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Dec 2014 · 525
The text I sent.
Genna Peterson Dec 2014
I'm sorry if you're sleeping. I just kind of realized that I've taken you for granted. Really. You were the only person to care about me or be legitimately nice. I know I ****** up, multiple times. Every time made me realize that you were always good to me. I haven't been good to you. I'm so sorry. Everything started at a time in my life when things were bad. Really ******* bad. You were there and it practically saved my life on multiple occasions. I wish I could be that for you, but I'm not a good person. I've become lazy and self centered and horrible and I know you can see that change in me. You're the only one who noticed I was different. I'm going on a rant I'm sorry. If you can call me please please do it as soon as you can.
Too late now. I ****** it up. Too late to fix it all, too late to take back the text. It's okay. It's 6am and I'm spilling my ******* heart.
Dec 2014 · 807
All The Texts I Almost Sent
Genna Peterson Dec 2014
"I'm scared of commitment. I never gave you the real reason for why I told you I didn't want this. I said things like 'i'm too far away' or 'You deserve better'. Truth is, I'm scared that you'll want to get married someday. That you'll want kids someday. That I'll have to see you die early someday."

"I wish you would let me pay for your hospital bills. It's the least I could do for saying sorry so often."

"I wish I could take it all back. You don't trust me anymore. That's why you're so distant. You don't trust me because I broke up with you and said it was a mistake right after. I don't trust myself."

"Just let me at least buy you lunch."

"I'm sorry you're so sick, but I''m sick too. I just want to be sick with you, for as long as you're still around."

"I've decided I want commitment. I don't want to get married, but I think we'd make super cute babies. Just think of it: beautiful green sad eyes, a chubby face, and my full lips. They would be so beautiful. Your eyes are so beautiful. I don't want them to be gone once you're gone."

"Ty. Ty please. I need you right now."

"I just miss you. I just saw you days ago and I miss you."

"goodnight Ty."

Mar 2014 · 382
Genna Peterson Mar 2014
I can't stop thinking, thinking, thinking
Scratching skin, pulling hair
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Oh god, did I say something wrong?
Foot in mouth.
Did I lock the door?
I don't know if I locked the door.
Did I say something wrong?
Foot in throat.
What time is it?
Bouncing leg, shaking hands
I messed up, didn't I
Did I say something wrong?
I said something wrong.
Foot in stomach. Digest foot.
I'm sorry I'm so messed up.
Did I turn the lights off?
Did I take the food out of the oven?
Did I forget to slow down?
Help me to slow down.
Feb 2014 · 355
Genna Peterson Feb 2014
sometimes i want to stick my foot so far into my mouth
that it makes it to my stomach
and i digest it.
but that's okay, we all say stupid things sometimes.
Feb 2014 · 374
Genna Peterson Feb 2014
I look back upon my own words and wonder
who wrote these?
It seems like it should be me
but it feels so foreign.
The scrawl of my own writing from mere months ago
looks like entirely new handwriting
and it's all really bad
my poems are all really bad
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
fucking shit.
Genna Peterson Nov 2013
you are offended by my feelings
you are offended when i am anxious
i tell you
'i feel unwanted'
and you say
'that makes me feel bad, don't say that'
but you're my only friend
so I'll stick around
I'll stick around
and shut up, like the ******* woman I am.
I am not made to shut up.
I am made to bleed.
I made myself.
I made everything about me.
I am the most important thing in my life
and everyone feels this way.
I am not selfish.
I am in my own head, not anyone elses.
and stop telling me I need to think a certain way.
just let me be selfish.
let me be an *******.
let me be anxious.
I will be everything I ever wanted.
and I hope you can still be my friend.
Nov 2013 · 493
Genna Peterson Nov 2013
I keep trying to still be friends
but you gave up
I'm not sure what I'm giving up on
Nov 2013 · 388
no different
Genna Peterson Nov 2013
You are no different
than the rest
you don't get to dictate what is or is not offensive
based on  your own opinion
just leave me alone
I haven't done anything wrong
just leave me alone
stop pushing me so hard
because it's unfair
when I try to push you
and you get angry
this is so
you're not special
I miss when we weren't special
Nov 2013 · 815
Genna Peterson Nov 2013
bumping, beating, thumping, drumming. Movement. It keeps me going. It keeps me going too much. I am too much. Too much crazy, too much THUMPA THUMPA THUMP.
twisting, shaking, twitching, jumping. Tics. Nervous gestures. All GO GO GO. I can't remember the last time it got me anywhere.
anxiety, sadness, anger. I want to be alone. No. I want to be alone with you. No. I want to be nothing. No. Stop making me so angry. I just want STOP STOP STOP. People are too much. I want to be done.
Oct 2013 · 392
Genna Peterson Oct 2013
You are here.
Right here next to me.
I know it, I feel it.
I'm talking to you
about just normal things.
You are here.
So solid I can touch you
But then I fall asleep.
Then I wake up but a split second later
and you're gone.
You were never there.
This is the kind of feeling
That scares me every time.
Being so sure
that there is someone in my bed
that you are here.
But it was all just
a vivid dream
of the worst kind.
You aren't here.
You never were.
Oct 2013 · 2.2k
first friend, second choice.
Genna Peterson Oct 2013
There is a danger
to introducing two friends.
we all know the drill
i've accidentally
replaced myself
with the new me
and the old me
is "still your friend"
or "still cared about"
but do you ever talk to me anymore?
it's only been a month
since you two met
and now i'm left here
with absolutely no friends
and you know what
i'm sick of being everyone's
second choice
i'm sick of being put down
for not knowing a band
he introduced you to
sick of everything
sick of you.
but i miss you so
i really do.
you're an *******
but i do miss you.
Sep 2013 · 931
Genna Peterson Sep 2013
we both have very different bad habits
but they both require us to wear long sleeves
and deal with sharp objects.
(Hint: ****** and cutting)
Sep 2013 · 835
Genna Peterson Sep 2013
I'm all lopsided
muscle on the top
fat on the underside
thighs strong
the underside wiggles
biceps meant to hurt
triceps that look like my grandmothers
and all the spaces inbetween
that poke out, nothing but skin.
Hipbones like razorblades
wrists frail and shaky
jaw pronounced
collarbones like a skeleton
I'm so lopsided
and I want to look like a whole picture
instead of a few puzzles
that someone tried to shove together
I am a wobbling duck
stuck with a mind
that cares far too much
Sep 2013 · 252
Genna Peterson Sep 2013
you're scared that i'll
"do something stupid"
and i can't say i won't.
i can't promise you that i won't
hurt myself
and i'm so sorry.
i am perpetually sorry.
Sep 2013 · 438
I am a coward.
Genna Peterson Sep 2013
I cut
and I told you.
You asked me
"How deep? Where? How many?
I want to cause the same pain to myself."
and all you did
was make it so much worse.
Because I know i've already caused you
worse pain than I've caused myself
before you even tried to replicate mine.
I am so sorry.
Aug 2013 · 2.0k
Genna Peterson Aug 2013
In less than a year
you will be gone
into the Marines
off to fight a war that someone else made
off to go
"kick some ***"
and ******* it
I know you'll kick ***.
but i will miss you.
just don't die, okay?
i'll miss you
and i'll always love you
just please keep being okay
keep kicking ***.
Aug 2013 · 315
all to grow.
Genna Peterson Aug 2013
My hands are shrinking
my body grows smaller
you are filling every pore
replacing all the elements
with you.
Aug 2013 · 535
Genna Peterson Aug 2013
there are often times in my life that i wish to die.
times that i would take a blade to every bit of exposed skin
burn my hair one strand at a time
smoke to die
rip my nails from their cozy beds
and let the sheets of blood flow from the line
but there are also times when i wish to live.
times that i wanted to be that kid
who lived life to the fullest it could be
who smoked to enjoy it
and ran outside in the winter
just to feel the cold
to feel.
the overwhelming part of these two sides of me
is that i want neither
more than the other.
Aug 2013 · 507
Genna Peterson Aug 2013
I am so.
On you.
Your neck.
I kiss your neck so much
I kiss it when we ****
It is so beautiful that I cannot pay attention to much else.
I am so.
On making every kiss perfect
while you just ******* go for it
and don't care when our teeth clack together.
I don't love you.
But I am so.
I can't stop looking at the stars tonight, baby.
They shoot across the sky like our movements below.
I cannot focus on one thing for too long
and you ask me what's wrong
when I look away so often.
I can't even write this poem well.
It ***** and that's just okay.
Nothing is wrong.
Everything is okay.
I'm just.
Jul 2013 · 419
So hurt me.
Genna Peterson Jul 2013
I want you to hurt as much as you hurt me. You snaked your way in, made it okay for me to be near you, made it great. Then you pushed me back out again without warning. I wanted you and everything you ever wanted to be. But now I  want all that, and to cause you pain. I want to run my hands though your hair, then rip it out. I want to kiss your neck, and then bite into it. I want to hold your head to my chest then snap your neck. I want to bring you in so close that you feel safe, then ruin you. But I couldn't. Because this is my first time admitting that I love you... and the first time admitting I hate your guts.
Jul 2013 · 446
Genna Peterson Jul 2013
I'm so tired of shoving my heart and soul into things that i will just throw out, so exhausted. So bored with the tick tock of my clock, my heart, my fingernails, my tongue. I can feel my bones wear away inside me, this body worn for simply too long. these 17 years have created moth holes in my skin, faded and pale from the sun, the sin. I don't believe in God anymore, but i believe I have sinned, and I'm tired of feeling like a sinner. I have created this rhythm of feet tapping, pen twirling, eyes shifting and yet none of these rhythms have found value. I have created so little art for myself and I'm tired of calling myself an artist. I am not an artist. I'm just tired.
Jul 2013 · 751
It's Strange
Genna Peterson Jul 2013
it's strange the way we skirt around each other
like trying to catch a piece of dust in the sun.
it's strange the way we hold each other
but never talk about holding each other.
it's strange that you are such a huge flirt
but are still the shyest person i know.
it's strange that i haven't asked you out yet
but we still act like a couple.
it really is strange.
but it's astonishing
how wonderful you are.
Jun 2013 · 740
jump this
Genna Peterson Jun 2013
it's not very reassuring
to hear "um, okay."
as a response to me asking you out.
your attitude is passive
and annoying
but i still like it and that ****** me off.
and you know
that i would jump at any opportunity
to jump
your bones.
so **** your lazy little attitude
and **** me instead.
Jun 2013 · 326
Genna Peterson Jun 2013
you told me you've never kissed anyone
and i was very surprised
and you thought it was a bad thing
but actually
it's about the cutest thing i've heard all week
and it just makes me want to kiss you
Jun 2013 · 342
Let's Pretend
Genna Peterson Jun 2013
it's 5:30 in the morning
and i'm not even going to pretend
that i just woke up.
but i am going to pretend
that you will ever want me
for anything.
because i want you
for anything you want.
it's 5:30 in the morning
and i still want you.
Jun 2013 · 3.2k
Genna Peterson Jun 2013
you would think
that with all the time i spent wearing daisy chains
i would learn how to make them
but i never did.
you would think
that just by looking at me you could find something
good about me
but I know I can't.
Jun 2013 · 735
Sleepy Day
Genna Peterson Jun 2013
I have yet to understand
how the weather can feel "sleepy"
but I sure as hell can feel it
the wind on my bare back glides like water
and the scent of freshly cut grass
is intertwined just a little bit with that of wet leaves
the swell of the waves
mirrors that of the clouds
ebbing and flowing at no particular pace
I have never felt such a crowd
while I am alone in this place
this place where everything is tangible
the air feels like ghosts in a small room
and I feel content
Jun 2013 · 568
Genna Peterson Jun 2013
I did a very horrible thing today
let's just say that all progress is lost
fell down the hole in my ears
and didn't find the other side
squeezed through my bellybutton
spread through my bloodstream
to turn my blood a dark purple
but hope is not lost, you see
all that progress may be lost inside me
but hope thrives in places other than my blood
or my ear canal
hope thrives everywhere
Jun 2013 · 314
Genna Peterson Jun 2013
i love the way
i can take off my skin
i  spread glue over the surface of my hand
and tear it off
and right then
it isn't glue
it's my very own layer of skin
to start anew with
Jun 2013 · 548
Genna Peterson Jun 2013
we're all professional cage builders
we build them for ourselves
say 'i can't do that'
and we don't
we never do that
not until we become
professional cage breakers
May 2013 · 410
Genna Peterson May 2013
i'm in therapy now
and it's helping
but it's not.
i am so aware,
so aware that i feel anxious
so aware that my leg is moving at amillionmilesperhourandicantstop
so aware that i have just s
                                                      d   my face
so aware that my face is red
and i also know what to do about it
but i'm too anxious
too aware
to do so
slow down
s l o w
May 2013 · 13.3k
Genna Peterson May 2013
beauticians say
that we shouldn't sleep in our make up
but one day we'll be sleeping forever
and then
morticians will say
makeup is what we need
for our eternal sleep
May 2013 · 291
just one
Genna Peterson May 2013
when i really think about it
there wasn't anything we didn't get to do
we told all the jokes
jumped from a bridge we shouldn't have
listened to all the songs on all of our ipods
but yet
we're still missing that something
we're missing out on doing everything
more than once
and that's all i need
is to do something
just for old times sake
Apr 2013 · 404
Genna Peterson Apr 2013
can somebody please turn down
the dark
tone down the shadows
I can't even see
the flash behind my eyes
Apr 2013 · 330
Genna Peterson Apr 2013
all my poems are about you
and I can't ******* stop
until this can all make sense again
an endless loop of the same feelings
and no matter how much I write
it just doesn't feel like venting
it feels like you're gone
and I can't do anything about it
Apr 2013 · 240
Genna Peterson Apr 2013
Sometimes being a poet
means being very sad
yet being very sad
does not mean
that people will know that
and that
makes me very sad
Apr 2013 · 375
Making It Up
Genna Peterson Apr 2013
I make things up sometimes
I'd like to think
that I will look out the window one morning
to see you standing there
I'd like to think
that we walked up that hill
hand in hand
I'd like to think that I'll never see you again
but I make things up sometimes.
and sometimes reality kicks in
and I'm so disappointed
that I can't help
but to just keep on
making things up
I'd like to think
that I'm not crazy
but you like crazy
like a fat kid loves cake
and like I love you
like I loathe you
so maybe you'd like to
show up outside my window
or hold my hand
to go up that hill
that hill where all my pets are buried
along with the hope I had
for you to come home one of these mornings
Apr 2013 · 540
A Painting
Genna Peterson Apr 2013
It is how it is
we all just laugh it off and go home
to our spindly bed frames
and our burnt out Christmas lights from last year
It was how it was
a home that once held a soul
a dog that **** on the carpet whenever we left
and even a few fish
It is how it is
the coffee is, and always will be
too strong
and I keep getting holes in my socks
from the one nail that keeps trying
to jump from the ground
and land on the wall
to hold a painting of you
when you were okay, too.
Apr 2013 · 582
Genna Peterson Apr 2013
how am i supposed to forget about you
when i spend every night thinking about you
and it never gets any easier
there was so much left unsaid
we never graduated to climbing across the bottom of the golden gate bridge
we never went to new york together
we never held hands under the stars
actually, we did hold hands under the stars
but not nearly enough
i can't write about anything else
i can't even think about anything else
i go through my days
finding songs that remind me of those times
and even the happy ones
snake their way into my bones
twist their soft fingers through my hair
and gently pull it out
crush my skull with all the things we sang in the car
burn like the tips of our fingers
when we pass over a cigarette
and fumble
like we always did
i wish these scars would stay forever
but they always have a way
of fading
unlike you
Apr 2013 · 554
Genna Peterson Apr 2013
if we're thinking in terms of heads and hearts
what have i got to show?
my head is where my heart is
and my head is also where my head is
over thinking, over thought
jumping from swings never
took so long
Mar 2013 · 370
i hated you
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
last night
i cried for you
but only for a little while
i hated you once
but not anymore
i only hate you when you're around
and i can only really love you when i see you
you've got a face for a smile
and only choice few would understand
just how ******* hilarious that is
i hate how i can say something
that will make you laugh for 20 minutes straight
but i can't tell you anything serious
i hate how you kept a vegetable in your car until it rotted
because you found it on the side of the road
and thought it was funny
it sure ******* was
i still have pictures of you on my camera
that i haven't developed
because face it
i'm cheap.
i hate how i keep talking about you in present tense
when i haven't seen you in almost 7 months
you still hang on my wall
you still linger in photographs
i still look you up on google sometimes
to see if you got that crap off your record yet
the further along these months go
the better.
because once it gets to 12
maybe you'll come home
maybe you'll even look the same
i ******* hate how hopeful i am
i hate all this
but i still hope
that i can see you again someday
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Things change
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
when i was little,
i thought that oyster crackers were made from oysters
so i refused to eat them
because oysters are gross
when i was little,
i liked dunking my head into a pool
because wet hair was fun hair
when i was little,
i wore a tutu
or i wore nothing
none of those things hold true anymore
oysters are actually pretty good
and i can't have soup without crackers
wet hair freezes on the way to my car
and let's be honest
i don't look good in a tutu
and i sure as hell don't want to look at myself naked.
Mar 2013 · 7.0k
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
this is the best poem i've ever written.
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Psychology Class
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
i'm in a psychology class
and all i've done is take too many tests
about my personality
and grouch over partner work
but i can't help but love it
the human mind works in any ways we think
if we can think it
i could split my brain in half
and still be fine
i learned too much about anxiety
and now i think everyone has it
most of us sure as hell do
i've seen the subtle human power moves
all it takes is standing up
standing while everyone else is seated
creates such power
everyone in the room has to literally
look up to you
yet i've still taken too many personality tests
been too afraid to score my IQ
been too
to see how anxious i really am
Mar 2013 · 508
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
I've seen dreams fail
or fly
I've seen her face fall
or smile
Every time I hear that song
or go anywhere
it's where we've been
I've been everywhere with her
or just here
you've been here
I can almost smell it
but that was months ago
I'm just so ******* tired
so *******
I can't make music anymore
I can't play guitar
I won't touch a piano
the only thing I'm motivated to do
Is write these poems
because it's something new
I want to write these poems
for you
because writing songs
is your gift for others
and for yourself
I miss it so ******* much
so Brianna,
this is for you.
If you ever happen upon this
this is for all the times we
listened to Kanye in your car
smoked a cigarette; a life
this is for hoping
you'll come back
just long enough for me to tell you
that I'm ******* sorry
and I will always be your friend
even if you don't want it
even if I don't see you for years
I've seen your face fall
or fly
and I've seen your fingers fly
over the keys
over the frets
around a cigarette
I miss it.
Mar 2013 · 341
stop it
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
hold your head up
stay positive
be calm
don't tell me
what to ******* do
Mar 2013 · 684
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
i wish i could be the kind of person
who talks like they're reading poetry
who doesn't have to ******* swear all the time
or who can make swearing feel like
a caress
or an eyelash
in a glove
for safekeeping
i wish i could have found the eyelash
i stashed in my glove
i wish i could stop thinking so much
i want my hands to relax
i want to stop finding scratches on my stomach in the morning
i want to wake up feeling like i didn't go to sleep 10 minutes before
i wish i had a clean room
i wish cleaning my closet
didn't mean throwing everything in a toy box
and keeping it in that closet
i wish i could stop hurting myself
every time i didn't know what to do
or was mad
or sad
or so ******* tired
that i'm not even aware of what i've done
i just wish
to be better
less boring
Mar 2013 · 338
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
i can't bring myself to write about anything other than us
we were so perfect
so flawed
the four of us were so great
even through
the cigarette burn i left on your car seat
the night it took two hours to find you in hide and seek
the days when it was always either
three in the morning
or noon
every **** day we jumped off the high spot on the bridge
and never got hurt
the times we spent our money on cigarettes
and forgot your car didn't have enough gas
to go anywhere but away from home
the night it was just the two of us
your hands didn't belong around my waist
but they found it anyway
the only witness to a crime that didn't happen
was the moon
once again the four
then the three
and then the light left us
and it was two
no more three in the morning
no more bridges
no more moon
all it is
is two
and a cigarette
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
My Brain
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
little things
like feeling greasy
uneven feet
or cracking knuckles
these little habits are the part of me
that i hate the most
i touch my hair
i scratch my skin until i bleed
people think i'm on ****
because my skin doesn't fit
there are invisible bugs
i always wash my hands
i have to start on my left foot
and end on my left
here i sit
covered in habits
in anxieties and pains
my ******* brain
hates me
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Genna Peterson Mar 2013
I found myself
painting a picture of a cigarette
and I found it really strange
that I was painting on the smoke
with watercolors
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