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AmIEnough Feb 2020
The bass of my neighbor’s music
Pounds in the floorboards
Reverberates in the walls
And pulses through my bare feet

I lose myself in it
In the sounds
That sounds like an irregular heartbeat

And I think about what makes
My heartbeat sound like that

And I smile

AmIEnough Jan 2020
This emptiness inside of me
I don’t know why it’s there
It coils and strikes
Hisses and bites
And then leaves me bare

There is something missing
And I don’t know what it is
There is a hole to fill
And I don’t know what to fill it with

Drown me in drink
Dissolve me with drugs
Make it so I cannot think
Cannot think of the sun
Fighting through the clouds
Cannot think of the sun
Up up above
AmIEnough Jan 2020
My loneliness is in my bed
Teasing me
Almost becoming a body
But remaining a cold
In my bed

I feel it lie against me
In a mockery of a man
It will not let me be
It hurts me because it can

My loneliness reminds me
Of everything I can not be
Of everything I’m not
And the things I’ll never see

Like an arm across my shoulder
With the hand entwined in mine
The arm and hand’s owner behind me
Solid and warm and mine

My loneliness is in my bed
Making me lose my mind
My loneliness is in my bed
But at least my loneliness is mine
AmIEnough Jan 2020
Where oh where
The cat inside me howls
Where is my mate?
He whose growls
Slither up my spine
Taking their time
Enfold me, unwind me
Control me, bind me
To him

Where has he gone?
It hasn’t been long
But where did he go?
I don’t know, I don’t know

Where is my other half?
He who makes me smile
He who makes me laugh
He who makes me wild
Where is my other half?
AmIEnough Jan 2020
They say the eyes are the
windows to the soul
If that is true
what will mine tell you
that they have not already told?
AmIEnough Jan 2020
O Captain! My Space Captain
Our food is all out
The men have nothing to do;
They are running all about.

O Captain! My Space Captain
The pet hamster go into the fuel
He died and decomposition made it like gruel.

O Captain! My Space Captain
We surely will starve!
All we had left was ravioli
But Cadet Capioli has ate it all!

O Captain! My Space Captain
Our end is drawing near
Never again will I see my friends
Or anything else I hold dear.

O Captain! My Space Captain
Why aren’t you responding?
I tell you we soon will be dead
But you sit in your chair pondering!

O Captain! My Space Captain
I fear that you are already dead
Well I shall walk to my death
Like a man, not bowed down with dread

O Captain! My Space Captain
It has been an honor to serve
A man of your ability and nerve
Farewell my once temporary now permanent home!
Never again will I look at the stars
And see where I wish to roam.

O Captain! My Space Captain
I am too young! What cruel twist of fate
Leaves me dead and floating in space
Never again to do anything I love!

O Captain! My Space Captain
We are about to crash into a star
Goodbye living! Goodbye life!
Goodbye children! Goodbye wife!

O Captain! My Space Captain…

This was from a writing prompt for a poem including the words "ravioli", "hamster" and "spaceship" and that made my teacher laugh and cry. I hope you get a laugh and some teary eyes as well.
AmIEnough Jan 2020
I put my hand up against your chest
And feel the corresponding beat in mine
This is the rhythm of my life
Slow and steady
I am breathing you
Then it is wild
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