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Gerard M Feb 2022
The KRAKEN who was never a child but always a weapon

The one who is considered second best and never quite enough

His powers are perfect aim and trajectory manipulation

That is who number 2 is Diego Hargreeves
Gerard M Feb 2022
The SPACEBOY who was sent to the moon for no reason

Whos father changed his body without thinking twice just to save his life

The one who still even after THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY tries to be the leader

His powers are super strength and ape-like physiology

That is who number one is Luther Hargreeves
Gerard M Feb 2022
Number 1
The SPACEBOY who was sent to the moon for no reason
His powers are super strength and ape-like physiology
That is who number one is Luther Hargreeves

Number 2
The KRAKEN who was never a child but always a weapon
His powers are  perfect aim and trajectory manipulation
That is who number 2 is Diego Hargreeves

Number 3
The RUMOR whos powers gave her everything that she wanted
Her powers is mind control by lying
That is who number 3 is Allison Hargreeves

Number 4
The SÉANCE who's plagued with voices of the dead
His powers are mediumship and evocation
That is who number 4 is Klaus Hargreeves

Number 5
The KID who lost everything he ever had
His powers is teleportation through space and time
That is who number 5 is Five Hargreeves

Number 6
The HORROR who sadly died at such a young age
His powers are that he can summon tentacled monsters
That is who number 6 is Ben Hargreeves

Number 7
The WHITE VIOLIN who was a brother but never considered family
His powers are converting sound into energy
That is who number 7 is Victor Hargreeves
Gerard M Jan 2022
On that day in 2021

I was scared to be an American

For days after I listened to Political Punk Rock

Made my drag some what political

Became a political punk

Decided to run for city council when I'm older

What happened that made me who I am politically

It was the capitol riot that happened on January 6th, 2021
Gerard M Dec 2021
It's the name of a girl that I once knew

Who I shared so many memories with

Had fun talking to during lunch and on the bus with

Someone who I hope good things come to

That I will surely miss and will try to keep being friends with

Someone who's friends with me except for the fact that I'm LGBTQIA+

A girl who I'll say thank you for being a friend to
It's about a friend of mine
Gerard M Nov 2021
I am a Non Binary PUNK REBEL

A person that's not afraid to wear a leather jacket that saids "Homophobia Is Gay'

A PUNK who's also GOTH, EMO and a METALHEAD

Who loves to write poetry about their mental health

That is going to be an English teacher one day

Who has their own poetry book out for the whole world to read
Poem name is taken from the album True Trans Soul Rebel by Against Me but with what's short for non binary and is about myself a non binary transmasculine pansexual polyamorous punk
Gerard M Nov 2021
Waking up every day knowing  it’s not a mistake

Feeling like the world's on my shoulders

I'm living in a world where I have no friends

Just listening to the Emo Quartet all the time

Living my life like it's old times to some degree

Back when people where in a fringe state

But i'm trying to be Pete Wentz while looking like Patrick Stump

Cause i'm like a broken Emo Pop Punk cd stuck on repeat in 2007
One of the lines is from the song 2009 by Magnolia Park and is talking about American Beauty/American P s y c h o era Patrick Stump
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