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galaxys archive Nov 2021
I sit unmoving
in a virtual world
fixing my eyes on a crack in the mortar
I disappear and float away

come with me
walk down the halls of my elementary school
running my fingers across the lockers
hands not mine

time to go

consciousness fades to the background
as autopilot kicks in
legs move as if wound up
like a toy car

I'm alive
but existing far away
rather asleep
trapped inside
the prison of her skull

where is my mind?
a tale of dissociation
notable mention and inspiration: where is my mind by pixies <3
galaxys archive Oct 2021
I wish in society I knew my place,
I am just a paradox of time and space.
galaxys archive Oct 2021
the wind whispers and runs its fingers through her hair
a melody in her ears, the salt in her tears
the darkness in her heart beware
galaxys archive Oct 2021
fix me
can you try?
give me a quiet brain
&when I fall off the wall
will you put me together again?
fix       fix            

put me back together again.
whatever this is  :)
galaxys archive Oct 2021
a sharp familiar ache
my heart may actually break
thought it was back pain
but all along it was my brain
this feeling
it’s somewhere inside
it’s too late to hide
from the stress
of being alive
descriptive of the chest pain I’ve been experiencing due to stress & sensory overload that I thought was in my back… turns out a massage can’t heal this one.
galaxys archive Sep 2021
I am who I’ve always been, the scales have just fallen from my eyes
I’m no longer deceived by you and your lies
galaxys archive Sep 2021
deep green forest lit by the faraway sun
leaves crunch under his step, echoing the blast of a gun
her dirtyblonde hair tainted crimson red
some things are better left unsaid
they say fetch the profiler whose sanity is challenged
maybe he’ll notice the parts that were salvaged
look at the ritual, the signature, the crime
what is the significance, what is my design?
remove my glasses, step into his mind
sometimes I wish I had been born blind
analyze the evidence, make the connections
step out of the box that controls your projections
there is no one disorder to explain
the things that go on inside of my brain
From the perspective of will graham <3
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