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Oct 2017 · 125
ready to take flight
you came to me again in dream space
trying to make love but I was worried
that our families would disapprove
I tried to hide you in my room
but your passion was too hot
i tried to make you cool down
but you were ready to ignite
like a flower about to bloom
your soul ready to take flight
Oct 2017 · 818
undiscovered colors
sandpaper reflects our damages
radio stations weave eternity into sound bytes
yet one bite is enough to give you rabies
so back the F@$! up
and listen to your luck
allow for music to flow effortlessly
unglue yourself
from the tragic and stuck energy
i am logic forging itself
in a fire of shiny metals
petals of diamonds
remind us of collapsing realities
undiscovered colors
and passages out of this dimension
into etheric waters
surface temperatures
are rising like lightning
from the ground up
find trees to hug
jumping from knees to feet
and hands to mouth
round them up and get out fast
sound is music
infinite tunes
dancing fumes of vaporous intent
sent from heaven
let me at them
remind me of the sediment
and the contract we signed before dying
high as a waterlily
proud as a wasp
rested and assured of our death
your sentence is fragrant like a vagrant
stamped with burning jettison
turning reticent
hesitant to accept this love
as gifts from above
rub our souls and polish our hearts
i am tired of these games
training wheels may save lives
but a hundred miles later
she ate her last waiter
sore as a dancer
with a heart of a champion
our uncles were dandelions
sired in springtime’s basement
i choose medicine
not this heady nonsense
resume your poetry
and abuse yourself not me
Oct 2017 · 8.8k
kindness eats
least of all we defeat our enemies cheaply
steep the leaves in hot water gently
keep enemies close to you and weapons even closer
our friends are like sunbeams
I jump in the water
your sun-burned back is peeling
out loud you remind me
not to bend down too quickly
she hounds me with her questions
lessons on arithmetic
I’m so sick of it
histrionics and sonic lectures
his tricks are onto it
moronic manic accidents
red lions with long necks
deflect authority and wager on credit
the outcomes are certain
all will fade away indefinitely
understand this and measure your life
by breaths and not complexity
densities are hiding in visionary lightning
finding new faculties every moment
we are swift in our limitless
capacity for adaptation
a refulgent emulsion
immersed in water and poetry
under the highest authority
or just higher scrutiny
wrapped in a paranoid blanket
of heightened security
all is being watched right now
as judges redefine your beauty
if you are truly interested
in finding happiness
you must understand
that all magic is abraxas
and satisfaction unceasingly attacks this
as we collapse upon the backs
of ecstatic languages....
Oct 2017 · 153
sage the morning sky
my own hands have turned against me
and seek to only do your bidding
if you let them
they would sever themselves
completely from my arm
and join your thousand arms
and hold on as tight as a child
love is mild and sometimes
wilder than a tiger
in libraries and movie theaters
densities adjust to your temperatures
sweat and shelter
beds of honey make a nest for us to lay upon
on sun swept sidewalks i walk mindlessly
if you have an ounce of compassion left
you’d come and shine your light on me
if you would be so kind as to hold me
i would undress the antelope for you
and finish my drink beside the galactic pool
loose like lightning
inside of fine dining
in rosebush countryside
i sage the morning sky
and speak gibberish to her majesty
otters and felines
destined for mudslides
sun-dried like cactus flowers
in the dusty afternoon
Oct 2017 · 3.2k
stereoscopes and isotopes
is it like a feather
is it now or never
our faces are neglected
our souls are introspective
gravity collected
space and time dissected
water is our mother
the earth is our shelter
a blessed sacred elder
lilikoi is my favorite fragrance
tastes like innocence
and you must respect her
amazing feelings to select
the headwaters call collect
protect our sacred mother
dance upon the other
call upon the winds
feel them on your skin
remove the falling stones
that cover up your bones
rest in love unknown
concentrate until it is shown
phone calls steal our happiness
accidents dent our marriages
darkness is our daughter
streaks of light and color
falling stars kept captive
we plant them in our yards
keepers of the spark
sisters of the sparrow
made of light and yarrow
feathers flicker softly
all our woven glory
givers of the heart
singers of the dark
if you wish to hear them
make yourself a part
of the symphony
lifetimes of abandonment
oh so quick to fill you in
on all the tragic stories
what if we ignored them
and stayed present in this moment
filling up our cups
simple days spent with simple eyes
kindness supplies our alibis
respect is valued
like a stream in our hearts
we are dipped clean
threads of beauty
borrowed from the scarecrow
next lifetime you’ll become
another source of hope
ports of pleasure in our seas
forever we are feeling these
hopeless ropes tying up our antidotes
confounded sounds mounds of hope
stereoscopes and isotopes
poets freely speak
seek islands of wisdom
on stormy seas of chatter
Oct 2017 · 175
savage ancestry
potatoes and cabbage
release our savage ancestry
and we become vulnerable
do not seek the message of saints
who say crying is poison
for circumstances do not determine our future
in kisses and hunger
our bodies must uncover
the lightning and the fire
that was hidden deep inside
like ulcers and lovers
if one towers above the other
we lose our vision and our courage
purging from our souls
we resist the kiss of tyrants
yet drink from the cups of aristocratic anarchists
as you watch tournaments turn into battles
you wonder what season is it anyway
and i begin to realize
how long i've owed you an apology
Oct 2017 · 139
reefer madness
*** smoking leads to madness
i am an example
I can no longer tie my shoes
or keep my head on straight
I’ve become a cereal killer
and the perfect victims
are always welcome home for dinner
paper trails and octopuses
***** buses and bisecting angles
fragile dancers fail to tell their story
this dreaming is a faculty of insight
a soliloquy of sunlight
sunglasses keep the eyes safe
from burning retina love
the iris is immolated
clinging demanding needing
its bleeding you slowly
selectively they were bought
her mind is aflame with such thoughts
diverting this delicate imbalance from toppling upon itself
what is the way to keep the dogs at bay
i remember you showed it to me by the fire that day
sloven sitcoms
arrows and bows
whoever hungers for eternity
must remember the words
of whatever divine mystery
that they hold dear
as confounded sounds
and shades of hope start to appear
Oct 2017 · 419
a thousand year vacation
see me in streams of awareness uninterrupted
how did we get here and why did we come
i see thee in spirals a thousand selves to shine
beautiful dreamer send me your love
ill send you a message on the wings of a dove
several thousand breaths go by
before the winged daughter flies
into nights abode
on horseback you rode naked
i saw your reflection collecting in puddles by a lake
we never knew what’s at stake when we signed up for this life
sever yourself from the stars that decrease your gyrating
keep your hands and arms safely in this vehicle and out of the way of harm
i’ll swerve around the obstacles that block our hearts
and we’ll become as free and wild as tender blades of grass
yet i’ll continue to sharpen my feathers daily on the talon’s edge
for every breath is a dagger and every love is a cage
dragging parts around that should have been left behind
it reminds me of a harmony seen only by blind men
a sign of familiar sameness
the elements are round and famous
fornicating in basements and train stations
i announce my presence after i’ve arrived
in diamond eyes threads of tapestries unwind
come clean and it will all be fine
intelligence is mind
there is no reason behind being
the only sublime understanding is le mort we are mending
souls and bullet holes the size of saturn’s earrings
her-eyes-on the horizon the edge of infinity
her-eyes-on the horizon the skin that holds divinity
her-eyes-on the horizon take those beatings you call living
her-eyes-on the horizon turning ninety degrees and remembering
Self before time and space
the mountains that chased you through mazes and hedges covered in thistles
the briars that stung you like hundreds of needles
the nettles we boiled in kettles for healing the draughts you caught
in rainstorms dancing wild like raindrops striking pavement with bare feet thumping to music of heartbeats breaking
i say forsake the elemental demiurge
and splurge on a thousand year vacation
Sep 2017 · 194
Pun,k: chew! ate...
so much for punctuation
i don’t really give a **** at all
but if it helps you to better
understand the situation
then i’ll share with you my all
the melody in your heart
breaks down all the walls
and opens up the mouths of mountains
like cascading waterfalls
Jul 2017 · 274
Hungry for your company
burnt toast is beautiful
if you release the desire for softness
and embrace the crunch of life
strife is a part of our reality
so are reflexive agreements
allegories and stories
help put it all into perspective
the elemental equivalents of the big picture
furnished by our souls
merged with our goals and our desire
there are billions of prisms spinning everywhere
serenading us with their visions
unseen spirals design our chiral handedness
sadness like honey
burnt by the sunʼs wastefulness
selects its own course through the woods
stardust seeking self reflective gardens of neglected space
reserve their places at the theater
semantics are rusty
muddy feet tracking ***** foot prints around your apartment
wipe them clean upon the milky wayʼs apron
slowly i am learning to unplug my heart from the leeches
that wish to drain it of its joy
slowly i am severing all attachment to the backwards looking people
samples of their hatred can be witnessed in the morning before theyʼre awakened
theyʼve already cursed themselves
stand clear of speakers who need to be seen as teachers
they waste your time and money
surely as the sun will rise
our ascendants met in the early autumn sky
and curled around the axis of our charts
stretching their fingers like wandering serpents
all spells being cast were revoked
all shadows undermined by their own shallowness
someday somebody will have to answer all of these questions
someday we may learn why we were created
here and now its useless to dwell
on pointless tasks and queries
mend your own dresses and forget about the elections
humming is our sweetness
swimming in our shadows like cucumbers in bowls of water
sordid longing
forgot its calling and became the mourning of the trees
i tore off my appendages and danced upon the broken edges
Jul 2017 · 351
manifesting maya
what a challenging occupation
this infinite being presides over our frustrated creativity
i see women dreaming like symphonies
serendipitous discoveries
individual recoveries from addiction to imprisonment
symbols surround our mountains
and draw us down from the ethers into present day realities
i choose to face the fire of the architect directly
stardust collects on your shelves and altars
stall as long as you wish
for procrastination can not touch this
who found infinity first
to brag about it would be laughable
i question our obsession with thoughts
why we validate some and consider others repulsive
can there be value in individual concepts or only in conglomerations
chains of misnomers
all skandas are fundamentally empty
including form, feelings,
perceptions, formations and consciousness
earth water fire air ether
manifesting maya
a satire or a tragedy
with a sprinkle of ire or is it irony
i canʼt recall since i had that fall
my memory has been slipping
but truly today my brain is working perfectly
it feels brand new and polished like an old table
what a refreshing feeling
that existence is cheering for you
pushing you forward
towards your destiny
all you have to do is let go
and accept support and love
its all naturally wonderful
and yet we wonder about our value
if we are not struggling we forget to give thanks
if we are not puzzled we forget that we are amazing
staying put long enough to get organized
helps if you want to remove the clutter from your mind
yet traveling can help you to broaden your horizons
oh and by the way
i may have forgot to mention
that i signed you up for the total package
Jul 2017 · 377
a history lesson
history repeats its childhood
and dwells on its faults
in need of psychotherapy
it analyzes its insecurities
and cannot bear to be told what to do
it finds freedom in repetition
like a machine gun against the cold
streams of ****** victims
immediate and visceral
silence overcame our blankets
and wrapped us up in fear
our guardians whispered warnings
that we could never hear
Jul 2017 · 304
Dandelion prophets
by darknessʼ comet
i have sworn my heart to someone
and can never forget her face
in traces of music
invisible spirals
make their forms against the
waves of time
i am kindness
standing still
let me be
and i will never ****
fill my plate
with complicated thoughts
while you start another corporation
that must soon be bought
i am doing my best
protesting this mess
of lazy seers
lounging on chairs
dreaming of hairy mangers
in specific stages of liberation
the tattvas are barren
shared amongst our neighbors
smell their life force
pushing you towards a new course
the stream meanders like a drunken person
will we ever start spiralling again
and just as quickly love is grinning
his armpits are living
his mind is thinning
spinning threads of rubber bands that expand like missiles
stardust treasure
dreams of weather
spells and incantations
untie the lover
go and kiss the misled sister
and become another dancer
her turban tightly tied
all the while she missed the fall
of humanity's derivations
i see sights and sounds are drifting
tired and frustrated the eloquence wanes
i keep my eyes on the page
burst out from my cage and unleash my rage
thanks for lifting my veils
so much sorrow and yet we still set sail
for another dawn
another day
understanding is the key
that unlocks your prison
you are shifting
sit still and listen
for me
and for your heat
your words are lightning
grown in the sand
of human adornments
shadows upstage you
hunger assuages you
i am determined to come out
and streak naked through the grass
hunger at last for the kiss of death
the dominion of time
urgently cries out
so many houses are traded
for vacation homes
you revisit your tombstones
dollars spent on dandelions
repentance in the forest
your sentence structure wavers
and tapers off the frames
i am in love
gardening beautiful flowers
singing in the shower
the swift kiss of lips upon our mouth
go south
return to being hungry
so much sweetness
heaven is a teepee
for ever waiting to lick the frosting
hands are full but body is empty
mind is empty too
so much beauty inside of you
look out for traps that are set
by jealous women
how lonely are the lines
that we cut and paste
select the freshest flowers for the vase
a set of candles and diamond studded cutlery
gasp at the price
how sad that you were never informed of the pace
of this solitary rat race
ahead of time
remove sunglasses from your head
and turn and look in my direction
how i long to see your face
but i only see
a pair of desperate eyes
calling out for attention
never fear what you do not know
since we know not what to expect
have you came here with hands clean and feet free of neglect
several miles in the morning
on the beach she would run
while your hunger and your tigers
remain youthful in their slumber
Jul 2017 · 711
As i lay dying
just as i am about to die
your voice
frees me from the shame
of love
of ******* to the dream
the dreamer awaits ironic twists of fate
upon the upper decks of the plane
respect this open drain
and twirl into her arms
drown in her charms
ride the ferry to the starry grave
paddle harder
insert the coins into eye sockets
your majesty
your beauty is beyond
so please forgive her
you can do it now
her messes are her own affair
your love is ever after
every moment
becoming wise means hiding nothing
the secret songs suggesting
miles of lavender grown into the sky
from weedy eyebrows
upper lips
lower lips
chins, chests and *******
covered with sarsaparilla and sage
her mage, her magi
her magic was surreal
feather and down upon her gown grown in thymeʼs rage
thymeʼs orphans
lemon verbena
underwear made from creamsicles and cotton
cashmere beauty blossoms
hop on this jumbled vehicle
busloads of people
teachers and dreamers
fresh eyed screamers
unbelievable pairs of pretty people
envision vision fleeting and fair
her throne, her bones, and her hair
formed into triangles forever
your sweater, your dresses, and your couches made of leather
into this page i wrote and wrote and gave my blood for nothing
Jul 2017 · 205
your hungry eyes
show me signs of mystic love
in your eyes i become
the sun
follow the moon
against the chill of night
into eyes alight with fire i will run
the hunger of the pine
stands against the edge of time
i am alive again
standing upon the sand
making love to the one
the animals
stand tall
sand mandalas all around
to catch our fall
we forage in the forest  
for the welfare of all
is the gardenʼs goodness
should we all just listen
and become the silent witness
remembering our promise
to voluntarily leave the forest
better than we found her
surround her in your beauty
like schoolgirlʼs in the country-side
you are all I'm looking for
stored in tomorrowʼs mystic affair
your long legs are for running
i am jumping
into springs
and creeks
water on your cheeks
caress the river as she speaks
remember you are free
to drown and resurrect
against the tides of men
sediments again
forage for the sound
forever underground
a loud mighty warrior
a proud and lovely daughter
sort of inconspicuous
more likely to be ridiculous
i am always wanting more
of your forms and your words
a sword of blinding beauty
could you belong to yourʼs truly
longing to hear your echo
some nights are a challenge
if iʼm meant to let go
i will release this inhibition and make a swift decision
persistence and surrender
lighter than a feather
as heavy as a dragon
i am steady like a stallion
upon rising i am falling
deeper into love
Jul 2017 · 154
Dragon's eye
if we need another epidemic
iʼll call the television and project it
all this entertainment is worthless
if we are ready to reject it
self appointed alcoholics
sort of miss the point of calling
donʼt worry about the results
when the tests are already expected
before anything is done
the outcome is already certain
from behind the hidden curtain
our politicians pull the strings
so many unsavory morsels
so many unapologetic beings
so many activities
Odysseusʼ journey
Hercules and other heroic epics  
drastically broken
dented and retrospective
reflected in midnightʼs mirror
beams of light shatter our vision
if we wish to see clearer
threads of burning filaments
our impotence
immolated indigents
and feral felines
blend with fragrances we miss
nostalgic as donkeys
for trysts and romances
def poets despair at nothing
how will we conquer these dinosaurs
forever blinded by our prejudices
weeks of dying roses
seekers of the psoas
bones and tendons
robed in shadows
stretched as tight as arrows
the seeker bows down
what if moses had drowned
would his followers
have had to run for cover
seek your mother
gift her another dragon's eye
look for our brothers
in words and stutters
close the shutters
rooms descend in escalators
no one likes to let you
fool around with their heart
Jul 2017 · 186
free will-i.e. destiny
impermanence casts its shadow
i am sworn to complete
this impossible mission
a competition between
infinite beings
sitting in a room
sending visions from a distance
the listeners agree
we are free to try anything
as long as it doesnʼt alter
free will or destiny
if you let me show you
iʼll give you a taste of your own medicine
selected from feathers and falling leaves
breath agrees with bone
and form is hollow
mnemonic agents whisper agendas into fields of green
lavender beings sweep the streets and perform feats of beauty rarely seen
a true queen the kind of being
you could never miss or look away from
her mysterious face keeps your eyes locked on her features
steals your vision and your attention
actually we are welcoming it
ignore our spelling
its incomplete
meaningless really
useless against their weapons
of mass distraction
still the attraction is tangible
and i am an animal
so saddle me
and i'll try to become
a useful member
of the family
Jul 2017 · 181
No ending...
sharpen your pencils
put pen to paper
move your elbows
and let your fingers waver
savor each moment
every single breath
nothing is meaningless
and there is nothing to forget
or to forgive at all
its all right inside you
the sounds and the sights
your sensations want to guide you
if you let them they will find you
i love talking with you
you are so easy to be around
the way you move and laugh
fills me with gratitude for being human
saving this planet happens
one sensitive soul at a time
liquid light is melting
beyond the peripheries of sight
your feet fall upon the pavement
like thunder on my soul
the drums are being pounded
by hands that have lost control
instigate this kiss and i will show you bliss
i blush like the roses and flush away my poses
responsibility waits for the world to hesitate
then it jumps right in and blames everyone for their mistakes
put it down for awhile
and embrace your inner child
show them the playful side of you
underbrush grows and covers up your nose
serotonin and dopamine fill your brain
i am blown away by your arrows and your feathers
your heart against my flesh
impresses every breath
with nectar sweeter than a rose
i sweat and swear at god
curse the clothes we are forced to wear
remove your dress and bless me with your nakedness
select this pair of underwear from your finest stash
i am a child innocent and scared
longing for those memories of safety
please darling enter me and enchant me with your melodies
select from all those options
a shape with graceful stature
starlight covers the canopies of our soul
broken in the dream-space
i chased my fate through staircases and parking lots
her daughters were left alone
very far away from home
and a man came to take them back
he looked at them and wondered
from where they had wandered
and asked them to reveal the secrets that they knew
the girls just laughed and giggled shyly as young girls are prone to do
but in secret one of them
was quite taken with his charming manners
so she allowed him a tiny space in the vacancy of her heart
and he lived there quite happily
until the day that he forgot
who he was and where he had found her
through winter and summer he did flounder
up snowy hills and on the banks of a sunny river
shivering in the cold and sleeping in the dark
outside he grew his watermelons and raised chickens in a coop....
so much for punctuation i don’t give a **** at all
but if it helps you better understand the situation
then i’ll share my all
the melody in your heart
breaks down all the walls
and opens up the mouths of mountains
like cascading waterfalls
Jul 2017 · 5.3k
Arcturian women
stacking the arrows in piles
a triangle of fuego
furnaces blaze fire
infinite reminders
of the morning after
shafts of light
drift from window panes
remake our names in
god’s slumbering veins
from here to there a whisper
or was it a word
fellow companions
have you heard
the threadbare sisters
took their turns
climbing mountains in order
that we could learn
the ways
of green hearted sun-scrapers
sweet little dangers
fellow death chasers
full of music
givers of blooming veils
bouquets of snow and hail
almond shaped eyes
resplendent thighs
and a mind as pure as a lake
during an alaskan winter
in the frozen splinter
trees are taken from their roots
the women are bleeding
weaving you the meat and the story
outsiders are cast from clay into statues
with feminine bodies
curving like cotton candy
i choose to impress you
repeat the compliments
that land on empty stomachs
string together words
like a rosary of sweet nothings
simple deeds give thrilling feats
a chance to restore their honor
purity is unwashed in ***** soil
as i am cut from the cloth of the earth
our shirts are pressed at birth
white light forming fellowship
dimples in the cheeks of the mother
the earth’s bones torn out from under
the way we made ourselves invisible
the minute we realized our accents were noticeable
our actions were abominable
how could we ever repay
the generosity we were treated to
our ultimate needs are met by poetry
upon a ridge a silent figure wept
and held his head upon a bed of cement
Jul 2017 · 355
Whirling in honey
I am dancing through the worlds
entangled by your curls
technology, commerce and religion
labor, agriculture and entertainment
what a way to grow and learn
our hearts are bigger than our homes
sweet waters and violet thrones
our shadows taller than our souls
have you heard the echoes
of owls in the forests
the queen of the jungle
her eyelids are painted black
swollen in their act
of becoming images
forever bitten by candy striped gardenias
soldering irons are hotter than the sun
your darkness is something to outrun
keep chasing images and you’ll go blind
the time is now to rest and unwind
green trees bring traveling companions
to their knees
i believe in my soul
i follow my impulse
a tragedy of enlightenment
shadows of retirement
infinite abyss
harboring the mystic
out of time and space
i run from mind and place
look behind you
are you aware of reality
the tiny details
the cracks in the pavement
bearing fruit
can you see the way
the earth was constructed by language
bringer of humanity's knowledge
your presence caresses me like a feather
i am tingling all over
your presence caresses me like a feather
i desire to come closer to your body
take me inside you like the fire
i smile when i think of you
the way you lay beside me
and curl your body like a tiger
and purr with your whole being
i am a slave to thy nectar
the theater of life is chasing us
respectfully keeping pace with our elders
asparagus racemosus also known as shatavari
combined with ashwagandha
this good medicine is elderberry
sweet and pungent for your blood
moist and unctuous to the touch
i will hold on to your hair
pour butter through you bare toes
strain your heart with melodies
eternally naked
i swear by your shadow
Jul 2017 · 124
String theory
rivers spill into oceans take their soul with them and shine like diamonds
sign language and shadows reflecting strange arrows now is moonlight higher than the treetops i am dreaming of freeing you from demeaning glances and delivering deals sealed with kisses respect and madness return to sadness give your gladness forever in spiral serpents serving statistics situated between mistakes and self effacement
Jul 2017 · 292
Eyebrows of the dawn
dormancy of the dakini
lingers on my fingertips
sing for me in the afternoon mist
i insist on letting you know that i love you
will you join me on the simple path
a stash of herbs in your pocket
a sarong around your waist
i sense you have great taste like an empress
who can smell the best spices from a thousand yards away
the flowering dancers in your court
the fruit that falls on your doorstep
i inspect it for signs of bruising
yet you are choosing it all
the round and the tall
along the course of a lifetime
the path will bend like the curves of your spine
but in your smile i find my arrows
i long for your hurt
to take it away
and sit beside your flaming heart
it tears me apart
this permission is a curse
this persimmon is about to burst with ripeness
a damp spot between your lips
i lick the slit that opens
a smile is all that i insist upon
a lock of love from the dragon's tongue
a shower for your song
how much for all of these images
large, small or stolen
and styled on the young
eyebrows of the dawn
Jul 2017 · 272
Sparrows speak
sparrows speak in tired streaks of color
gardens blossom on windy cheeks in summer
is this juicy wisteria or just a loquacious vulture
harsh words spoken in defense of culture
keep your soft hands steadily upon my temples
sneak a peek at the hoary eyed tempest
slowly weave another’s mind into your own
breathe in the dreams that you once disowned
Jul 2017 · 222
I want to explore the subterranean core
beneath the dirt and worms 
trampled upon each day by twelve billion feet
I feel there is a pulsing, pounding, thumping, pumping
heart beating, soul meeting happening 
right now in an underground street
in an ancient city where wisdom is wholly received
and eyes are internally illuminated 
by a terrestrial heat complete with a circle of fire
eleven feet or higher that warms the coals that sparkle
in the soles of diamond encrusted shoes

under my toes and your very own nose 
the ancient master’s conspire 
to turn the earth into a living pyre 
and to ignite the spices 
that good taste prevents from being retired 
to create a future in which forests, jungles and grasses 
rivers and valleys, both blue and green 
will no longer become extinct 
due to the purposeless and systematic decline 
of the traditional continuity of nature divine

in hopes that we the indigenous souls and minds
who are everywhere and in everyone eternally entwined
within this breathtaking space
receive more than what we gave
to once again find our rightful place 
on the rapidly fading face of an earth based composition 

may all naturally embrace the sacred flame 
which has a secret and ineffable name 
that is to be repeatedly sung for seven days 
while dancing ecstatically around the one sun 
may we perceive as our ancestors believed 
that to truly meet the one you love
you must first greet and make complete
the one above, below and within you 
Aho Mitake Oyasin!
Jul 2017 · 189
amorous and introspective
when we eventually pull the knots
broken and drunken
drive-throughs and bowling alleys
round as the sky and concave like the ocean
shields of steel and furnaces blazing
i gripped the toilet bowl
the day of learning has departed
in selective algorithms
it ruins all i know
Jul 2017 · 151
wild and necessary
in the wake of beatitude
the dalliance of a lover scorned
your thorns and your thimbles
all are wild and necessary
in the meantime i run and dance
upon the headless waters
jolts of electricity in feverish spurts
hit the earth and spray our shirts with blood
splattered like honey comb
a smorgasbord of tragedy and unclean similarities
your self-same regulars
threatening daily to outdo you
Jul 2017 · 1.7k
what about the honey?
i miss your body
and the way it graced the floor
hours spent rolling on wooden boards
tumbling and twirling
you were like a tiger
and we were all your admirers
loneliness is pleasant after quite awhile
and all of our shallow longings
are never quite fulfilled
rude men and women
rub you the wrong way
so come over darling
and i’ll teach you how to play
fair and square like the government
ha what a joke
our hands are bound to politics
but corruption is the rope

shreds of wisdom cast before the fire
our accents thick as honey
what else can we burn
someone asked
and you replied
what about the money
Jul 2017 · 125
similar differences
why do we pontificate to the point of no return
if language is a bridge than i wish to toss you over the railing
and what if i did
would you despise me or be grateful
are we certain that we are angels
or perhaps we came about by accident
our opposable articulations mere artifacts of evolution
and would you be opposed to me
knowing your other names
forever shaming each other
for the ways that we are the same

same language
same bodies
same insecurities
same feelings
same meanings
Jul 2017 · 429
open minds and hearts
yes I speak with angels frequently and please know they laugh a lot
here are their suggestions if you wish to pay them any mind (or heart)
keep thy name as close as bone and let nothing make you part
until the ages shift and spirit breathes its song of peace
into the rifts that caused the continents to drift and tore the world apart
all become audible riffs, licks and beats that inspire the dancers in our heart
to merge each rhythmic breath and heartbeat discreetly
into random crowds of people
carrying the message in one embodied breath after another
that all human beings are indeed created equal
Jul 2017 · 3.5k
Aquarius new moon
beauty is born
torn and tired
tirelessly turning 
into itself
she unfurls 
her long and shapely legs 
like a chain of
tibetan prayer-flags
waving to the Sun
immediately she begins 
to stage the play
that penetrates the heart 
with strong arms
and a silken mane 
the color of sea-spray 
her neck is the foam filled ocean 
and her ******* 
are coral reefs that protect
the polyps that cluster 
in her unfathomable depths 

modern day education
is beyond biased 
and most definitely broken
impermanent knots 
are haphazardly tied
to bind the minds
of dancing children
short-term memory
instigates a fleeting vision
some call it autism 
others prefer anarchy
a fear of growth 
or is it really indecision
that when you can no longer respond 
to life's most pertinent questions
with anything other 
than no thank you
eventually every syllable uttered 
becomes the stuttered sound 
of overly clichéd ambivalence
that frequently masks 
itself as wisdom

despite our higher self's 
best wishes
such limitless awareness
our very own bodhichitta
slowly becomes 
an interminable trickster
also known as Ego 
which incessantly repeats

phrases like 
i’ve earned these blessings
i've learned these lessons
aeons ago
therefore it is best to
meditate and inspect one's thoughts
on a daily basis
before all these shadows 
have a chance to grow and become
funeral wreaths
still the ego says
oh what fun it is to look at
the shimmering shawls strewn 
haphazardly like wedding veils
upon our watery souls
as if you and I were a couple of
Jackson ******* paintings

to heat the flame
inside the
space of your soul
you cannot
deny your heart
the swamps, vines, rocks and peaks
it seeks for eternity
the ancient trees drink light
and breathe out the heaviness
of splintered sight 
into the ephemeral night
divine breath
is calling you home
sounding trumpet flowers

gathering falling branches
and transforming sticks of palo santo
into star-studded candles
which permanently leave 
their ashen and iridescent marks 
like tattooed scars
upon the painted face of the sky

while angels fly
with flaming bundles of hair
weaving silent smoke signals
rising up from warm coals
the spiraling eyes of the spirits 
are alight with the embers of love
which impress their radiant etchings 
upon the daguerreotype of darkness' 
burning eyeballs

faceless in the heat
grief is asleep and dreaming
of justice
a curse on those 
who evade their emptiness
in culturally appropriated places

regret like a fugitive 
such frustration that i wept
for the lack of fruitfulness 
******* the chords of love
slowly and gently she strums
her weeping guitar 
as if arrows and yarn
were woven into her arms
like baby blankets and bundles of cotton
naked and forlorn 
her hair worn short
still she swore that she could not rest
until all had sweat their prayers
through hollow caverns and windy staircases
her vision forever strengthened
by a ceaseless determination

balancing multiple lovers
is never an ideal situation
hearts broken and freedom falling
toppling down from heaven’s peak 
into these dusty old basements
just as we suspected
everything is resurrected
to time’s smiling amazement
both old ones and new ones
are reflections of truth
juniper sours
and blooming flowers 
of golden waterlilies 
poppies and sprigs of amaranth
jaundiced and porous
loquacious are the stages 
that we must pass through 
on our way to becoming 
dew drops and frozen apples

remediating all this concrete nonsense 
would be to our immediate economic advantage
these tragic promissory notes 
where landed lords of wealth 
have repeatedly replicated themselves 
upon trillions of meaningless pieces of paper
their stoically printed faces 
should not be readily trusted
nor traded or exchanged
for life's necessities
they are not only useless but truly 
as they often claim
that they are only passing through
yet as each new day dawns
they are forever inclined 
to once again dine with you anew

bold in flesh and sinuous
only a moment before
the Sun shall bloom and whisper
with sleepy eyes
into yarrow flavored water
the secret of not knowing
the ancient face
of grandmother Moon speaks
through alabaster teeth
so intent on biting through sheets of
dawn’s iridescent sky
that the sounds of her words
are instantly drowned out 
by her tears
yet if you listen 
really closely like an owl
to the chorus of the night
you can clearly 
hear the forest echo

i love you
Jul 2017 · 181
The butter thief
you are the fruit of the sky
you bring me to bliss
i am a wanderer on your fertile plains
soak me in your sunlight
bathe me in your splendor
i surrender everything

the butter thief plays his flute in my heart
i sing his praises
all sound comes from silence
in the divide between mind and space
all our desires shake and tremble

blinded by love
goddess knows the hours of absence
are the tenderest among men and women
hours and days pass in the swiftest fashion
how about we lay beside the river and watch time drift away
the spray of the waves catches fire
i am consumed in sparkling destruction

devious and deceitful
longing for your flesh
this lust is luminous as the dawns
cows trickle out from the heavens
like thunder i am swept away by your words
selves are silent
swords are blinding
gardens of perfumed flowers
jasmine and patchouli
crash like the ****** of cattle

move out from your caves
gallop away into the dark night of borrowed vision
move away from your homes
and dance circles in the forest
i am breathing
i am seeing
i am sweetly drowning
in soma
Jul 2017 · 169
Overhead lightning
the bottoms of the stars are roofs
roots, candles, ceilings
sit upon the earth
blankets covering the dirt
trees: treat them like family
your cheeks i kiss them
my tongue lingers in ecstasy
(teeth bite flesh rip skin)

songs caress your neck
sweat, oh sweat, holy sweat, tender sweat
the scent of holy basil
pouring from her highness
drops of sweat, beads of sweat
sweeten my tongue with vengeance
like a fire i long for water
fresh and salty, a million times
you come back for more

you had my heart and tore it
out; dragged it across
the stars, down the stairs, through
the maddening streets, into
the graveyards, forgotten at your feet
never plundering, oh please
your peaceful gardens: haha
i laugh at these; your best is the worst
i could've ever asked for

may your formless curves continue
to sail smoothly upon waters and seas
calm and rough, choppy and chocolate
river dolphins immediately come ashore
and talk and walk among us, as they did
before, a long time ago, prior to the fall
when we were, supposedly, all in this together
say my name
go on and say it
its the password
that unlocks
our hidden history
i am willing to tell it to you
if you’ll listen...

the vision you see is false
all that is real is what you feel
all this love
this ocean of dreams
seems miraculous
but you are a miracle more beautiful
than all the fields
blossoming in the spring
rising up from their trances
the earth dances
in spasms
in wall-casts
in masks
i speak to you
of beauty and suffering
the love we bear is unfathomable
a sapling sprouts from our shouting matches
so stash away your secret treasure
let others go like loose feathers
wings of the bird who resembles serpents
winged flowers
stirred with our fingers
and licked copiously clean
cleanliness is your virtue
vultures lick your bones clean
of this sad excuse for culture

your metaphysical sorrows are a bore
but your **** shoulders i certainly do adore
so much space i can taste it
and so much love i won’t waste it
for those who are wondering
the cremation grounds and their metaphors
are the tantric dance-floors of eternity
where the divine goes to boogie

have i told you lately that i love you
well i do
so go out and make love to the universe
make love and ***** the galaxies
until the milky way squirts amrita
across the multiverse
and all you hear are squeals and giggles
coming from shooting stars and nebulas
sri ram jai ram jai jai ram
i am that you are
so hung
all day long we run
for nothing
chasing nowhere
when you come back home i am waiting
awake and breathing
grateful to have learned your secret
and repeated your stories to the dawn
i am sworn to the opposite of secrecy
and will shout your glory across the heavens
Jun 2017 · 194
if she lets you in...
sorghum and rice
our estranged virtues
somnambulant in their servitude
colors dance on painted wood
like housewives on their furniture
i smell flowers
gardenias and cloves
so why do we have so many noses
when there are plenty of roses
in our souls and in our shadows
what predicaments
do we find ourselves a part of
its the start of a new day
of a new life
all is alive
coffee is on the stove
and someone is watering their plants
i am glad to be here
drinking lemon water at the window
guitars to my right and left
and books on the floor
show me your blood
i’ll show you my hands
feel them on top of you
so much energy
and so many strangers
our fingers separated from our arms
charming and compassionate
the alligator is a man of action
and he sees right through your *******
so sit down blonde girl
and have a beer
sit over here where its warm and clear
there is a fan above you
and a dog under the table
and you can pet him if you’re able to
Jun 2017 · 533
call me from the moon
i remind you of the beauty that never turns
it sits and drifts from place to place
but its gone before too long
hundreds of sparrows nest
inside the shadows you kept secret
your eyes were the wells i dove naked into
through pools of empty mystery
undulating divers
swam for a moment
upon the backs of your hand
long slender fingers
lifted the roots of whimsical stranglers
i choose support over form
your strong tone of voice called me from the moon
hold me to your question and press me in your room
undercover berry-keepers hidden in a sack
our threadbare beauty is already where its at
limitless trading so we set up a deal
make all our engagements equal
and we will feel how lucky we are
to know the only one that's real
distant and sweet like cotton candy
i once held her in my pipe
but the barrel split
before i could inhale her scent
and become immortal as the rags
long before time was kept
she vanished from our charms
to dwell inside a noosphere
in the shell of a street urchin
or underneath a rock
we hide our clothes without passion
for our brother's many lovers
to expose their unique throes
i ultimately agree with your idea
the notion of our brokenness
is coming nearer and nearer
i cheer your flame
i steer my ship upon your spray
in the wake of beatitude
the dalliance of a lover scorned
your thorns and your thimbles
all are wild and necessary
in the meantime i run and dance
upon the headless waters
jolts of electricity in feverish spurts
hit the earth and spray our shirts with blood
splattered like honey comb
a smorgasbord of tragedy and unclean similarities
your self-same regulars
threatening daily to outdo you
Jun 2017 · 341
longing, desire, f@#!
green as eyes
drinking from emerald caves
the color of rusted gems are dancing in your face
i keep getting distracted by the longing in your voice
poetry keeps me hungry
poetry wakes me up
forever trusting my intuition
i seek heavy water for keeping our daughters safe
i serve muscles and nerves in a stew
the returning few are worthy of bone broth
your strength is several miles high
your fame is conveniently shy
i am arguably thine
reflect and revive
however you strive
i support you
all is said and done
now get dressed by the fire
go forth in glory and don’t forget to inspire
in between sensations
there is a pause all for you
how your hair smells
and what are you waiting for
your breath is commingling with the ocean
forever immersed in the moistness of the dawn
i am shirtless and perspiring
juicy mountains determine
our fall from heaven's grace
a gladness that i chased you
for once you were bitten
i could never be happy without you by my side
retrieve the dimples from my cheeks
dress the dog in cotton tunics
release the poison of the world
and dance with me in forgotten fields of lavender
the secrets are no longer kept
what was spoken in neglect is now there forever
i hear that one is only a disguise for another
Jun 2017 · 228
requiem for a queen
so many languages
we never speak directly
and wonder what the other is talking about
so are the times when a fool's love is best
so are the days when everyone
stays awake at night
and wonders if others are doing the same
keepers of beauty
the flame of longing
your colors are shadows removed from the night
your stern fingers long as the wind
give me a second chance
and i’ll come undo your blouse
sourced from the alps
a pure slice of heaven
thats my only requiem
relate to the ones you are forgetting
for to love them is to master the above
remove the haunted curses from the music
and listen to the soothing sounds
she makes just for you
Jun 2017 · 301
to work is our labor
she repeats their songs silently to herself
her daughters are never alone
moments are grown in tiny islands
robes of feathers and fire sweaters
woven on the loom of time
i am behind though the front is fine with me
your child is flesh yet a luminous blessing
through which god comes inside you
and throws your life for a ride
your dungeons need sweeping
so clean out your chimneys
and make space for the goddess
in each of your ceremonies
no longer asleep at the wheel
i heal through work and labor
upon the earth and on paper
in the garden our friends wept
for their frightened selectivity
we can no longer exclude
the rude parts of our self
May 2017 · 376
alabama vacancy
from synapse to synapse
a synergy of solipsism
the solution to the illusion
is within our inebriated hearts
its ******* traction
in the static electricity
we dance with
alabama vacancy
sages melt honey
on their tongues
and sing songs of wisdom
long hours in meditation
lead to tired bodies
this repetition is our daily duty
or else we'll fall apart
Apollonian vs Dionysian virtues
imperfect forms storm the acropolis
in temple halls the dreamers wept
for the old gods to bend
their icy paws once again
saws cut through the logos
in lieu of cedarwood we got cement
now only short stints of sunlight
descend from the heavens
and the gods pretend not to notice them
but i'd like to take you on a trip
through my thoughts
and around my mind
between my skin and my spine
and define words and feelings
archetypes, images and concepts
that have barely begun to surface
to the light i rise again
beyond sighs and fears we fight
for our right to awaken them
May 2017 · 602
the blame game
blame it on the last generation
blame it on the elderly
blame it on drugs or medicine
or on some imagined divinity
blame it on spirits
or blame it on corpses
blame it on anyone
you can ever hope to imagine
blame is the way we feel powerful
we sold them our blood
in order to feel magical
strategies awaken
the ones who are enlightened
are often the most ashamed to admit it
whats the sake of dying
if you haven’t felt ecstatic
i am blindly living
high as a rat on acid
sad and fantastically gorgeous
sordid and morbid
fornicating with dead dust
and rusted retrospectives
self-selected gardenias
dance in diamond studded patterns
rings of saturn and blue veins drift
from synapse to synapse
a synergy of solipsism
the solution to the illusion is within our
its ******* traction in the static electricity we dance with
May 2017 · 278
Porcelain people
she shone through our eyes
into the diamond sky
a light both subtle and quiet
yet bright as the full moon
at the dead of night
in vestibules of the mind
we keep our sights trained on the prizes
and often miss the surprises life has in store for us
bus rides through south american streets
alleyways and the insufferable heat
meet the other travelers in the space between
dirt and music
shirtless toothless
and ruthless
we alight
our insides
i am coming home
to my throne
i stole these words from moaning prophets
left with nothing but their bones
May 2017 · 334
Stationary sages
we never moved a thing
our souls have no special priority
situated upon this pile of bodies
burning along the ghats of the ganges
dream yourself a new destiny
if you are married you are already busy
being bought for a few pennies
or rubies
have we tortured ourselves enough
what else can we find fault with
simple distortions are our contortionist tendencies
alabama vacancy
sages melt honey
on their tongues and sing songs of wisdom
long hours lead to tired bodies
repetition is our duty
May 2017 · 300
the first cup of steamy coffee
sipped slowly with delight
i am beauty’s after-thought
hardly worth the sight
seven levels to our gardens
seven flights we climb
seven in the morning
and seven more at night
May 2017 · 2.4k
432 htz
feet fade into feathers
streets are named after leather
longing for loops of string
ringtones that dream in desert timing
first rhymes then rhythms
decency gone blind
so we must find our light inside
held in bed against our will
vintage bells dressed in music
goose feathers used for pillows
the west-winds find his lips
respect turns to trust
and kisses your bones
in bird language i speak
tones of glowing stones
roses freeze the afterglow of darkness
dressed in moans and loaning
their hands to anyone that passes
May 2017 · 198
Stars in your eyes
i love singing and playing guitar
every day for an hour or two
i meditate and release my heart
in the rhythm of our future
the past is never far behind
and i am positive we will be just fine
as music soothes savages
it also refines our minds
and gives us our carriages
so that we can fly
i am forever grateful
to that universal architect
who so capably designed
all of space and time
in which we truly do abide
and whose daily blueprints
are engraven in the inky darkness
betwixt and between the very likeness
of a galaxy of stars in your eyes
May 2017 · 277
Love potion
i slide honey into your coffee
and slip sugar into your tea
a little taste of cinnamon
and in ecstasy you and i will be
this love potion is ancient
as rare and old as time
i’ve kept it close to me for centuries
and by now i'm pretty sure it's working
once we were human
in each other's arms
we were shown mysteries
we could hardly fathom
and we held them to our hearts
now we’ve lost the music
and sold our souls to the stars
what ever happened to the thunder
and the calling of the true
in static water
i saw my own reflection
in moving shining waters
i learned about the essence

sentence me to this willow tree
and i’ll be bound for silence
swallowing the marrow
you neglected all the violence
sister of the wilderness
sister of the sea
respect the aging waterlily
and tie your hands to me

come now what are we doing
forever running around in circles
i am choking upon these words
its not their fault
wisdom is stolen
and made to fit in a box
our hands are like flowers
eaten by a fox
we cut off our clothes
to make room for the world
and disguised our souls in nothing
feelings suspended we rear-ended the world
stood upon bridges waving at girls
shreds of starlight
reflect the falling carriages
sadness and birth are beyond our marriages
same story told throughout the eons
our personal feelings are diluted in the sea
just as we could no longer hold on
our shadows found the ground
and we floated down to safety
May 2017 · 228
Drown in your belly
weapons of resurrection
dance before my eyes,
is it your love that makes me so high?
i am smitten by your smile,
in love with your laughter and your inner child,
god bless this tempest.
is this all we have left,
of the tins of provisions
we were saving for our supper?
what has become of our anticipation?
do we wait or rush hastily towards the other?
what is spoken is merely pretense,
what is left unsaid is absent forever
so sell me the butter,
that you whipped fresh this morning,
into sheets of heavenly froth .
i am smelling all this wonder,
and am so hungry for your touch.
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