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Sep 2019 · 250
islands of impermanence
What’s it about her
That keeps you from snoring
And drawing conclusions
Whenever she removes
Her masks and her make up
All of our taste buds get used
This is probably worth exploring
And our talents are also worthy
When at last we have excelled
At all our entangled entitlements
So now it's time to begin
The undeniable silence
There’s nothing to it
Except the collapse of the entire world
It shatters all meaning
And opens new doors of connection
Were you expecting something else
A holy renaissance perhaps
Or some feeling of permanence
Ha you are fooling yourself
So go to sleep and wake up naked
Never take it for granted
That when you open your eyes
The skies could be different
And the sunrise could just
Lie there like a fire that's gone cold
We are older but never
Bolder than this moment
Everything is individual
An antipathy of time
Is right here in our mind
For millions of years
We have already formed our next life
Covered in gold we are never
As dead as you’d like us to be
He who fears the unconscious
Fears all eternity
And whoever makes themselves
A tyrant never earns freedom
Sep 2019 · 237
pretty groovy
I’m just a ruse for you
To come light my fuse tonight
I cant stay too long
But if we have a minute
I’d like to hear your song
About poems that are burning
So hurt me like you mean it
I'll fit in wherever you need me
My mind is long gone
But these hands are strong
And we are all slowly turning
Into our parents again
Red hands paint by numbers
But you are still fumbling
For your keys in the dark
Like lonely jack-o-lanterns
That spark conversations
We are all born naked in our skin
Until these symbols embodied
Within forms of reason
Determined the limits to our liberation
Would you like to finish that thought
And start to sing again
About weapons of antipathy
And our personal responsibility to oblivion
Newspapers face their own exigencies
Reflected in spells of protection
On paper that is proud and transparent
You bowed to the elderberries
While we held hands
And swam as fast and furiously
As we could in order to reach the shore
For once you’ve seen her
I admit that it must not be easy
To stop whatever it is you are doing
To beg God for mercy
And erase that deadly memory
Sep 2019 · 112
forty year old virgins
We sink into the harbor as thirsty ships drink from the horizon
We are all asking Time to please stop telling us the season
But it can never heed our warnings nor our reason
A clock is a certain type of poem that never stops turning on itself
For it takes a special kind of feeling to unlock the mechanism
That makes man into a mechanic and not a lover
And Cupid’s arrows seem to miss their mark a lot more often
Men now have trouble grasping that their hands
Are not just for taking but they may also be projections of their hearts
And perhaps love-making is an art-form that we are all starting to lose
So instead we destroy relationships faster than we can say, I do
In organic
Aka bony
A­nd not
Is ostensibly
For fight
Or flight
Sep 2019 · 120
mother (jokes) of pearls
Why was the controversial selfie,
Of a shellfish removed from the internet?

She was nacred.
Sep 2019 · 198
what would you rather see?
selflessly selfish selfies or selfishly selfless selfies or sally selling salty-fishy shell-fish shellies shellfishly by the seashore?
Sep 2019 · 111
la america
Don’t bother me with poetry,
It's really not to my taste at all;
I prefer football and television,
Or maybe a good ol' fashioned brawl.
Sep 2019 · 143
caves into cages
Life is a cave of uncertainty
Your emotions are a storm that rages
Don’t let your caves turn into cages
In the hope that they might
Keep you safe from harm
Sep 2019 · 109
love again
Every poem is puzzling
If an analogy
Is anything like an algorithm
And love is the highest
Form of flattery I know of
What a tragic destiny
To await life or death
With hesitance and reticence
When we are only rejected by uncertainty
And inner dissidents deny
Our few minutes of peace
What is an argument
But an even greater reason
To try to remain in contact
We are all articulate and lonely
So don’t deny these stories
Even if they seem crazy or boring
We can't explain away our haziness
And also rectify our kindness
After all it's a compromise
To decide who is right
Means also to lose faith
In the inner workings of the heart
If we are pertinent and perturbed
By lonely apathy and hurt
You can always question the quiet
You have become accustomed to at night
If we shut down our towers and our tables tops
We may get lost or turned around again
For often we are too proud to ask for help
So instead we become just like our furniture
And spend our lives building and/or buying houses
Destroying peoples lives in private
And making messes on our carpets
We are concrete and vision-less
While people of the earth are being burnt
And yet still don't return to hatred
They are sharing all that’s naked
As we slowly learn to grow
Towards love again
Sep 2019 · 107
Appear to disappear
You appear to disappoint
The voices you avoid
Anoint you in the dawn
And haunt you softly
Sep 2019 · 306
funny business
We are funneling
Money into our hearts
And pouring out ***** water
From every other part
These carpets are crusted
With blood and art
We are partaking in a puzzle
We can’t ever really start
I crave pizza and coffee
And hear your voice in my ear
We are les enfants terrible
And then we disappear
You appear to disappoint
The voices you avoid
Anoint you in the dawn
And haunt you
Even when you’re strong
So you control your soul
Although you are never alone
One more phone call
And you’ll be back at home
Come look in the mirror
Or would you rather drift
Into sepia toned syndicates
And lose it all again
Many have come
And many have fallen
But only one has ever
Truly faced the longing
Of all the men, women
And children before them
Sep 2019 · 255
artistocratic licenses
You are in the mood for loving
And i am in the rhythm
Of demolishing idols in your bed
Underground we found our sovereignty singing
Bringing fame and light to all beings
We realized the irony immediately
But at the moment we can't back out of our contract
Or we'll seem way too eager to please something
Sep 2019 · 182
capillary action
I saw you alone in a phonebooth
Talking to a man who couldn’t understand you
I saw you swinging on a branch in the late hours of the morning
I saw you kissing all the caterpillars that you could see
And all the capillaries that you never could have dreamed of
With your eyes closed and butterflies folded in the palms of your hands
We sold all of our shot glasses at shouting matches and lit the fuses
That destroyed our marriages, music halls and museums
The final signals urging you to retire in the afternoon's youth
While burning flames and fumes of criminals
Signal all of our symbologies to stand up at once and obey their will
A renaissance of bedrooms and dressing gowns
In towns made from emaciated fashion models and discarded magazines
Spending sincere moments in their underwear underneath these falling stars
What are we really waiting for when it's all already here right now
Sep 2019 · 113
underneath your reach
Speak to me in those sultry sweet undertones
Your under-story awakens all my senses
Bland are the elements when uncomplimentary
Notice the lack of colors in your mind
I blink and you are gone before I can say goodbye
Love is a fragile collar that knows no alibis
Sep 2019 · 108
a polite manifesto
A creatrix
Of compassionate
Manifests action
And submission
In perfect symmetry
The balance of
Is pleasurable
And inviting
If you are willing
To be dominated
Sep 2019 · 548
Warning labels
This a message for all the ***** people that think they can trade kisses for sentience and not simply live to tell about it
There's nothing so important that it really can't wait until the morning
There is no need to apologize for your shadows if they're old enough to take responsibility for themselves
The sound of love has been uncovered in the basement of all our churches, mosques, synagogues and temples
Whenever the weather is too good to be true it probably is and what appears to be real is frequently just an illusion
But you also shouldn't let that stop you from doing what you've chosen to
And if we are persistent we will eventually unveil all of this confusion
Seeing through densities and targets with all of our discernment and our reason
We are the reason you envision lovers giving kisses like its actually nobody else's business
We live in a fundamental rebellion and everything's already alright regardless of what it says on television
Life is the liminal space between existence and oblivion
We are fundamental particles of naked persuasion who like to dance dynamically on anomalous targets of diabolical estrangement
We are eternally proud of our ability to come into coherence and cohesion
We speak recitations of fantasies inclusive of these fabricated realities and imitations
Sep 2019 · 101
W el even
                    when strung together
       are often mistaken
                                       for poetry
Our bonds are strong
And so are our prayers
We envision a peace on the land
Where men, women and children
All understand their place in nature
Is sacred and necessary
That to be healthy they must take great care
Of soul, country and all our relations
As all beings are sentient
And all strangers are potentially friends
And if we have a little compassion
Then in the end we may stand a chance
Of one day getting back to the garden again
Sep 2019 · 139
Of attention and inhibition
You have crossed all these boundaries to get here
You have crossed the ocean to reach me
Now that we are together can we cross our own rivers
Of attention and inhibition
In order to just listen and be present with each other
I wonder if suddenly we will share
A serenity that bears no resemblance to peace or safety
But is as dynamic as a waterfall
Pouring over our consciousness
Chasing away our clutter and making space for kindness
We are daring to dream of epiphanies and poems
Romance is a blossom that blooms quite rarely
I say don’t waste your time chasing images
And making foolish mistakes
When you can chase me to the edges of your sanity
How much can you bear to see
The pain of love is beyond measure
It's a treasure rarely earned
But when it is, it can give you hope
Greater than a poem or a diamond
We bare our hearts to the lions teeth
For if he bites that which is beneath his lips
We will bleed a thousand ****** dreams
Hungry for our very own being
There are demons who seek
To destroy all meaning and poetry
So we appraise our souls of this wine
And drink it until our heart’s are content
We are probably a little more than broken
But that’s not too bad considering
How far we had to travel to get right where we are
In this space and time it's not right to shy away
From a fight whenever it's worthy
The attempt to conceal our faults is dissonant and infantile
So I lied to you in order to deceive myself
I convinced you I was wealthy so that you’d love me
There is no country left for our despicable ways
How else can we explain our own estrangement
From ourselves, our health and our families
Sep 2019 · 118
same game; different day
Once upon a time you crossed the ocean to reach me,
Now that we are together we need only cross our own rivers.
Sep 2019 · 141
Of Eden (and Gethsemane)
Once upon a time: In the garden
Symbols embodied within forms of reason
Determined the limits to our liberation
Sep 2019 · 205
I dare you to
Try to dance without losing your head.
Sep 2019 · 105
of demolishing idols
The matrix has you in her arms
Will our souls ever be healed
Love is the wisdom we need
When all you feel is an island
And we wander through the hills
We hike through the empty hours
Inside us all there is another side
When there are no more cigarettes
No ******* or emotional wisdom
I think you deserve whatever you find
I still sometimes wonder
If you’ve already had enough
Crying for one life-time
We are truly desperate
For a tiny taste of your grace
Your ecstasy is space
Graduated degrees of separation
Is what awaits any being
Who has ever truly tasted you
Face to face we trace
Figments of the coastline in our mind
Your hunger is as blind as the daylight
On your skin I begin to examine my own face
It's the faintest light I’ve ever seen
But it's enough for me
To remain permanently hungry for your lips
So I persist in getting back at you bit by bit
You attack me with your tongue
And then suddenly I'm young again
We ripped the sheets on contact
If every poem is a crossword puzzle
Then all we really need to know
Is on which page the answer-sheet is hidden
Humanity is ***** and confused
Like an opossum in the daylight
We can't find our way without the help
Of something brighter than ourselves
You console me and hold me to your body
My hands love to hold yours
We are obscenely closer than I’ve ever felt before
One more breath and I’ll melt to the floor
I don’t know if I can stand this feeling for much longer
We are already a whole universe
A rhythm escapes your hips and I am driven mad
We are abstaining from the naming of these feelings
Quickly it appears relevant to refrain from our embezzlement
Of sound and sensation, since its never just about *******
We sweep the stairs and compare our share of stories
We are beating ourselves into a form of beauty
Bruised and confused we recoil at our duty
And seek the comfort of hands that have never been this cruel
We are bank robbers and mannequins
Fantastic harlequins damaged by parliaments
So we take it out on each other's hearts
We are permanently trying to deny our inner spying
But it never seems to work out as well as planned
Later the next morning we fell a thousand stories
And landed on our monologues and mortgages
But life has a funny way of showing us our faults
And our feelings never seem to lead us
Exactly where they need to
See we are desperately in need of another type of guidance
So now I am replying to all your silly letters
And having the time of my life playing out these archetypes
One more night in the city and once more we take pity
On our impoverished souls and ****** attempts at love
Sep 2019 · 103
(H)emoji-nous languages
Do you ever wonder
Exactly what will happen
When all ideograms are designed
To be grammatically inaccurate
Sep 2019 · 83
out of sight; out of mind
Vexate maliciously
We all once had everything
For hours of longing
Can never be that long
What a clever nightmare
To try and figure out life
Its about as useful
As trying to cut space
With a solid blade or knife
Though the skies
Would indeed be different
If we never tried to fly these kites
Sep 2019 · 95
existential pick-up lines
I said, "Life is a cave of uncertainty.
Even in perfect symmetry,
It still never gets any better than this."
She said, "Wow, you must really,
Think I'm pretty and/or desperate."
Sep 2019 · 148
reality these days
Is it all a farce
A satire
A musical comedy
Or worse
Maybe its a horror flick
Or are we doomed
To be a sitcom, drama or telenovela
What the hell is going on
Cut -- Is this camera even on?
Sep 2019 · 88
haiku kung fu part deux
oh, how courageous
we are inside our walls and
our comparisons
Sep 2019 · 63
except your beauty
I concentrate on you heart
There is no need for rhetoric
To remark or embellish
Anything at all
So now we fall into silence
And take our time trying to listen
We follow the signs
Reminding us to swallow
We are all divine
In our minds and our bodies
So please show me
How you dare to
Accept all of your beauty
Sep 2019 · 286
I love you
I have the need to write everyday
I’ve become consumed by writing
I am still trying to figure out
Exactly what it is i really want to say
I think it is simply that I love you
Sep 2019 · 89
personifying flying
"I refuse to take no for a dancer."
Sep 2019 · 108
Hungarian Magyars
I asked, "Could I borrow your angel?"
As I descended into the basement
What would we do without our fantasies
And these ancient archetypal complexes
We have no evidence to the contrary
And no evidence that we could make it
We are like blank checks left at the equator
So please save me a seat at your dinner table
I wish to eat with you and then go to bed
With your lovely wives and daughters
And find the time between affairs
To at least try to stay a little bit creative
How pretentious are we
This preternatural attraction
Magnetizes you and I, like gravity
It's surprising that we never rise
Still I recall the first time that you fell
We held hands and laughed
While centuries have come and gone
You said, what's past is past
But what's past has yet to pass away
So we pretend that nothing’s changed
While for thousand of years
We like to pretend we've remained the same
There was a time when all writing
Was considered a manifestation of the divine
And now it seems like anyone can write copy

And it makes me wonder out loud
Is it only grammar that appeals to you  
Is it syntax that takes you to heaven
Are you aroused by proper punctuation
Its frightening to know what turns people on these days
And I am alarmed at the lack of literacy portrayed
Yet a common mistake is to assume its due to ignorance
And not a lack of virtue, that keeps it all this way
She said, "In this relationship,
We are each equipped with a parachute,
And I would never blame you,
If you felt compelled to use it."

A warning: It never gets better than this..

P.S. She also said, "I packed both of them myself."
Sep 2019 · 117
The failures of our teachers,
Should not be confused with our own.
Sep 2019 · 79
the life-guard
He says, “Sink or swim?”
She replies, "Swim of course."
Though she thinks it,
Quite strange of him to ask her.
Sep 2019 · 98
Until the time
I often think in metaphors of war
Like Rwandan gun shots
And the unceasing ululations of our ancestors
We are sometimes mistaken for our actions
Like pacts of night-time comfort  
Made between black and white lovers
Or packs of rubbers and grief lost in a garden
We forgot that the fountain's hands had once been held
And gods had taught humans to dance on this patch of dirt
There was a time when your eyes looked so promising
That even I considered pondering momentarily
That something divine might exist in me
If only once more we could feel the stars speaking
You are a diamond made from dirt, stars and time
I am an island made from music, song and rhyme

We are carbon copies made from lust, kisses, and poppies
Nature is a lyre strung from everything in sight

God is a voice seen, heard, and known at once
Goddess is a feeling that echoes three times in our blood

Trust is a poem that is best spoken, read, or heard
Love is an open book with nothing left to hide
Sep 2019 · 145
Going postal
"Put enough words together and you can bend space and time."

- arch chancellor ridcully from terry pratchett's going postal
Sep 2019 · 96
Castor oil (for the soul)
"No one ever really forgives the person that civilizes them."
- robert johnson paraphrasing sigmund freud
Sep 2019 · 166
slow the f down
What you left unsaid
Are these colors black or red
Shapeshifters attack
Salubrious sonograms
And sound healers attract
Short staffed serenity slingers
Short sleeved solipsists
Say fare thee well sweetheart
If we ever lose touch
With our self
Sep 2019 · 131
safe enough to try
To the gods for their graces
We are all thankful mountains
The goddess is a shower in the rain
While we entertain ourselves
In the middle of a misty afternoon
I explain my vision of you
In fully equipped gardens
You blossom and rise like the moon
Over the ocean
A pattern is emerging
Storms plummet the earth with fire
High as an arrow in the sky
We try again and again to hide
But then suddenly your breath becomes
A semi-automatic weapon
And until we surrender to the tension
That resides between our bodies
We will never feel safe enough to die
Sep 2019 · 174
Collapsed collapsing
Collapsed collapsing
Untangling targets that
Temporarily strangle you
But it's nothing new
The noose is unwinding
Finding it's own timing
In order to recollect and recoil
Like a blind man
Boiling water for tea
Their are termites temporarily
Living in our bedrooms
Whenever we are done trying
To hide our wings
That brief moment when
We encounter beauty
That makes it all worthwhile
Like when a child
Unassumingly smiles
Directly at me
Sep 2019 · 218
A poet is a soldier that's always at war with himself.
Sep 2019 · 223
Reveal to me the obscene beauty of reality
Islands of sincerity beget your emotional body
******* our pretenses and demanding authenticity
How can we deny the sacredness of these rites
Rituals of obscenity bellow
Just beneath the surface of our identities
Are we really armored for our own self-defense
Or is it just another way we justify these ideologies
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