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Hand me that command
And turn it into gold
The old virtues
Are never far from your hand
And the road wavers
But in the end everything is sold
Do you remember dreams
Where you held me
In your loving arms
And the world was eager
To wrap itself around us
Like twisted vines in the dark
the difference
between eros and logos,
is the fundamental question
of what connects us,
love or mathematics?
Feb 2020 · 72
let's be reasonable
There are probably seven million
Reasons why I shouldn't kiss you
Yet I miss you more than any of them
Feb 2020 · 48
Pisces' Longing
We exist only in subconscious details
Like how many suspicious hands
Had already sailed upon these waves
Before your first breath was ever taken
Feb 2020 · 84
claim to fame
They started young and died early.
We adore the hour
Of enduring madness
We are crude and cruel
Like tigers in the morning
We are food for the gods
Who stayed too long
And strayed too far
From their solitary pantheons
We are the shadows of Psyche
Tirelessly shorn from our bodies
We are retired armies
These conglomerates of hatred
Fed up with feminine values
We are salivating angst
We are manic depressive virgins
Your coercion is comical
This is evil incarnate
Sardonic solitude shrouds You
In it's vision-less vicissitudes
We are used to being used
And fed ignorance like food
We are bored and longing
For some muscles to flex
So we could attest to our problems
I contest your victory
And seek meaning in expression
Anger is reflexive yet still we beg to differ
Our questions are rejected
By an authority we entrusted
To naively negate our egos
We collect puzzles and never solve them
We form alliances with psychedelic buffalo
And smile while meditating butterflies chart
Their ancient transmigration patterns
We are pinnacles of virtue in vitriolic prisons
Feb 2020 · 101
I wish you could see this,
That silence is a perfect circle.
Feb 2020 · 55
self identification
We couldn't bear to know
The outcome of this longing
For it's much too time consuming
Opening and closing
And lifting off these covers
And not condemning ourselves
For we are far from independent
And it's evident in the way we move
And if at the very least we are observant
Then we must still easily lose track
Of whatever it is we are doing
Feb 2020 · 108
Are we just lonely trumpet flowers dangling
Sang an owl, on the hour, drawn from the stream
When all our hearts made the same offerings
We are pouring into each other's vessels
Muscles with memory select the kinetic chains
That bind our names to our destinies
Its the same as yesterday’s dismembering
Its a blessing to embody the fire
As if this desire is higher than anything
That you’ve ever seen apart from dreaming
So we listen closely for the logos to speak softly
After all it seems it's not so easy to imagine
The fathomless depths of our being
Until right before we need to step off the edge
And rest fully suspended in the breathless
We are the everyday magic of life
Actualizing itself while tired feathers fall asleep
Out of touch but still somehow within our reach
Jan 2020 · 84
a virtuous poison
What you bring to me is like honey
I feel my love in the beauty of the day
When we have the afterthoughts of morning
Still burning in our bellies
We dare to dream a million openings
But when did we learn to speak in silence
And make passion fruit tear drops
Spring from our souls
We are shouldering too much responsibility
Behind the wondrous face of every flower
There are a million women and children crying
If we depart on time but arrive early
There are too many disappointments to unwind
And we must each defy these frozen dramas
When shadows melt in their tracks against the Sun
We are abandoned governments
Taken from one place to another
Like the Spring that wanders naked
Like lines of paint on a empty canvas
I have a voice formed in the coolest waters
A shallow pool of tears
Can never drown these disappointments
And though it cannot be purchased
Love still remains the most virtuous of poisons
Jan 2020 · 87
messages in the morning
Your profound indifference speaks to me,
Loud enough to be heard over a hot cup of coffee.
Jan 2020 · 54
trauma queen
We are two shoulders shrugging
Lugging our magazines and our bags
Up and down a hundred flights of stairs
We are always up for a mugging
And if you don’t give in to despair
It might not be as bad as you think
For whatever you are seeking
Until now has always disappeared
And you may tell me all your secrets
But please spare me your opinions
For there's already more suffering here
Then you or I could ever really bear to share
Jan 2020 · 55
crucial arguments
What can I say to you
When I’m all out of words
I paint the sky
Each night is a surprise
And who are we to deny
That love’s invitation is to lie
For it makes no mention of our pride
Will you come see my latest discovery
Will you come free me from this cage
Before I die of loneliness
I am beyond your recovery
I am beyond your mind
And divided numbers
Tell me all their secrets
For only in the bedroom
Can we reduce these equations
Back to their original roots
Until we blossom like the mountain
After many fires have passed through
Jan 2020 · 82
feathers of attention
Can you see the outcome on the wind
When the trees begin to dream
And we drift into states of imagination
Until I become handsome again
And laughing feathers resume their spiraling
We find concrete inspiration
In the mouth of a vacated pair of buildings
That sit in harmony waiting for you to invade them
What dreams may sing in your vacation homes
What words stolen become our anthem
When men let down their arms
And women see the stars
We become greater beings
Then we could ever have imagined
Jan 2020 · 46
before the days
Effortless blessings
Conspicuous in their fame
Have we lost our place
Or is it a waste of proud indifference
For its likely that we'll never be the same again
So I maintain my state of reasonable ignorance
Despite your sinister glances
For we each articulate our power
In slightly different frames
And I can't tower over you
Since you’ve grown a little taller
Than all the people that used to hold you
But still I’ve loved you since the days
Before you touched my soul
And we were turned into lost objects
To be collected in the river's bed
These lonely mistakes are often blessed
While we are bled for the failures and success
Of earthquakes and our shadows
And as many empty hands
As there are reasons to speak
We will become shameful lanterns
And consecrated stories
Born before the end of days
Jan 2020 · 76
Again and again we pretend that the end is unknown
Until we forget that the entire point of being whole
Is to resurface from the depths of a volcano as a Phoenix
And make this living hell a magical place to make our nests in
Jan 2020 · 42
oblivious to depth
Under the circumstances
We demand the following
Clean air, water and soil
Oh and our freedom too
It's quite obvious to see really
That every single being is born in sovereignty
And if we have no more need
For an inner (or outer) king or queen
Then who will treat the earth with dignity
And learn to speak a million tongues at once
And separate our imaginations from reality
When the sun is our destiny tonight
We will face the moon’s expectations
And just for a single moment
We will be made as great as we can be
Right before we take the plunge again
Headfirst back into the depths of oblivion
Jan 2020 · 42
resume the music
We are flowers blooming
In drunken apartment buildings
Millions of angels sing of your disembodiment
We are shivering in between twilight’s towers
While the dancing sunlight sparkles  
We wade naked in the forthcoming moonlight
Until these fragile articles descend
Disguised as candid footsteps and listless fingers
That linger softly upon the ground of our communion
Dec 2019 · 287
inertia i.e.
Inertia is always the last man standing. Its also the last person to leave the table and the last person that you say goodbye to at a party. Inertia never hurries and always arrives with a sense of gravity.
Dec 2019 · 112
Hesitant Hummingbirds
We agree only
When its necessary
And if it pleases you
To touch yourself
Then make love
To me immediately
Like only the desert
Knows your destiny
Hesitant to hum
Your tongue lingered
On my mouth for centuries
These monetary arrangements
Were supposed to be
Finished and done with
But you’re not over them completely
For there is far more worthy things
To be spoken about
Than clowns growing frowns
On their abnormally long faces
So lets replace them all
With unknown saving graces
And in our hasty laziness
We shall eat up all our lovers
Like mothers of tyranny
And dynasties of desire
That keep their fireplaces
Filled with honey, money
And cinnamon
Until you inhale the scent
Of cedar, pine and sage
And tell me to get ready
For the better part of the evening
Dec 2019 · 138
Occipital Relationships
From above or below what can you observe
It all disappears completely whenever you bat an eyelash
So tonight we sit dynamically opposed at this table
While I survey the silence and relinquish my eyesight
You inherently abide in dynamic meditations
And heuristic assignations of the unconscious
I will follow my passions and my suppositions
As windows of impermanence invite our participation
Dec 2019 · 109
dead skin
We remake our shadows
To represent the arrow's path
Through straight lines and war cries
We reclaim whatever can't be defended
The rest has all been said before
The dying father begets the son
A lesson of love and tenderness
In order to begin again we must now
Brush away this dead skin
And shift into a much deeper
Place of resonance and understanding
Dec 2019 · 121
intimate resistances
Teeth clatter against the cold
We stole all the fire we could ever own
If you’re apprehensive
Please know that I feel you in my bones
If you’re ready to begin trying
We’ll soon be warm enough to fly
This listening is abundant
As a river flowing home
Back on its own trajectory
We shake like melancholy and grapes
Hanging from vines of redolent wisdom
Vineyards define our vision
Like snowy hillsides in autumn
We are those blue skies left to dry
On the tired old clotheslines
Of our most intimate images
Dec 2019 · 423
complicated innocence
I am so often offended
By the brokenness of men
So let's resume the music
Clueless of the evidence
Of our improbable evolution
Mention my name to the same old songs
We are stronger now than we were then
Are we to blame for the way we came here
Standing on our innocence
Lest we defy the painter’s faith
The same old shapes are whispering again
That I am the sound that never gets found
And how can we be proud of our too loud relatives
Whenever jilted lovers become our mothers
In their pain and their nakedness
We forget ourselves completely
Dec 2019 · 160
Confucius Whispers
A lot of water on Earth never gets cold enough to freeze
We are lightning’s dreams divided into thirty beings
The Gods created an immediate opening inside your head
But who can decide why we are afraid to fly
When magic is alive and trying to escape from it's cage
We are in denial of the rage we have yet to face
So you break free of icy bars that keep you chained to your nemeses
We need sunlight and kindness like a child needs it's mother
You were found lying down upon the daisies
Making our love seem as fresh as all these raindrops
Whatever kindness you can imagine
Someone may try to explain away the beauty of it, eventually
But right now I need life to refrain from tantalizing me too frequently
So open my mind for you are already a part of the divine collective
That reminds me to breathe whenever I can't see what's happening in front of me
Or the sparkle of that infinite sky within me
Its true that your lips speak the tenderest of music
But still I choose to remain appreciative of this confusion
Dec 2019 · 99
Life is a short story.
Lips speak tender music
We choose to remain
Appreciative of our confusion
Many reprimanded children
Cry for those who misuse them
Dec 2019 · 154
pretentious and pretending
Manic hands that hold you only in the morning
Soaring above the bed we pretended
That we could fly on the edges of our feet
So we led our lives with crazy abandonment
As if hope was an old friend that would pretend
Not to know the meaning of these endings
But you are better off than me at a million different things
But still I think the way you said, goodbye
Was just a little too insensitive
Dec 2019 · 306
Do you think it's a mistake if i stay here all alone
With you tonight and we end up naked in your bed
Can we pretend like we never asked for this to happen
Some people think that you and I were meant to be
But I think it's all just a story in need of a brand new ending
Maybe if we were to fall asleep at the wheel of all our feelings
We would wake up tomorrow in the ER in need of some recovery
Resist seeing everything as deformed
Dilapidated, ***** and destroyed
Those feelings will deplete you
When you see dirt, smile
Where you see disorder, laugh
Chaos is capable of restoring your sanity
Order is denial about the way
The earth was made to function
We are the infrastructure of the apocalypse
And whoever dares to laugh the loudest
At all this apparent darkness
Might even win a prize someday for smiling
Dec 2019 · 90
the vice-principle
While the embers of everything
Have just barely finished burning
You’ve got a blender full of bruises
And a pile of bandages in your bedroom
Your refrigerator is an ambulance
And your microwave's a dancer
But there's something to this music
That grabs me like a vice
So go on and tell your daughters
I’ve got nothing left for them tonight
Dec 2019 · 169
acid rain ver 2
Crying out that life
Is a mindless lesson
Blessed with elimination
We deny our promises
To confide in the silence
The empty space between
Reason and innocent imagination
Is just ordinary violence
So we try to lift our emotions
To the heavens but instead they fall
Like knives upon our dinner tables
Dec 2019 · 165
acid rain
Crying out that life
Is a mindless lesson
Blessed with premonitions
Its a process of elimination
That we deny our promises
In order to confide in the silence
The space between
Reason and innocence
Is only ordinary violence
So we try to lift our emotions
To the heavens but instead
They fall like acid rain
Upon our dinner table
Dec 2019 · 87
from a woman
God is greedy for your touch
Your tongue and your love
Are already interwoven
Spoken into being
You make the earth wet
As if all life could only
Flow inside a woman
Dec 2019 · 154
about goodbye
We’ve been friends
Since the end of time
With plenty of lovers
Kept quietly on the side
And by now we know
Everything there is
To know about goodbye
Dec 2019 · 264
Blend all the elements
Including the oil and the salt
We are forming music in our mouths
And bucketing out our intuitions
We are frozen dancers masterfully
Balancing on our ageless appendages
Representing history is no easy gesture
It resembles splendor and spare apricots
Shared with our neighbors across fences
With our fingers we reach out
For our prejudices to touch gently
I am elegantly amused
At all your beautiful reductions
How were you so easily deconstructed
Into a web of beauty and butterflies
You may be used to this situation
But it's probably worth mentioning
That no matter how hard we try
We're all going to lose someone eventually
So let's play this time for keeps
Until we can ****** ourselves into letting go of everything
I fold my hands and return to the snow
Long ago from the stars beyond our reach
We inhaled and drew our first breath
From the heart of the darkness
We made our pledge that life
Shall always be a bargain against death
So now we take our chances
With some depth and determination
I am returning to my origins
Along the road to our sovereignty
I am as red as an active volcano
And we are bred to behave like family
In rows along the edges of our insanity
I digress and repress memory and emotion
So many are left and we don't know
Exactly where we’re going
So we collapse space into shapes
That are worth carefully observing
Let's blend our blood and our breath
And trust in the graceful scent of roses
We will make mistakes filled with yearning
Collecting learning like seashells
Along the shoreline of the morning
That we are born triumphantly blinded
As a reminder of neurological divergence
we were pretending
to run beyond the edges
of our wilderness
Dec 2019 · 127
ashamed to breathe
You make me feel
Ashamed to breathe
You see me
In my denial
And my childlike freedom
I am still asleep
Breaking into
The pentagon’s cathedral
Sheet metal and rust
Fall from our farmhouses
Who can we trust
When all is abolished
In the dust and the turmoil
Dec 2019 · 109
waterfalls of reflection
You are trudging towards the waterfall
But hidden underneath the lettuce patch is a dream
A carved image in the center of your delicate being
Life is as fragile as any other shallow pool of water seems
Your bedtime stories were always found to be a little boring
Until the moment you turned around in your mother’s belly
And made the most out of something everyone else had forgotten
You were cast out from the hallways of your family
Haunted beauties and lonely human beings
Making rules only for the ruling
Our truest places always remain facing north
For when we are young we seem strong, thin and determined
And women often argue with each other to begin anything
So please agree to go deep within your body
And make space for these lasting visions
If we are awakened to our feelings
Than someday we might know how to obey them
Dec 2019 · 76
sheaths of my life
A language without rhythm is like a sword without a scabbard.
Dec 2019 · 121
from beginning to end
I miss seeing you inside me
Jumping off imaginary bridges
And swimming in twisted circles
Beside the daffodil hillside
Hunger is your watermark
We are chartering new territory
Aboard a cruise-ship of lies
Are we full of awesome communion
Or just jumping to conclusions
A good old fashioned melodrama
Is cushioning your exoskeleton tonight
If money is the root of all confusion
Are we a pair of treacherous blemishes
Full of empty threats begging for reunion
And is this silent treatment for our fear
Or are we weary of steering towards the wind
In a wilderness of new beginnings
And a plethora of intangible endings
To once again contend with
Dec 2019 · 131
no one left to argue with
Gone ******* tumbling over torpid waters
Turning inside out and bottomless
You float for a second before sinking
Into the opposite of weightlessness
It's imperative that we digress
And witness feathers in a headband
We are the lead singers of tomorrow’s epiphanies
We are the band and the audience members simultaneously
Everything is blessed and made to wander equally
We are tiny strings attached to the fragilest parts
Of every person’s heartbeat
We are the insurmountable struggles that inspire your art
We are the feelings you embody in the night’s soft atrophy
We are the appetites we repress
When there’s no one left to buy you dinner
We seek new meanings in beauty
And in the mind of each new lover we take
Our own image remains engraved photographically
Steadfast and permanent we laugh at our innocence
On the road to invisibility we take the first exit we can find
Laughing is sublime only as often as you can bear to really die
We shine like silhouettes behind the curtains of our memories
We are embracing magic in our uncertainty and living
Amidst and between, boundaries of ancient diseases and new discoveries
The pathway of apologies is not a road you can navigate intuitively
We are obviously hollower than a pair of five gallon drums
For when the rain comes we take the opportunity
To fill our towers, tanks and reservoirs; as if beauty was just a bargain
That we made when there was no one left to argue with
Dec 2019 · 113
chaos theory
Too much order is the infrastructure of disaster.
Dec 2019 · 150
real life
If life was a magazine,
You'd make the images speak.
Dec 2019 · 111
pitfalls of praxis
This is just a sampling of our regrets
To be the best at anything is to protest
That our attachment theories
Are merely empirical strategies
And praxis slips out of my mouth
Like dancing dragons
We climb to the top of Everest
Faster than you can say lightning
Mightier than a sword
Your words stand taller than an evergreen
Pinecones maneuver in the winds of destiny
A painter’s son takes lessons from the master’s failures
Congratulations on lying in your bed again
I befriend the endings so I can begin refreshed
And bed the brides at their commencement ceremonies
How are we so good at pretending
That it's always been alright to ask questions
When we already know better
Than to laugh at these humble representatives
Of our own defenselessness
The mad November rain
As dizzy as the days ahead of us
How can we confess to nothing
And own our mistrust of the morning
Our comfort is our coffee
Forecasting tomorrow’s meridians
We are abbreviated dictionaries
Silenced before the skies
Of never-ending opinions
We are the unstrung troubadour
Mourning all his categories
Lies are told endlessly
Begging questions and memories
More often than is really necessary
Dec 2019 · 106
The animals that came before you
What right have we to claim their territory
The souls that walked this land for centuries
Can you hear them dancing in eternity
Are we brave enough to steal fire
From each other instead of the gods
Do we know the repercussions
Of all this karmic plundering
Are we ****** or determined
Are we ***** or just thirty
Why must we always be inspired
To find our lovers
On the other side of town
Your animus is a clown
And my anima likes to drown me
She stands along the banks of reason
And compels me towards her nakedly
Crawling on tired knees until I’m bleeding
Only then does she promise me
Her guidance and her safety
Dec 2019 · 94
mistakes are easy
The anima drifts freely
Like a leaf in the wind
Blending soul and sulphur
The spirit is salty and combustible
We are trusting our reason
For its our feelings that lead us astray
We never say i’m sorry
Until its a little bit too late
For once something's happened
If we are truly apprehensive
We will often make mistakes
Dec 2019 · 117
each spring
I see you in the sky
Hammering your one glass eye
And trading stories with the wind
We fit in wherever
Feelings are placed timidly
Back in their cupboards
Libraries of humbleness
Mumbling in their dreams
We’ve barely remembered
That the embers are still burning
Hymns of confession
Each have a story to tell
So we teach it to the children
By the rivers of yesterday
We trust our bodies to fight disease
And drink from streams of light
To see the sky can be insightful
When longing to stay
Becomes more practical
Then running away again each spring
It means belonging to the daylight
Though before you've arrived it seems
That you’ve already learned
How to stay awake
Until it speaks to you in your dreams
And according to her
We are unconsciously treading
On the seams of everything
Dec 2019 · 71
the making of mankind
In musty attics
With dust mites dancing
We defy the violence
With sympathy and compassion
Humanity's words
Are working daily to break free
We are ancient trajectories
Of Japanese action sequences
Happy to breathe sequentially
And see the sky's reflection
Shimmering softly in a fountain
Like water off a mountain we run free
To the breaking point
For the taking and the making
Is all we ever really need
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