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It's all I can be,
And nobody else,
I am proud,
To be myself.

These icy shards,
That covers my heart,
Protects my injured soul,
Keeping people out,
Are beginning to melt.

Slipping away,
The wall is,
Being torn down,
The shell is slowly,
Coming off,
To experience better things,
Than before.

The voices inside my head,
That was created,
By other people,
That I could never make it.
Is ebbing away,
Replaced by a more powerful,
And inspiring call.

For years,
I let the fear,
Control me.
Planning my every turn,
Every single thought,
Afraid to death,
Of making a wrong move.
I hardly had the strength,
To breath,
To live,
To continue on.

Then I met someone,
Who knows,
Exactly how it feels,
To be stomped on,
Beaten down,
The light inside of you,
Taken away.
And who has figured out,
How to control the fear.

Are they leaving?
Are the voices fading?
So many questions,
And yet,
Do I have time,
To even answer?
Can I answer?
Do I have the strength?

I am still nervous,
The evil voices still exist,
But sometime soon,
All of the shouting will be,
Long forgotten,
Like misplaced voices in a storm,
Surrounded by dark clouds,
And eventually drowned.

I will fight this,
Willing to conquer,
The wicked whispers,
The twisted nightmares,
The demons from my past,
That echo so intensely,
In my head.

It's all I can be,
And nobody else.
And I am proud,
To be myself.
So no matter what,
I am stronger,
I may not be willing,
But I will do what I must,
To find my way,
From those sounds.
I will be free.
I will be me.
They ask me if I still love you.

I blush, grin and say;

of course.


Because your eyes are of the most utter ocean blue,

but other days they're the currents of the stormy grey sea.

I see a current of salty water, deep, once blue, but now a faded grey.

I see a bundle of darkened grey clouds in the distance,

and the thunder rumbles from your irises,

and I hear it pound in the back of my mind.

I wonder if you knew.

I see a spark of lightening flash, only once in a while,

while you look at her.

My throat corrodes with bile.

She says she sees green demons lurking in the depth of my own ocean currents,

and I shrug.

What am I supposed to say?

I know you think about her.

Night and day.

The hardest part,

is a generic, old saying.

If you love them,

you let them go.

If they love you enough to stay,

or to come back,

you never let go.

But you haven't come back.
EDIT: Wow. Never expected this to blow up as big as it did. I thank you all so much!
EDIT: 2/15/14
i would say i never loved you, but that is a lie.
they say that your *first* love makes *you realize*, your first *love* wasnt really your first.
i pray for the day this happens.
*getting over you was the best thing i ever did.
and i did it for myself.*
so, one last:
EDIT: 9/14/14
i still hate you.
and you don't deserve her.
EDIT:   12/01/14
im sorry. you still arent
the same person
and neither is she.
but we all grow up.

I was going through my bookmarks
on my old computer and found my old writings.
I just wanted to update this one last time to say things are better,
things are good. Thanks again for all the likes and comments.
Worried so much about making mistakes
Holding back don't want to be judged
Or talked about made a fool of
Give to others do good deeds never enough
Accused of being a cheater been nothing but loyal
Make in the world fear of failure
Not be held back over come obstacle
Doing what matters over wasting time
Dream big but not going too far
Gave up drinking sober living
So much contradiction from others
Dealing with hipocrites being noble and honest
Staying home write stay out trouble Friday night
So hard to be normal
living on a bubble walking egg shells
Crippling words you spout from your lips
breaking my spirit, sinking my ship.
Your words are so hurtful, they tear me apart
if they were a game I'd be sent back to the start.
Your words leave me empty, I'm dust in the wind
but your words read the truth, this is really the end.
Tears flowing down my cheeks
You have no right
To pull us in
To this web of painful tears
They sting
I try and hold them back
Yet they fall
I do have right
I do have opinions
In vain you try to make me conform
I will not
You have no right
The voice in my head echoes
You are pointless
It says
You dragged us in to this war
Well I am fighting
I will not hold back
I didn't want this
I wanted peace
Yet the insults fly
And the sting returns
In my head a new voice appears
It whispers
You'll lose them
You know you will
They don't need you
If you disappear they wouldn't notice
You are nothing
A waste of space
You ARE stupid
You ARE useless
A tear falls
I won't apologize
I love them
I need them but I know
I deserve more than what I get
I know they might leave me
Is that a risk I will take?
So tired of this
So tired of everything
Lying on my back staring at the white ceiling
Looking in the mirror two pills in my hand
Hopefully I can fade now
Sink into the earth
I will not apoligize for being treated badly
But I will apoligize for creating this
You say it's nothing
You say it's meaningless drama
It matters to me
I'm sorry but then again I'm not for Lana Elizabeth caitlin and sophia
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