

you said when the world ends
you'll die a sundial's shadow
without my light to paint you
friendly reminder that i only write platonic stuff
Oct 2015 · 290
glassea Oct 2015
this is early morning anger
when the sun is too far down
to burn away my skin
?? ?????? ??? ?
Oct 2015 · 431
glassea Oct 2015
i wish you understood
that when i tell you to leave
i'm really asking you to stay
you never do, but it's chill
Oct 2015 · 781
glassea Oct 2015
Oct 2015 · 703
glassea Oct 2015
i can't love you.

i'm already in love with
someone else's words.
Oct 2015 · 945
we love incandescent
glassea Oct 2015
we love incandescent,
words growing light
that laughs at the dark.

we love incandescent,
gold in a world of grey,
dazzling in its misplacement.

we love incandescent
and sinuous and strange
and lies and logical madness.

we love incandescent,
and the witches come for us
like moths dying in candles.

we love incandescent
until you strangle my light
and i steal your fire
(a prometheus that wins)
and we both ignite.

we love incandescent
until it is me, alone,
watching your old mirror.

we love incandescent
and it is not your downfall
but my rebirth.
we loved incandescent as the sun set.
not a good plan.
even the half-blind can see a light in this dark.
Oct 2015 · 243
small world
glassea Oct 2015
i cried so much that
my heart filled with tears.

my blood got evicted.
now zhe goes to the library
and sits next to hope.
Oct 2015 · 273
glassea Oct 2015
the last time my grandmother said goodbye
is the only time she meant it.

no more "come visit again"s
or "see you soon"s.

(as if that were an adequate replacement.)
Oct 2015 · 407
glassea Oct 2015
maybe the space between words is lonely.
and maybe that is why i let it swallow me whole.
yeah i don't know what this is
Oct 2015 · 222
glassea Oct 2015
you should have known.

because i am selfish and ugly and poisonous and everything nobody wants to be.
Oct 2015 · 681
glassea Oct 2015
i don't remember how it felt yesterday,
with its empty windows and laughing winds,
lonely pedestals and creaking floors.

i don't remember what you said yesterday
when we whispered suicide to the earth
and prayed the stars might explode.

i don't remember what i did yesterday
when my eyes were pumping blood,
and i used a heart-shaped telescope
to see beyond today's hurricanes.

yesterday i lied. today i do too.
i remember everything yesterday
so i lose myself in tomorrow.
hey, look, this poem is a living contradiction. kind of like me.
Oct 2015 · 831
glassea Oct 2015
the people here do not stand
for the sky has fallen—

now, they crawl beneath
crumpled edifice and shattered glass
moaning trees and long-dead birdsong—

now, they crawl beneath their own skins
and try to remember
when they last saw the sun—
Oct 2015 · 292
glassea Oct 2015
sometimes i think i'd like to run
away from this misfortune,
this molasses life,
this maybe someday you'll win—

but other times
i think i'd like to drown here
and suffocate under these dead dreams—
glassea Oct 2015
in this world -

juliet poisons the city
with the ashes of her ancestors
and burns romeo's bones.
the feud is ended because
no one is left to carry it on.

desdemona drowns iago
under the willow tree.
they say there's a nymph here,
one with madness in her bones,
and when iago stops breathing
desdemona does not leave.

ophelia, the nymph says.

juliet watches them,
floating in their shadows,
and holds out for a sunset
before she jumps.

(they tell stories of three nymphs
underneath a willow tree.
the nymphs do not mind
that no one remembers their names.)
this is meh but i've held on to it for a couple weeks and i might as well just post it
glassea Oct 2015
the worst fate is not
fighting the monster
or killing the monster
or being the monster.
no, the worst fate is
loving him.
Oct 2015 · 192
one at a time
glassea Oct 2015


Oct 2015 · 230
to the muse
glassea Oct 2015
i thought i could write, but then you came along,
and i realized i didn't understand
at all.
Oct 2015 · 728
glassea Oct 2015
it tastes like quiet, here
the trees watch and do not
movespeakbreathe -
they do not tell the curious sky
what is changing below

it tastes like quiet, here
eighteen species of birds
gone deaf from this silence,
and thirty more
who have forgotten their song

it tastes like quiet, here
shining goldgreengray with
the darkest of clouds

it tastes like quiet, here
and it is so easy
to forget yourself:
impose the heart on forests
and leave it behind

and it tastes like quiet, you think
but you do not remember
knowing anything else
Oct 2015 · 278
glassea Oct 2015
the day is filled with ghosts.
the living rest at night,
when dead laughs are silenced
by shadows of the stars.
Oct 2015 · 335
glassea Oct 2015
all that glisters is not gold,
for the moon shines a silver
brighter than this sun.
glassea Oct 2015
(there are churches left standing in war zones.)

there are churches left standing in war zones and
they're a symbol
of far-off war-torn places
because destruction is universal.

(blood stains the walls
but they are still holy
and still there.)

there are churches left standing in war zones on
the front page of newspapers,
shouting numbers and figures
but never tragedy.

(there is nothing more powerful
than a bombed-out miracle.)

there are churches left standing in war zones because
soldiers know that in churches
words cut deeper than bullets,
than bayonets,
and the destruction of that power
would be atomic bomb
ground zero
hiroshima nagasaki
hundreds dead and
decades of fallout.

(hospitals and morgues are gone.
the church still stands.)

there are churches left standing in war zones
filled with dust and rubble
and blood and death and dying
and faith screaming for hope
and the church is still standing
but nothing

(and the church watches war
and she laughs.)
i mean some of these go for all religious edifices but the one you see most often on the news is a church

this was also meant to be read aloud which is why there's not a lot of structure/consistent breaks
Sep 2015 · 236
memorial glass
glassea Sep 2015
i died,
and she burned,
and you forgot the both of us.
haha who me i don't write poetry based on fictional works whaaat
Sep 2015 · 331
glassea Sep 2015
here's how it goes:
i wrote your name on my heart
in solid black sharpie,
and i can't get it out.
Sep 2015 · 184
the one thing
glassea Sep 2015
let me want the world
because you cannot give me it
let me want something i cannot have, that you cannot get for me, and maybe neither one of us will leave.
Sep 2015 · 441
yesterday, i died
glassea Sep 2015
although my heart is buried deep
it is not far below -
where shadows shiver, mountains sleep
and flames will simmer low -

i left it all alone one night,
forgot where it was found -
but she told me about the life
seen buried in the ground -

i know my heart is buried deep
though it's not far below -
where bones call out and caskets weep
my body rests, alone -
****** fight me emily dickinson is fabulous (and not just because we share a name)
Sep 2015 · 204
emily (dickinson)
glassea Sep 2015
there's an awful lot of expectations
laid on you by a name.

my name is emily
but i'm no good at poetry.
Sep 2015 · 307
glassea Sep 2015
you walk among the suffering
and they do not know you are the cause.
Sep 2015 · 214
glassea Sep 2015
let us imagine that we are imaginary.
Sep 2015 · 248
glassea Sep 2015
of you, i ask two things:
that you do not cry for me.
that my name will not be unspoken.
glassea Sep 2015
they have always lied.
heaven is home to demons in disguise.

in hell, at least,
they do not hide their misbeings.
Sep 2015 · 256
glassea Sep 2015
i miss you like
the sun to the earth

i think your light forgot me
somewhere past mercury

and that's okay -
if you get too close
i'll burn
Sep 2015 · 245
0:03 and suicidal
glassea Sep 2015
sometimes i lie awake
picturing how a gun would feel
pressed above my ear

and i think it would be cold
and sharp-edged
and empty

but in imagining i
Sep 2015 · 435
your name
glassea Sep 2015
index finger of dominant hand
point upright
let finger rotate from wrist
flick across the tip of nose
close to touching skin
let your wrist fall into the movement
quick motion, don't hesitate
like you have something on your fingertip
and you're throwing it aside -
you want it over and done with

it's hard to describe signs with words. but yeah... liar, lying, false, rat.
glassea Sep 2015
we write poems about broken gods
to see falls in perspective.

we look at atlas' burden
and say it could be worse.
we look at pele's destruction
and say we do not burn worlds.

we write poems about broken gods.
in comparison, our failures are insignificant.
so there's this poet and i really don't agree with them. sorry 'bout that.
Aug 2015 · 386
let mountains fall
glassea Aug 2015
we die, and the stars watch. let them perish, venus whispers to mercury. see what they have done.

nebulas look at us and laugh at our "rebirth". they know that something as stained as this cannot - will not - come again. humanity was the galaxy's mistake and now it must be blotted out with fusion.

perhaps not all of them are vindictive. (far-off in the sky, andromeda mourns the loss of her story. virgo keens to cancer as they cry silent stardrops.) but for the most part, the universe celebrates our demise.

once upon a time, we worshiped the earth, but now we slumber on as the world crumbles. the planet will not wake us.
the prose version of "when gods die" (1276589), because i've always preferred poetic prose to one or the other.
Aug 2015 · 275
vox populi
glassea Aug 2015
Aug 2015 · 185
of stakes
glassea Aug 2015
let us set aflame
those who thought
we could burn.

they did not know
of the suns within us.

they did not know
you cannot burn
a star.
vaguely inspired by "somos las nietas de las brujas que no pudiste quemar"
Aug 2015 · 304
glassea Aug 2015
i always adjust the rearview mirror
so that i can't see myself in it.
it has not been a good day ?????
hence this
Aug 2015 · 444
the drowning valley
glassea Aug 2015
welcome to the drowning valley.
we do not live; we exist.

her legs stopped working months ago.
now she drags herself onward
through the floating, bloating bones.
she forgot what she was looking for
years, decades, centuries ago,
and time drags on without her.

nir leaden lungs drag nir down.
air might as well be metal
for all the good it does.
(nir breath moves slow, hissing.)
ne is not yet drowning,
but the watchers do not help nir swim.

he gave in lifetimes past,
but they will not let him die,
so he stares at the sightless sky,
observing it more dispassionately
than it studies him.

they watch with a curious passion.
rulers need not be dictators or cruel.
to be detached is just as simple.
and they watch the people
existing in the drowning valley.
(i have literally no idea what this is)
Aug 2015 · 412
glassea Aug 2015
las cosas que vienen entreolas -
vidas, sueños y estrellas de amor -
nunca regresarán
a mi isla de soledad
jajajajaja gramática whut
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
glassea Aug 2015
hey, you know that feeling?
the one where you're in love -
sweaty palms and catching breaths
and a world spinning on an axis of one?

me neither.
*shrug emoji*
Aug 2015 · 353
the attic
glassea Aug 2015
ghosts of feathers trailing dust
over old photographs of us,

and laughing clocks
ticking their own lives away
Aug 2015 · 1.6k
commandment from the skyline
glassea Aug 2015
do not burn this city.

leave the people with
secondhand smoke
in their skins.

burn yourself
with all the hopes
they cannot have -
the hopes you
have stolen.
style? what style??
consistency? what consistency??
Aug 2015 · 9.9k
glassea Aug 2015
she may hurt, but she is not pain.
she may fail, but she is not a failure.
she may be tragic, but she is not tragedy.

*she may feel worthless,
but this, too, will pass.
so it's always worth reminding people (i.e. myself) that just because you feel something in the moment doesn't mean that it's permanent. an emotion is an instant, no matter how long the ache lasts, and an instant cannot define you.

(thanks for the daily!)
Aug 2015 · 725
the trouble with daydreams
glassea Aug 2015
i'm enamored with the past and the future
but the present cannot stand alone
glassea Aug 2015
there is a fine line between "doing better" and "doing well".
do not spend your life obsessed with the former.
comparing yourself to other gets you nowhere. you've done the best you can, at the time, under those circumstances. and if they cannot recognize it, it is not your fault.
Jul 2015 · 293
the watchers
glassea Jul 2015
do not weep for the dead.
mourn the stars that cannot fall to earth.
Jul 2015 · 294
note to self (no. 1)
glassea Jul 2015
leap from rooftops in your dreams.
pretend to be a hero there,
so when you wake,
the coward will retreat
and the leader rise.
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
the plight of the aromantic
glassea Jul 2015
i'm still confused by the idea of........... this

romance, i think it's like the mindless devotion
i see on television and in disney movies
(which in itself seems foolish)

but how is it better than
love for friends or family or soulmates?

why do people do crazy things for love?
how do true things conquer all?
what the **** makes "romance" so special?

i guess i'll always be left out of that loop
??????? i don't ******* get it
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